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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 458
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Letting out a bestial roar Gulli charged towards a certain direction in the camp as the people who were in his ways were either slashed in half or had their bones broken when his shield slammed into them.

With nothing blocking their way the Luminous Kingdom group easily entered the camp as skills, spells and techniques started raining down everywhere.

All the necromancers were already shaken when Gulli easily managed to destroy their defence and entered the camp so their attacks were a bit weaker than before some even quickly tried to flee.

It was utter chaos while the necromancers were afraid all the members of the Luminous Kingdom were full of killing intent so opposite from the necromancers the soldiers’ attacks were enhanced.

They mowed down the entire base camp not letting any of the necromancers escape but suddenly when everything calms down they felt strange that they had not seen Gulli anywhere.

Suddenly laughter was heard it was clearly someone who was having fun.

Along with the laughter were sounds of explosion as the explosion occured the entire surrounding started shaking.


Roar! A deep and loud roar was heard as a giant skeleton was seen standing.

The Luminous Kingdom group was startled but they quickly went into formation as they aimed their weapons towards the giant skeleton undead.

But another startling scene appeared in their eyes as the huge skeleton undead the height of 3 storey building was actually being lifted by it’s arm and was slammed.

Suddenly the already gloomy sky started to become much more gloomier as yin wind started to appear.

Roar! A domineering dragon roar was heard as a burst of powerful aura was felt in front of them.

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Without doubt they realized that Gulli was actually fighting some powerful opponent and was still fighting them right now.

The location where Gulli is right now if meters apart from the base camp he had chase 3 individuals towards this location.

These three individuals were all Pseudo Crimson Gold Rank but their teamwork and combination causes them to be much more stronger than a full fledge Crimson Gold Rank individual.

The example was the giant skeleton undead that Gulli just destroyed it should just have been a Giant Iron Skeleton but after the three work together and summon the creature they managed to summon Gigantous Silver Skeleton an undead with a Crimson Gold Rank level.

Gulli might have a hard time fighting such being in his human form but too bad for these three even though he wasn’t as physically powerful as his original form he could still use his skills without a problem.

He had summoned his two dragon heads as they immediately bit the Gigantous Silver Skeleton and started crunching it’s bones.

He on the other hand kept on slashing as the three individuals clearly couldn’t summon another Crimson Gold Rank undead since they were already having a problem controlling the undead he was fighting.

The three necromancers looks at each other before started chanting they don’t need to control the Gigantous Silver Skeleton knowing that it was already in the state of being destroyed.

Gulli immediately noticed this and willed one of his dragon head to try and bite one of the necromancers.

One of the necromancers took out a shield made out of entirely of bones with a huge skull on the middle.

As he threw it towards the incoming dragon head the skull opens its mouth as green yin flames flickered in it’s eye socket.

As the bone shield increased in size and started emitting a unique type of aura that causes people to be attracted towards it Gulli’s dragon head let’s out a dragon roar before crushing the skull with just one bite.

This scene caused the necromancer to tremble in fear as he quickly take out a bag and opens it.

Numerous undeads of varying species started coming out as they swarmed towards the dragon head and Gulli.

Gulli opens his mouth as a powerful aura started emitting out of his body and into his mouth.

[Dragon Breath]

A full fledge attack from a demon and dragon offspring and the said offspring is someone who is nearing towards the pseudo Transcendent.

With just one attack all the undeads swarming towards Gulli was burned into nothingness.

The necromancer that had released the undead horde was also burnt into nothingness as the two necromancers who were busy chanting finished their chant way too late.

When the undead they have summoned finally came out the two immediately does without hesitation knowing that they are clearly not a match against Gulli.

Gulli let’s out an angry roar seeing his enemies running away without hesitation he reverted back to his original form as a tyrannical aura started spreading throughout the surrounding.

The people of the Luminous Kingdom who was on standby in the former base camp of the Necromancer Association also felt the tyrannical aura.

They felt incredibly helpless as if they had to kneel in front of the individual who was emitting such aura.

Queen Luminous on the other hand looks extremely solemn but unlike his subordinates she doesn’t have the feeling of kneeling since she walk on the path of the rulers and her father have also an aura that causes people to have a feeling of kneeling in front of him.

The only difference his aura is full of King’s aura a presence of a ruler on the other hand the tyrannical aura has the presence of strength.

Thankfully she knew who’s aura it is since she is quite sensitive towards aura of others she had been shaken when she had arrived at the Thousand Race Kingdom.

She also felt that the rumors about the Thousand Race Kingdom are a bit exaggerated but she had finally realised that the rumors aren’t exaggerated one bit.

In fact when she finally met Shadowslash’s family members she had thought that the rumors aren’t all correct the prowess of Shadowslash’s family is much more terrifying than those rumors.

What causes her to feel chill is that the fact that she couldn’t feel anything towards Shadowslash nothing at all in fact if he did not speak and only stand besides her she wouldn’t be able to notice him.

Her incredible sense of feeling is actually quite useless to Shadowslash her senses even works towards her father and other powerful individuals but towards Shadowslash its quite useless.

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Now that she was feeling the full brunt of Gulli’s tyrannical aura she was having a hard time calming down.

Not only the aura is extremely tyrannical it was also vicious and full of killing intent and not ordinary killing intent it’s a killing intent that have bathe in the blood of more than ten thousand beings.

To survive in the Demon World one had to wash their hands with blood and considering Gulli’s former stupidity he would kill anything that had encountered him.

Not to mention when he was subdued by the demon lord and was used as a weapon his hands were already drenched with the blood of countless demons.

Back in Gulli he was now in his original form as he raised his thick legs and stomps the head of the Gigantous Silver Skeleton crushing it to bits.

The other undead that looks like an extremely grotesque octopus monster with a human body but have tentacles on its face and legs was also killed with just one slash.

[Abyssal Dragon Slash]

It was this skill that splits the grotesque looking octopus.

Gulli then slaps his wings and chased after the fleeing two necromancers his speed is quite fast but suddenly he stops as he noticed that the two necromancers actually split up.

With a snort a small black hole appeared in his chest a monster that has a demon horn came out of the black hole.

The creature looks like a vulture Gulli then released it as it rapidly disappears in his view he had ordered it to chase after one of the necromancers while he went after the other one.

The demonic vulture might be only of Silver Rank but it’s speed is comparable to any High Level Gold Rank flying monsters too bad its fighting power is much weaker than average Silver Rank monster at the same level as it.

It acts like an ultimate scavenger and the only reason it was able to fly this fast is because it spends all of its potential in fleeing.

After a minute passes Gulli managed to chase after one of the necromancer as the necromancer saw Gulli his expression became one of despair.

Gulli then spreads his hand as he crushed the necromancer into a bloody bits with one grip after that he breathed out flames as he burned the necromancer soul and body.

He actually wanted to eat the necromancer but it was too foul for him as he decided to clean his hand after having the necromancer’s bloody bits scattered around it.

He then let’s out a vicious smiled one of that a predator make when it knew it’s prey wouldn’t escape it’s grasp.