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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 497
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Chapter 497: CHAPTER 468 I AM SLEEPY

What everyone didn’t know is that Shadowslash was actually missing his family back in Thousand Race Kingdom.

That is his motivation for working hard as he knew as long as he would be able to increase his strength then he would be confident traveling back to Thousand Forest Continent.

Deep in thought he was sitting in the city lord office holding his cup of coffee looking at the window with a blank look.

Numerous of his paperwork were finished by Hentai as it monitors the clones in doing the paperworks an ability he had awakened after practicing for months.

Just as Shadowslash was deep in thought a knock sounded from his door as he snaps his finger and it automatically opens.

Then two girls quickly appeared as they shouted at the same time “Daddy!” And leaps towards Shadowslash.

Shadowslash smiled as he caught the two girls they are now as tall and big as twelve years old girl and get their true age are only 7.


Because of their training and the amount of healthy and nutritious meal they had they were quickly growing up they even could defeat those that are older than them.

They would never slack off in practice or training as they would receive both snacks and praises from him things that the two girls greatly sought for.

Now that his reputation have reached an all time high he was now adored by many especially those from his city.

Also the 37 individuals that he had trained were now making a name for themselves because they swore in the name of the beast god they wouldn’t be able to share their cultivation manual to anyone.

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If a beastman swore something to the beast god it is equivalent to a demon bloodline curse that means they wouldn’t be able to break their promise or their soul would be destroyed and all of those that were connected to him by blood would be cursed.

When Shadowslash were studying this kind of things he realised that in this words there really is a god and they would be able to meet them if a person was able to go to the realm of the gods.

He was quite tempted to do so as he was always questioning how he got here or who have brought him here to this world was it just pure coincidence or someone powerful have put him for either fun or a purpose.

Back in the present as usual Shadowslash carried the girls to his garden which was now called paradise to everyone in the city not to mention it was guarded by numerous beasts.

In his garden other than his wives, the head butler and his two adoptive daughters only the nine personal guards were strangers which could go inside.

The nine personal guards were the nine individuals he had chosen from the 37 chosen ones.

In terms of progress and strength these nine individuals are much stronger compared to the others.

They also see Shadowslash as their master as they are extremely loyal to him and because they were now considered his personal guards their status have risen up in his territory.

Oink! Oink! Suddenly numerous noises sounded out as the dozen piglets which were 7 times as large as before were circling Shadowslash.

Other than Glutton the Adamantine Cuirass Boar his other brothers and sisters have grown quite well because the garden has numerous plants they could feast on not to mention the food that they were fed by the servants of course they would grow.

The whole garden was also full of energy and just last month Shadowslash have killed a early stage Xiantian Beast of the first level.

After killing it he stored its body into Hentai’s storage and its core into the Immemorial Golden Barrier as he changed the structure of his garden making the energy in the surrounding to be denser and have Transcendent Qi floating in the air.

Roar! Suddenly a loud roar was heard as giant lion the size of an elephant pounced on Shadowslash.

Shadowslash looks at it as it was locked in the air with his spiritual sense.

Shadowslash: Pride you could see that I still have my girls in my hands so no hugging.

Hearing this the lion became disappointed as Shadowslash cancels out his spiritual sense locking towards it.

This beast in front of him was a beast he had subdued in the forest it was a Fire Breathing Lion a monster of the peak of Inner Core Rank.

Suddenly more noises was heard as 5 other monsters appeared.

One was a golden monkey which had the same appearance as King Kong he was called Wrath and its appearance isn’t strange as he was the son of King Kong.

After King Kong’s death Shadowslash have took it to himself to take care of his clan as he took care of the apes with great care now no one in city dared to kill them.

Because he inherited both his mother and King Kong’s bloodline he was different from his father as he was called Monkey King a type of King Kong ape and a monkey.

Other than him there is also a white snake Shadowslash named her lust as her eyes would cause those that have different genders to it to fall into a trance and would be trapped in an Illusion.

The most ironic thing is that she was the one who was trapped into Shadowslash’s illusion after that day she decided to follow him.

There is also a giant hippo bigger than Pride who was as big as an elephant he was named Sloth as the only thing he do all day was sleep.

But Shadowslash knew for a fact that he was actually always working and sleeping for him was working too.

Sloth was actually attracted to Shadowslash garden it tried to claim it his territory only to beaten black and blue.

After that day he became obedient towards Shadowslash he was actually searching for a place to call home as a Terra Hippo one of the great beast in this continent it had high standards for his place.

Terra Hippos have the ability to change the surrounding earth to their liking either they ruin it or improve it by birth they would immediately become Marrow Tempering Rank when they reached their teenage years they would become Inner Core Rank and they would become Xiantian Beast once they reached adulthood.

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But just like Kurious they need hundreds of years to reach adulthood and the amount of food they need to consume is great but not as great as the amount of energy they need to absorbed.

With Shadowslash’s garden Sloth would be able to improve his strength much faster than the rest of his species.

Next was a raccoon like creature he was called Greed he likes to steal shiny stuff he stole something from Feng Zeiyan only to be hunted down by Shadowslash and beaten until he was bore to the ground.

Unlike the first four his bloodline isn’t great and only by lucky encounter that he managed to change his fortune and creates his beast core.

Lastly an intelligent but ugly beast called Envy because she was intelligent she managed to obtain a sense of beauty and she knew for a fact that she isn’t one.

She started stealing things that she considered beautiful and since Shadowslash have gifted numerous cute and beautiful things to his two adoptive daughters and his wives Envy came to the mansion and tried to still them only to stopped by Shadowslash.

Unlike from the rest she and Shadowslash did not fought the two of them came to the garden and talk about life.

Since then she have become a maid in the mansion as she wore a lifelike mask that Shadowslash have made just for her.

She was quite grateful to him unlike the others he did not treat as a monster and a being to kill.

Seeing her Shadowslash smiled and asks “Envy did they give you much trouble?”

Envy nodded as she pointed towards Pride as she told him via spiritual sense what he had done.

Envy could not speak she could only emits buzzing noises as she has a bug head but she was quite adept at using her spiritual sense.

Shadowslash raised his eyebrows and spoke “He did that eh?”

Hearing his voice and seeing that Envy was pointing at him Pride knew that it was not a good news to him quickly he tried to flee only to be pinned down by Shadowslash’s spiritual sense.

Then with a series of pummeling wails could be heard in the garden the people in the mansion and even in the city have already been used to this.

Five of the nine personal guards is in the garden when they saw this they shook their heads and laughs.

Pride, Greed and Wrath these three were the most mischievous of the seven.

Glutton was actually the closest to Shadowslash as he saw him as a father he was smaller compared to the rest of his siblings actually he couldn’t even measure half as big as them.