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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 574
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The manta ray then starts to become transparent, the bull that was charging towards him just passed through his body stunning everyone in the area.

Titan Dragon King became furious as he realized that his opponent have been toying with it all this time.

But he also realized that the two of them were on different level, he was quite proud and was very confident in his combat prowess as long as it was a close combat quarter fight.

But now his belief and confidence was crushed by his opponent.

Not only his opponent have fought him in a fight he is most confident of, he was also supressed during that fight.

The other elders from the ten thousand race council was also present, they were looking very solemn as they realized that they are fighting a powerful foe that even Titan Dragon King were not a match off.

The fox elder that looks like a dashing young man spoke “As expected of the person titled as one of the Heaven Commander”


The manta ray started laughing as he said “Tremble in fear halfbreeds as I, Manta Commander will be your doom!”

He then moves at incredible speed despite his size, he then slams himself at Titan Dragon King as the entire area shook with his attack.

This kind of situation is happening throughout Beast Continent as the elders of ten thousand race were having problems defending their land.

On the battlefield on Shadowslash’s territory, Fire Demon Dragon King was now wounded all over his body as he looks at the person in front of him with hate.

The man has a golden hair, an armor that looks like they are made up of scales except for the crown.

Yes, there are no helmet on the armor set, what should be the helmet is replaced by a crown.

Fire Demon Dragon King spoke with burning hatred “Why?! Why is the member of the Aqua Race Clan family here?!”

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The person just calmly watched Fire Demon Dragon King, who was now bleeding with great degree.

He then raised his trident before slashing it


Swish! A powerful sharp water blade came slashing down towards Fire Demon Dragon King.

Realising that this might be his last battle, he lets out a roar of defiance as reddish black flame burned throughout his body.

The golden haired youth looks at the distance as a loud dragon roar was heard.

The dragon roar was familiar causing Fire Demon Dragon King to smile but the water blade was already crashing down on him.

With the sound of wind howling a large wound appeared and slashed Fire Demon Dragon King’s entire left arm with some of the part of his left body not to mention also his wings.

The dragon roar from the distance became much more louder, this time the roar was filled with wrath.

The golden haired youth spoke “Another insect trying to stop a chariot.”

An emerald dragon appeared on the battlefield, it was looking at the golden haired youth with flames of wrath burning on his eyes.

But he didn’t immediately attacked his opponent but he flew towards Fire Demon Dragon King and used his Qi to heal his buddy.

Fire Demon Dragon King have already fainted, the emerald dragon or Old man emerald was now feeling incredibly furious but he was still rational.

For his buddy to be beaten up to this point that only meant one thing, the opponent is incredibly powerful.

Fortunately, Shadowslash have sent his clone on the battlefield, he was informed by Hentai that Fire Demon Dragon King was now in trouble.

The golden haired youth watch all of this calmly, not even bothering to stop Old man emerald as he thought that even if the two were in their peak condition, they wouldn’t be able to defeat him.

After Fire Demon Dragon King’s condition stabilized Old man emerald heaved a sigh of relief.

He then floated above him as he looks at his opponent then without any sign he lets out his powerful dragon breath to the golden haired youth.

The golden haired youth looks bored as he saw the powerful dragon breath flying towards him.

Calmly, he aimed his trident and thrust it towards the powerful dragon breath easily dispersing it.

Old man emerald was shocked, his fury then turned into solemness as he realized that the difference in their strength is just too great.

But he couldn’t retreat because he knew if he did his buddy would be killed while the entire territory of Shadowslash or more accurately the entire part of this continent would be conquered.

He threw a couple seeds towards the golden haired youth.

The golden haired youth then thrust his trident forward again, countless afterimages were formed as all the seeds were destroyed in just a split second.

Old man emerald was dumbfounded as he thought that he could summon powerful Treants from the seeds Shadowslash have given him, who would have thought that he wasn’t able to summon them as the seeds were destroyed before they could sprout.

The golden haired youth then looks at Old man emerald before thrusting his trident towards him with an incredible speed.

His hand looks like they have disappeared, Old man emerald flashes with green light as his scales have transformed into crystals.

Sparks flew as the trident hit Old man emerald but even with his reinforced defence the power behind the trident is too much.

The trident still managed to pierced through Old man emerald’s scales as blood seeps out from the wounds.

Roar! Pained roar was heard as Old man emerald suffered from numerous stabs from the trident.

But his vitality is extremely strong so even if he suffered numerous attacks his extremely powerful regeneration ability managed to keep him from falling apart.

He kept on thinking ‘Brat please hurry if you don’t hurry this old man might not be able hold on anymore!’

Seeing that Old man emerald still managed to hold on, the golden haired youth was a bit surprised as light flashes on his eyes.

He then stops his assault as he spoke “You are much more tougher than that red lizard, it seems that I would have some fun against you.”

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With that, he went into a striking stance as his spear was pointed forward, his entire aura changed as it became much more sharp and oppressive.

“Hey green snake! I have only one request for you, don’t die” With that he started striking this time the number of afterimages have multiplied more than a hundred times.

The barrage starts to rip apart Old man emerald, even his extremely powerful regeneration ability could not keep up with the speed of the attack.

Old man emerald tried to keep holding on as he felt his body sleeping away, just as he thought his body have given up on him, his opponent stops his assault as he looks at the distance once again.

He spoke “So they are the insects that caused so much hubbub on the battlefield.”

“I gotta to say they really are exceptional, these beautiful beings deserved a much more powerful and noble master, it seems that I need to erase the existence of their present master to free them.”

Even he was tempted to obtain this little critters.

Old man emerald was now in an awful state, not one part of his body is intact, he had tried to cover his eyes earlier but they were still pierced.

Not only he became blind but his right ear was also cut off and it was deaf.

Just as he was confused why his opponent stop attacking him, he heard numerous buzzing noises causing him to smile in relief.

Without hesitation, he took out numerous seeds from his storage ring hidden on his beard and threw them on his mouth.

Green light flashes on his body but just as he thought he would be able to recover a powerful blow hit his heart as the entirety world seems to freeze to him.

He then slumps downward, the golden haired youth looks at Old man emerald calmly as he said to him “Since you could no longer entertain me, then you serve no purpose anymore.”

What he didn’t know is that inside Old man emerald’s body the seed he had swallowed starts to sprout almost immediately as they starts to repair him.

A seed that has the shape of an heart easily travels through Old man emerald’s body and rested on his heart.

Old man emerald’s heart was already beating slowly as it seems to stop at any second but as the heart shape seed rested upon it the beating started to become more and more vigorous.

The Primordial Rune Scarabs starts to swarm towards the golden haired youth but they were unsuccessful as they were easily thrown back with every thrust.

The ground underneath Old man emerald and Fire Demon Dragon King broke as their body was swallowed by the hole on the ground.