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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 464
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The old men in the room were still shivering but the oldest among them that looks like a mummified human started speaking “No the reason why we have woke you up is because we had encountered a problem”

Hearing this the pressure inside the room intensified the handsome flawless skin man became angry as he bellowed “Worthless!”

But the old man in the front immediately started speaking once again before the flawless skinned man lash out “Lord it’s not that we are useless but we are fighting a being the same realm as you”

When that sentence was said the pressure disappears as the flawless skinned man look shocked.

He then just sat there in silence as he was still recovering from his shock.

His level is something that is considered a god in this continent he had been staying in this continent for a long time already and only acted recently as he took down the ancestor of the Necromancer Association finally taking them over.

His level the Transcendent Realm is impossible to reach in this continent as the situation and the environment prevent one to be able to do so.


He then shouted “Impossible! The Transcendent Realm is something that isn’t possible to reach in this backwater of a continent”

The old man who had spoken earlier explained “We thought so too but a person named Shadowslash managed to be achieve the status of a Transcendent”

“He now have the title ‘The Strongest Being’ in this continent not to mention that he is the reason we have awoken the lord up”

“If it isn’t so we would never dare to wake lord up”

Hearing this the flawless skinned man nodded as he knew these group of old men would never dare to go against him as he had already demonstrated his prowess when he took over this association.

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Hearing that other than him there were other Transcendents in this low level continent both confused and intrigued him.

From what he knew people of the Transcendent Realm were suppressed by this continent and would never able to go all out.

He had the Necromancer Association do something to change this fact that is to open a path from the Undead World and this continent.

He didn’t know why but this continent could easily access other realms, dimensions and world which is something that even high level continent isn’t able to easily do.

That is why he had decided to stay in this continent as long as the suppression disappears he would be able to rule this entire continent.

The project of creating a connection from this continent to the Undead World is still going underway this was also the reason why they had attacked the Luminous Kingdom.

It is to take the ancient teleportation array that the kingdom have found it’s just that after obtaining the array they couldn’t understand one bit of it.

Even the flawless skinned man did not manage to find any clues regarding about this array but he still had a couple of ideas how to use this array for his benefit.

He would sacrifice this teleportation array to connect the two worlds together creating a powerful pathway that is able to support undead beings of the Transcendent Realm to enter this continent.

The flawless skinned man started smiling he then look at the couple of shivering old man in front of him and spoke “Tell your subordinates to be careful since like me the opponent is a Transcendent he couldn’t really move that much in this continent”

“So all of you do not need to worry him acting that much but for safety I will send many of my slaves around the important bases we have in this continent”

Hearing this these group of old men became ecstatic as they all praised the flawless skinned man and bowed to him once more before leaving.

Once they were gone the flawless skinned man took out a book and smiled this book is his ticket in becoming one of this world strongest being.

It is also the reason why he wanted to open a portal to connect this continent to the Undead World.

This book is able to control undeads in a degree that would scare the higher undead beings inside the Undead World.

If he did not have this book he would definitely be worried that the undeads that would cross over to this continent wouldn’t follow his orders.

While the flawless skinned man was looking at the book in his hand in admiration Shadowslash and his crew was now nearing the location of the Elf Kingdom.

But if he ever saw the book that was on the flawless skinned man’s hand he would definitely be shocked.

It is the very similar to the book he had found when he was back on Archinviel Dukedom the Death Book that nearly sealed him.

If it weren’t for Sans he would been a goner that book was still being scanned by Hentai trying to find what it’s mysteries are.

After 3 days Gulli was now out of his personal secret realm he look like a changed man the three girls on the other hand stayed on the treatment room.

Gulli have ravaged them throughout these 3 whole days without even resting so that they wouldn’t feel any hunger he feed them his blood strengthening their physique but even with all the improvement their body couldn’t take on his assault.

They were completely broken its like they were ravaged by the orcs now they are inside of the treatment room and was being treated by Herish and Leafinia.

Their mind was completely in a mess as pleasure have been assaulting their brains continuously in these three days.

Because they were fed by Gulli’s blood and their body have obtained his essence they actually became half demonic dragon and half human.

They now have tiny little horns in their heads while they also have developed small wings and tails.

Their strength have soared but their minds were now in broken state which causes a lot of problem to Leafinia and Herish as they were having a hard time having them recover to their former state.

Gulli on the other hand felt guilty about this but he just couldn’t stop himself actually if Red hadn’t stopped him he would have continue to do so for next couple of days.

What he did not know is that Shadowslash was extremely jealous of him.

Back in the ship they had encountered another problem and it was regarding monsters that were attacking their fleet.

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Clwyd and his gangs of water elementals were having a hard time in fending them off but it wasn’t their fault since it is almost everyday that they were being attacked.

It seems that the orcs did not want to make their dead companions to become undeads so they either burned them or dump them to the ocean which causes the monsters living in there to thrive.

Now that Gulli is out Shadowslash had him help Clwyd and the others guard the fleet since he is a dragon he could stay underwater for a long time.

Gulli was now swimming under the fleet as he returned to his original form his huge form is able to shadow over three ships.

His huge Shadow loomed under the ships as any monsters that were in the vicinity started to tremble in fear and dared not to move.

Their voyage became much more smooth sailing as their speed increased in a whole new level.

A week later they finally landed on the soil of the Forgotten Land this is the entrance of the Elf Kingdom where the land causes hallucinations towards those that dared set foot on it.

The Forgotten Land is always barren it was already in this form before the demons and chaos beasts have set foot in this continent.

After passing the Forgotten Land then you still need to pass through another land that is considered one of the forbidden place in this continent.

The Bewildering Forest the whole forest is covered with fog all year round and the monsters living inside are all extremely strange.

Shadowslash smiled when he set foot at the Forgotten Land he thought he could easily breeze through this place when suddenly his expression changed.

He felt something ancient and profound in this land as if something was sealed in this land that causes the land to changed becoming in this present state.

He then spreads his consciousness or spiritual sense around the entire land searching for the thing that is responsible for the ancient and profound feeling.

But as he dives deeper into the land the stronger the strange force that the Forgotten Land become.

The Forgotten Land has its name because of its strange ability to causes people to forget everything to the point he or she would forget who they are.

But the effect isn’t really that strong as long as you stay away from the center of this place.