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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 547
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The Ancient Jewel Scarabs were getting more powerful as they absorbed the Xiantian Qi emitted by the Xiantian Realm expert from the Aqua Race Clan side.

The soldiers were also afraid of the ravenous appetite of the Poisonous Corpse Eating Scarabs they managed to turn an individual into bones in just under a couple of seconds.

Not to mention their numbers kept on increasing rapidly so even though the soldiers from the Aqua Race Clan tried to eliminate them they are unsuccessful.

Fortunately for them the prowess of these bugs only affects those that are on Inner Core Rank so the Xiantian Realm experts still manage to kill large numbers of them.

The commander in Shadowslash’s side shouted “Spearman division advance!.”

The gate was once again opened as the spearman division came out. The spearman division position themselves behind the shield division.

They used their long spear to attack those that tried to passed through their defence.


Behind them were another shield division it’s like a three way defence. Shield x Spear, Shield x Spear and another Shield x Spear.

Behind them were the archers and the ballista exploding towards the enemy.

Unfortunately for them the water kept on increasing as half of their body was submerged even though there is a natural drainage below them.

These drainage were made by Shadowslash knowing that it might rain to swallow down water and leads them to the bottom of the earth.

It was now overwhelmed because of the large amount of water that was produced by the turtles.


Suddenly the sound of thunder was heard the momentum of the Aqua Race Clan rose as they knew what this meant.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Just as they were full of glee because of the incoming rain a figure falls into the frontline of the battlefield.

The figure shocked them as some of their members were crushed by this figure.

What shocked them more was this giant being is familiar to them.

It was their commander!.

A huge piece of his chest is destroyed as if a beast use it’s giant claw to take large amount of his chest.

They were in shock, Their commander stood up he spit out blood as he did.

He then looks at a certain direction with solemness he then grabs his trident and let’s out a roar which was greeted by an another roar.

This roar was loud and full of negative emotion nearly affecting the people in the surrounding.

Bam! A giant figure landed on the battlefield this figure is a dragon with two dragon arms and four Illusionary looking arms and nine tails.

The other 8 tails looks like fox tails while the one in the center looks like a dragon tail.

The being has four horns in the middle of the four horns is a fireball burning in different light.

Roar! The being let’s out another roar and charge towards the giant Aqua Race commander.

As the two collided a deafening sound was heard buzzing the heads of those that weren’t strong enough.

The Aqua Race Clan soldiers then saw their commander being lifted off the ground the violent being then shouted “Everyone keep on fighting I’ll handle their commander!.”

With that the two once again disappears from their view but the people from Shadowslash’s side felt invigorated.

They finally learned who that violent looking being was it was Shadowslash.

They then started fighting much more harder than before even though they knew that it was probably gonna rain they aren’t afraid anymore.

The Aqua Race soldiers finally arrived in front of the shield division they then slams their weapons into the water as numerous water sharks appeared slamming themselves onto the shield division.

Bang! Bang! Bang! The shield division grunted as the sharks slams themselves to them they realised that their plan is useless since the Aqua Race soldiers weren’t attacking them physically.

A crack appears on the side of the of the tight formation numerous lights came out and attacks the unguarded Aqua Race soldiers either injuring them or killing then immediately.

The Aqua Race soldiers were shocked but they didn’t stop they continue to summon the water sharks as the people behind them summon a group of water elementals to protect those that were summoning the water sharks.

The giant water elementals also attacks the shield division as clashing sound could be heard throughout the battlefield.

The spear division were working hard to try and take down their summoners but it was useless as the water elementals were protecting the summoner tightly.

With numerous rumbles in the sky the rain finally pours down as the Aqua Race soldiers movement became more and more fluid.

On the other hand the soldiers from Shadowslash’s felt restricted as fighting in water or underwater is not their forte.

The Aqua Race soldiers started pressuring the shield division while the arrows from the archer division is becoming more and more useless as time goes by even the scarabs were restricted because of the water.

Unlike elemental water from the enemy which they could devour and strengthen themselves natural water were their weakness as their flying ability became more and more restricted.

Wolves howl suddenly rang in the battlefield as the water started freezing alarming the Aqua Race soldiers they then attack the ice breaking them but the freezing continue to spread.

An image of a a white wolf appeared on the sky gazing at the Aqua Race soldiers it’s eyes seems to freeze the world.

A formation image!.

It’s an image that could be formed from an unified energy from Inner Core Rank fighters with the same bloodline.

The Aqua Race soldiers then let’s out a battle cry as a giant whale appeared on the sky humming towards the wolf.

A giant tidal wave was formed crashing into the ice the whale is clearly much stronger than the wolf.

The soldiers behind the barricade grips their weapons as sweats started dripping down their body as they knew that it was only a matter of time before the barricade is breached by their enemy.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Back to where Shadowslash is he and the Aqua Race commander were destroying the environment as they fought.

With the rain the power and combat prowess of the Aqua Race commander amplifies but Shadowslash was just in a whole new level so he wasn’t in an advantage in there fight.

Shadowslash was now experienced in battle throughout his life in this world it was full of battles unlike back on his old life which only a couple of scruples with some people, the battle on this world is basically a tug between life and death.

Bang! Shadowslash’s attacks the Aqua Race commander using his both illusionary and real arms while opening his mouth and biting the shoulder of his opponent.

The armor wasn’t able to stop his teeth from piercing it but the Aqua Race commander did not let out a pained cry on the contrary he also bits Shadowslash’s shoulder.

Shadowslash’s scales were thick and powerful but it was actually pierced but compared to his the Aqua Race commander bite is clearly much weaker.

Grasping the trident Shadowslash used his nine tails to attack his enemy which dealt powerful blows to him.

The Aqua Race commander couldn’t escape his predicament his trident was now being grasp by his enemy and his shoulder is being bit hard he couldn’t escape even if he wanted to.

His other hand was grasping the sword but it was now bleeding because of the sharpness of the sword.

Fortunately for him he have an amazing regeneration ability as long as there is water but unfortunately for him also his opponent has the same monstrous regeneration ability as him.

Shadowslash have now achieve his plan the next plan is already underway.

Buzzing sounds could be heard as Shadowslash calls his Ancient Jewel Scarabs to help him defeat his enemy.

He only calls three of them as he couldn’t call more since they are the ones stalling the Xiantian Realm experts on the enemy side.

At first the Aqua Race commander ignored the bugs as he was preoccupied on thinking how to get out of this situation.

Both he and Shadowslash were using their trump card or their berserk ability to amplify their strength.

That is also the reason why Shadowslash escape his situation earlier.

The Ancient Jewel Scarabs started latching onto the Aqua Race commander and he immediately felt his Xiantian Qi was being devoured at a rapid rate.

His heart gone cold as he realised he couldn’t escape this situation even if he wanted to.

Just as he was fretting on how to dealt with his precarious situation a powerful aura burst into the sky and shouted “D*mn beast!.”

Shadowslash then felt a powerful spirit locking on him as he was thrown to a distance smashing a couple of giant trees on the way and finally being embedded on a hill.

He couldn’t help but starts to spat out blood as he looks at the distance in which he was thrown backwards.