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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 667
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Chapter 667: CHAPTER 637 HUNTING

Maybe it was because of her experience hunting with just a dull dagger or just because she is a genius her fighting style became more graceful and her attacks became more precise.

Before she was a bit clumsy but now she looks like an experienced swordsman she might not be as good as those that have been fighting for years but at least she is better than novice.

Not to mention she uses her long legs and flexible body which was able to move in an exaggerated manner to use, whenever the monkeys tried to corner her she would use her legs to kick one of them and twist her body to dodge the incoming attack.

While she was having an easy time Green wasn’t, it had been hit by numerous times by stones and sticks of course it was hurt but it was still able to heavily injure the monkey chief.

It didn’t know why but every time he was hit it didn’t felt that much pain and on the contrary it felt energized as if something inside him was telling it to go wild.

It’s blood was boiling and it’s eyes was blood red as it continue to tear the monkey chief to shred, the monkey chief continue to howl in pain as it was helpless against the might of its opponent.

Even though it’s species is weaker against the Tree Tiger it shouldn’t be that helpless, the opponent it was now fighting seems to have endless stamina and as time goes by it became stronger and stronger as it muscles seems to keep being strong.


With final shriek Green was finally able to bite the neck of the monkey chief and with it’s sharp teeth the monkey chief’s neck was pierced and it’s cries dies down.

After killing it’s opponent it set it’s eyes on the other monkeys on the surrounding, seeing their chief die the other monkeys started retreating.

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But before they were able to get far a pressure that seems to be able to crush them suddenly descended on the area.

Boom! With a loud thud their bodies started falling down into the ground and with cracking sounds the monkeys that tried to flee died, none was left alive the supposedly long fight ended in just one second.

This display of power cause Green and Phina to tremble in fear, they then saw the corpses of the dead monkeys floating above them.

Then they started flying towards Shadowslash and within a second they all disappears into thin air shocking the two that were watching.

Shadowslash have stored the carcasses of these monkeys inside his storage ring, he had never thought that he would use this storage ring of his other than keeping useless gifts for him and as cover for Hentai’s storage.

This thought have stayed with him for a long time so even though the space inside the storage is comparable to a storehouse back on his first world (the world when he was still a human) he didn’t store that much item.

While the two were still in shock he spoke “Let’s hunt some more, now that the village have countless mounts we needed to feed them so that they would be of use when the time comes.”

Hearing this Phina quickly spoke “Great one we do not need to hunt anymore, the Bullrilla are herbivores and the Giga Boars are omnivores but most of the time they eat plants.”

Shadowslash was a bit startled he then realized that this world was truly a strange and unique one, a beast that has a savage figure is actually the herbivore while those that have mild figures were actually the carnivores.

Since they no longer need to hunt the three of them returns to the village, Shadowslash was intending to expand the territory of the village to accommodate the beasts that they now have.

He then looks at Phina who was now riding Green because she was exhausted after fighting in super focus mode and asks “Village chief Phina what would you think if I say that I’ll help your village expand its territory.”

“Really!” Phina quickly shouted in excitement as she holds his arm tightly, her face is beer red not because she is shy or embarrassed but because she was extremely excited.

Shadowslash was startled he then thought of the little village and how this world seemingly works and nodded.

Immediately Phina shouted as it was her dream to expand their village but because she was afraid of the beasts in the forest she wasn’t able to accomplish this dream of hers but now with Shadowslash on the picture it would be too easy for them to achieve it.

“I suggest we first nurse the villagers to their peak condition before expanding, as long as their strength increase it would be a nice workout for them to help the village prosper.” Seeing how excited she was he decided to calm her down.

Phina became confused and asks “Don’t we still have the Long Armed Monkey Tribe and the Iron Boar Tribe? As conquered tribe they wouldn’t disobey us.”

Shadowslash shook his head and explained “That is only because of me, what I plan to do is to train the villagers so that even if I am not present the village would still be able to induce fear to others.”

Upon thinking of what kind of people are in the village Phina couldn’t help but shake her head and let’s out a bitter smile “Considering what kind of people in my village are this kind of plan seems to be impossible.”

Shadowslash snorted and said “That is only because you people still haven’t tap into your potentials yet, this world of yours is a haven for those that have beast bloodline so even though foxes aren’t that durable as other beasts once we reached a certain level we would be a force not to be reckoned with.”

Hearing his words Phina was quite shocked as flames started burning in her heart as she deeply wished that she could reach the level that Shadowslash was talking about.

She then asks “What kind of level would we be able to contend against those from the medium clans?”

Shadowslash stops and a horrifying pressure started to emit from his body, his voice then sounded out “Medium clans? Heh! Don’t make me laugh our potential once in full bloom would be even able to defeat those on the top clans!”

Phina opens her mouth in shock, she knew just how powerful those in the medium clans are so Shadowslash saying that their tribe being able to contend against those in the top clans seems to be impossible in her mind.

Shadowslash saw her doubtful look and he only smiles, he knew that in the futures this tribe would definitely be helpful in the expansion of his kingdom.

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The fact that they are foxes he knew that their spiritual sense and ability to manipulate water or yin attribute attacks is quite astounding.

It was an inborn ability but because of this their physique became somewhat lacking so the present condition of the fox village wasn’t surprising.

As long as someone is able to point them the right direction and properly trains them they would become a force that would induce fear throughout this world.

Walking back to the village Phina sensed something very strange, they hadn’t encountered one beast even after all this time making her confuse.

From her memory this forest is teeming with beasts but now there were no beast in their path, Shadowslash of course knew what is the reason for this.

It’s Green, because of its fight against the monkey chief and his help of improving it’s strength it was now unconsciously emitting powerful vibe making most beasts dare not to approach.

When they arrived back to the village it was already noon, they were greeted by all the villagers with excitement.

Phina couldn’t hide her happiness in her eyes, she spoke in a gentle manner “These guys never changed always coming to greet me after every hunt with smiles in their faces.”

Remembering her past she couldn’t help but choke a little as tears started to welling up on her eyes, she remember how they greeted her in an enthusiastic manner even though they knew the hunt was unsuccessful.

But this time it was now different, she couldn’t help but rub the sword on her hand because she doesn’t have anything to hold her katana she could only holf it in her arms.

She relish the feeling of waving her sword, it is for the first time in her life she felt strong and confident.

When they were inside the village Shadowslash immediately summoned the monkeys and shocked the entire village into silence.

Carcasses appearing out of thin air is too magical for them, while they were still shocked because of this unusual phenomenon Shadowslash started speaking “This will be your food for the next couple of days.”