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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 483
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Shadowslash and the two became close friends as Samantha became extremely dependent on him since he was the one responsible for hunting monsters.

Kurious was also extremely happy since he managed to taste foods from the land most of the thing he ate are kelps and even corals.

His bite power is actually much greater than Samantha but yet he wasn’t the fighter of the two.

With Shadowslash on their side they haven’t encountered any danger as Shadowslash has an extremely wide spiritual sense so if he sensed a powerful being they would immediately detour.

After another month Shadowslash finally see an island and another thing Kurious could now speak in English efficiently not that fluent but at least it was not broken anymore.

Because of Shadowslash’s large appetite the two also benefitted from him they grew in a rapid pace after they managed to eat large amount of food every single day.

Kurious and Samantha now regards Shadowslash as their leader and they are totally willing to follow him for Samantha it’s because of strength for Kurious it is because of intelligence.


Shadowslash have both not only that they have seen him fight a giant being in Crimson Gold Rank but it ultimately became chow food for him and Samantha.

After knowing that he finally arrives at his destination Shadowslash immediately started planning the next course of action.

After looking around he told Kurious they need to find a place to stay as he also told them to be cautious.

Hearing this Kurious looks confided as he asked “Big bro why do we need to be cautious if I am not wrong there aren’t any walking two legged creatures as strong as you?”

Samantha expression also indicates the same question even though she could not speak in English nor any language but she and Kurious would be able to share the same thought.

Shadowslash laughs as he started explaining to Kurious “Kurious the men you saw weren’t the powerful ones in that island the powerful ones might be even stronger than me”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Hearing this Kurious and Samantha shiver in fear upon seeing this Shadowslash laughs once again he then said “Don’t be afraid they might be stronger than me but they wouldn’t be able to kill me”

After that he and the two started searching for a place to be their base Shadowslash have the ability to transform so he could blend in but the two does not besides Shadowslash needs a place to build his power.

The whole place is beautiful the beach was extremely clear Shadowslash have to use his illusion to hide the three of them.

Suddenly various figures started appearing it seems that they were beastmen teen they were having fun.

Kurious as usual was very curious thankfully he still listens to Shadowslash if not he would definitely go to land and watch what the teens are doing.

Samantha wouldn’t be able to do anything since the one ultimately controlling the body is Kurious.

Shadowslash have realized that there were some beastman that have a face of a beast not humans but some parts of their body is humanoid.

It seems that those that are like this are normally low level beings it was depicted in a book he had once read.

Their bloodline were being overpowered and was too impure turning them ultimately to a real beast.

Seeing that the teens were enjoying themselves Shadowslash continue to search for a place to stay when he suddenly see one of the teen took out a map.

Seeing this his eyes flash he heard them talking but since he couldn’t understand what they are saying he decided to scare them and take the map.

With a swish he appeared in the sky and he lets out a loud roar shocking the teens as they started to scramble.

He then dives down as his target was a female with a white clothes that serves like a bikini to them.

Suddenly a loud shout came from the forest “D*mn beast how dare you attack the young miss!”

Then a figure with a dragon tail and horn appeared she was holding a spear as she quickly leaps towards Shadowslash.

Bam! With one slap of Shadowslash’s tail the girl wielding the spear was slammed back to the ground.

Suddenly Shadowslash quickly rolled to the side as a sharp attack came from above the attack has a trace of Transcendent Qi on them meaning the attack was made by someone from Transcendent Realm.

Then an old voice was heard “Hmm? A beast managed to avoid my strike it seems that I an getting rusty”

Shadowslash have stopped chasing the white cloth female but this doesn’t mean he had gave with a roar he summoned his ten dragons to chase after that female before charging towards the old man.

The old man looks exactly like the girl that was wielding the spear earlier.

The expression of the old man changed when he saw the ten clones he quickly shouted “Ria don’t just lie in there protect the young miss”

He then waves his saber as he sent a powerful attack towards Shadowslash.

Shadowslash snorted as he opens his mouth and lets out a [Dragon Breath].

Boom! The two attacks met and the [Dragon Breath] overpower the saber strike as the old man quickly used a movement skill to dodge the attack just by a hair width.

Shadowslash appeared in front of him and brought down his sharp claws as the old man started moving in a strange manner that confused Shadowslash.

Thinking that he was fighting an elite Transcendent fighter he decided to use some of his tricks.

Suddenly his surrounding was enveloped with illusion as the old man started to become sluggish or started moving in a disordered manner.

Bam! Shadowslash wouldn’t let this chance go as he quickly strikes and the old man was thrown into the ground.

The strike has all of his strength in it as he also used his skill [Flaming Double Dark Slash].

The old man who was proud of his saber art was shocked by the powerful attack that causes his powerful saber to actually cracked.

Suddenly a tail came diving down towards him the expression of the old man changed as he tried to stand up and escape but it was too late.

[Elemental Tail]

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Boom! The sand became glass as the flaming tail was slammed to the old man the impact shook the earth a bit.

Shadowslash couldn’t help but sigh as back in Thousand Forest Continent he would be able to destroy this plot of land but now he only managed to shake it a bit.

The old man fainted so Shadowslash continue his charge towards the white clothed female.

The white clothed female was now extremely pale as she looks at the female guard being grasped by the dragon clones.

Shadowslash flew above her as he strech his claws towards her the white clothed female shut her eyes close as she was now in despair.

Suddenly she felt something taken from her hand as the map she was holding was taken by Shadowslash after that he saw him flying away as the ten clones puff into white smokes.

The female wielding the spear was stunned so does the white clothed female.

The two of them looks at each other full of confusion the white clothed female then asks “What just happened?”

Back in the sea Kurious and Samantha were looking at Shadowslash with confusion he just said that they need to be cautious and yet he charged towards those teens.

Looking at their expression Shadowslash lets out a cough as he explained “This map is extremely valuable for us we could use this to move with ease”

He then scans the surrounding and looks at the map and definitely knew that it was similar in the map there is a red mark it seems that it was a hidden cave for pirates.

His eyes started shining he wasn’t interested in the treasure that the pirates have but on the cave with this hidden cave he could finally build a base in Beast Continent.

Without further ado he lead the two towards the cave the map indicated that the hidden cave is near the reef which suits his present situation.

Back in the beach the white clothed female was sitting near the fainted old man suddenly the old man stood up startling the two girls.

Upon seeing the white clothed female the old man seems to be relieved he then asks “Where is that dragon?”

The two looks at each other and shook their head indicating that they also don’t know then the spear wielding female whom was called Ria spoke “Actually the dragon just took the map with it and left it seems that the map was its target and judging from the indifferent look from its eyes it was an intelligent creature”

The old man became solemn he then said “Not just intelligence that dragon was extremely powerful not to mention it was good at soul attack”