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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 486
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The clones brought the wolves into the garden as they started taking care of them the female wolf was of course not cooperative as it was gnawing on one of the clone.

The captives started to become less stiff in his presence but because of the things he had done they started worshipping him.

Shadowslash saw that it was already close to evening so he opens Hentai’s storage and brought out large amount of meat of low rank for the captives to eat.

He then started searching for a place to sleep since he was actually sleep deprived but with a base he could finally relax.

The meats caused the captives to cheers as they started cooking them on the other Kurious have also went to find Shadowslash as the middle aged woman was also preparing their dinner.

Suddenly the cave started shaking once again the captives weren’t alarmed as this happen a couple times already.

This just mean that Shadowslash was once again boring an area inside the cave after a while the shaking stop.


After looking around Shadowslash became satisfied in his room he then started to flatten the area so that his sleep would become much more comfortable.

Kurious suddenly started emitting noises at the entrance of his room.

He suddenly realised that he still haven’t prepared dinner for him yet even though Samantha have already filled their stomach Kurious still wanted to eat.

Shadowslash then got out of his room the whole room was dark so Kurious couldn’t see but Samantha could since she was a snake.

He then gave a large amount of fruits and vegetables before going back to his room he started to take out one fur after another this furs were materials from the monsters he had stored back on Thousand Forest Continent.

After getting comfy he immediately fall asleep what he did not know is that after he fallen asleep the captives started getting busy.

They started taking out the materials from the pirates and started building houses or their foundation.

Some even started shouting something as it seems that they wanted to build something in one of the paper a drawing of a dragon could be seen.

The next day Shadowslash woke up after getting out of his room he saw numerous woods and other stuff being piled in the side.

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Most of the captives seems to be sleeping going inside the garden he saw some of the captives were actually watering the plants.

In one of the corner was the female wolf feeding the pups Shadowslash of course once again gave her large amount of high rank meat for her breakfast.

The female wolf snarled but it seems that it still feared Shadowslash and the snarl was just a false bravado.

Ignoring the female wolf Shadowslash starts to scatter his scent towards the pups so they would become familiar with him.

After looking around at the cave some more he finally nodded and decided to go for the next part of his plan.

That is to subdue a large number of marine monsters he then told Kurious that he would be traveling in the ocean for a while he would return in noon.

Kurious nodded as he was still busy learning the language that the middle aged woman was teaching him.

Shadowslash of course left his clones in the cave to stand guard.

Since he was traveling solo his speed is much faster and he was much bolder than before as he starts harassing numerous Gold Rank monsters and making them his chow.

His target were Crimson Gold Rank monsters he doesn’t care if they are intelligent or not as long as they follow his order it was enough for him.

But most of the monsters he encountered were too stupid for their own good even though he was already suppressing them they still wanted to fight back.

Since they wouldn’t submit he decided to store their carcasses inside Hentai.

Lunch time came and he hadn’t managed to subdue even one monster most of the monsters were either stored inside Hentai or was devoured by him.

Just as he was downhearted because of this he saw numerous dolphin like monsters in pink color running away from a group of hungry monsters.

His eyes lit up this dolphins are a bit intelligent while the group of monsters chasing them were also great.

Without hesitation he lets out a loud roar as he started becoming bigger until the dolphins became only the size of his claw.

He then looks at them menacingly as his Transcendent aura starts to bore down on the two group.

His killing intent that was nurtured by his numerous battle also caused the two group to be shaken in fear.

Seeing this Shadowslash eyes lit up it seems that he had some chance to subdue them.

Unlike before when he tried to corner Crimson Gold Rank monsters they would still roar at him this time these monsters in front of him dares not to.

Too bad they were only Silver Rank and there only 2 Gold Ranks but at least they are great in numbers so he continue to bore down and pressure them into submission.

After an hour and a half the two groups were finally subdued he then scans the two group.


Species: Feral Sea Monkeys

Race: Beast (Ape)

Grade: Excellent

Level: Silver Rank

Attributes: Water/Strength

Racial Trait: [Berserk]


Species: Psychic Dolphins

Race: Sea Mammal

Grade: Excellent

Level: Silver Rank

Attributes: Water/Psychic

Racial Trait: [Enhanced Intelligence]


There were 30 Feral Sea Monkeys and 12 Psychic Dolphins one of the Feral Sea Monkeys was a Gold Rank monster it was the leader but it did not have a title of a king.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

The Gold Rank dolphin on the other hand seems to be the father of group.

He then starts pushing them towards the cove where their hidden base was situated in.

The two groups did not dare to fight back after they finally arrived at their destination Shadowslash then starts taking out treasured fruits and herbs he also took out the new Crimson Gold Rank flesh that he had obtain before throwing them into the group.

The two groups started to fight each other for food which causes Shadowslash to frown he then let’s out a loud roar as the whole scene quieted down.

He then eyed them as they starts to behave and they started sharing their food in the meantime Shadowslash watch them eat.

He then called his clone to bring one of the captives here with it.

After just a couple of seconds the clone brought one of the captives with it the captive was one of the girl that was being licked by one fat pirate.

He then pointed at the two group before leaving the confused female but with the clone besides her she was confident at least regarding her safety.

Suddenly two of the Feral Sea Monkeys fought with each other the clone flashed in front of them and grabs the head of the two before leaping out of the water transforming into a dragon before striking the two with it’s tail.

Shadowslash smiled inside in his room as he had the clone do that after months of practice he finally had great mastery over his clones to the point he could let them transform at his will.

But it still took a toll on his spirit Qi to control in a distance.

In his room Shadowslash starts to spreads his energy inside the room he wanted to turn it into a suitable place that is able to absorb energy by it’s own transforming this cave into a treasured place.

Of course he wouldn’t be able to do this without Hentai as to create a treasured place at least more than a century is needed.

Hentai is able to create such place as long as he was able to provide it with enough items or energy required.

Of course the first place he chose is his room after all he wasn’t a selfless person on the contrary he was more of the selfish kind.

In the cave other than Samantha and Kurious no one was able to detect the change that was happening inside the cave.

Shadowslash continue this routine in the evening he would sleep and recover his energy in the morning he would feed the female wolf and his subordinates before searching for monsters to subdue in noon he would be busy trying to transform the whole cave.

Three months came by Shadowslash finally was able to set his foundation in the Beast Continent straight.

Back in Thousand Forest Continent Gulli and the others were busy dealing with the chaos happening throughout the continent suppressing them.

Suddenly the whole Thousand Race Kingdom started to be in chaos as a giant bird appeared in the sky its aura pressuring everyone in the kingdom.

The expression of everyone became unsightly but they still gritted their teeth and their will to fight soar.