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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 743
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Unlike other major powers, the Thousand Race Empire might not be as domineering but this only applies if you hadn’t broke any rule or law that they have put into an agreement or when you are staying in Thousand Forest Continent.

The elite army of the empire is one of the most feared battalion of this world, especially since they have been baptized by numerous wars that had happened on Thousand Forest Continent and in this world.

Even the well known Tyrant Dragon Battalion is weaker than any of the elite army on the empire, Shadowslash knew this after being infirmed by Sans and Leafinia.

Since he had been traveling back to Hope City, he would spend some time learning about the current situation and condition of the kingdom, it seems that Sans and the others have been following and improving all of the advancement plan he had for the empire.

The plans he has left when he started traveling all over the world was still being carried out by his trusted subordinates and family members making his heart warm, he decides that if he recovers his strength, the first he would do is to reward them.

What is the greatest reward he could give? A personal independent realm just for them, the Sanctuaries of Thousand Forest Continent is very well known to this world, such realm shouldn’t be easy to create but unlike them he has Hentai to back his confidence up.

Now that it was downloading his cultivation, he knew that it would once again undergo an upgrade making it much more easier for him to create a new independent realm.


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The mega project that he had left all those years is already ready and everyone was only waiting for him to complete it, the project was the transformation of Howling Ridge into the biggest Sanctuary of all time in this continent.

Back at the present, Shadowslash returns to Safehaven Paradise to relax, the people continue to celebrate his return and the entire mood of the continent is extremely festive, he on the other hand needs to unwind.

His favorite spot is still next to Luminous Tree Of Life, he hadn’t had a wink of sleep on the void, well he doesn’t need to because it was his soul who was on the void bug still he needs to relax his mind.

Sans and those that are connected to him via soul contract have already known that he is very exhausted, when Leafinia saw him sleeping next to her union body, she smiled before raising her hand and covers him with plants that absorbs any sound that approached them.

Mary and the others have arrived, seeing sleep so peacefully, all of them smiled, the girls did not bother him knowing that he really needs this rest, they then had a meeting near the Luminous Tree Of Life.

They need to discuss on what to do now that Shadowslash have returned, they knew that once he returned, he would definitely shoulder many things all by himself and they don’t want that, other than this, they also presented anyone from disturbing him.

They knew Shadowslash is an extremely dependable person but he had always took everything to himself, this has cause him a lot of burden that pains his family deeply, they have felt helpless all this time.

This helpless feeling only intensified after the end of the war when they realised that he had nearly been killed, now that they have the strength and experience to help him, they wouldn’t just watch him take all the burden to himself.

The person that would convinced him is someone he respects very much, his very own mother, with her on the pictures, they would definitely be able to share some of his burden and would finally sense a feeling of fulfilment in the depth of their soul.

Shadowslash slept until the next day, his body quickly reacted to hunger, now that he couldn’t absorbed Qi in the surrounding because of his present condition, he needs food to fuel his body.

When he just woke up, he quickly realised that large amount of food was presented to him, he was taken aback but when he remembers that Sans and Leafinia knew about the disappearance of his cultivation, he smiled and immediately started eating.

Before when he still has his cultivation, eating was just a hobby, but the current him needs food and large amount of it, with his bloodline and a body that could match even those on the Xiantian Realm he truly needs large amount of energy to fuel it.

The three Gals appeared besides him and they started massaging him, this treatment cause his eyebrow to twitch but he didn’t stop them, now that he realised that his body seems to be foreign to him, massaging might help.

He still didn’t know that his entire body except for his skeleton was destroyed by the spearman strike, Hentai have to rebuild his body with the help of the entire world’s power.

After having his meal, he waves his hand and the three Gals stop massaging him, he decided to stretch for a bit and summoned all of his clones to battle with him.

The uncomfortable and foreign feeling that he has over his body continue to haunt him, this clearly displeased him, only by battling would he be able to adapt with his current condition.

But when he summoned his clone, he realised that his current Mana and Qi reservoir only made it possible for one clone to be summoned, he shook his head in disappointment but he quickly adjusted his mentality.

He then brought his clone to search for a location inside Safehaven Paradise that the two of them are able to go all out without any disturbance or consequences.

Safehaven Paradise continue to expand ever so slowly even without Hentai’s interference, Hentai have already modified this independent realm to function without it, but because of the rapid increase of population, the number of undeveloped area is near nonexistent.

Listening to Rosalina’s explanation, even without the increase of population, the elves wouldn’t leave any area barren and would do their best to spread the plants, Safehaven Paradise is considered with treasure trove for everyone even Saints.

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Wether it is spirit beasts, magic beasts, monsters, natural treasures, everything is present inside, Alchemist would do anything to be able to enter this place, not just them, blacksmiths and many more lifestyle occupation loved to enter Safehaven Paradise.

But as of right now, the ones that are only able to enter were the top ten adventurers from different kingdoms under Thousand Race Empire rule, because of the vastness of Safehaven Paradise, it isn’t crowded even though the number of territories under their empire continue to increase.

Rosalina decided to inform him when she saw him flying everywhere, he could only stop his random search and asks the three Gals to bring him to a location that has no one in it and hadn’t developed that much.

They then brought him next to the chaos realm entrance, because of the hint of chaos Qi that would occasionally flow out of the entrance, the vegetation hadn’t developed that much and no beasts wanted to stay this place.

Shadowslash assess the spot and felt that it was perfect, he then looks at the clone and both of them charges towards each other, he decided to only use his body to fight.

With the foreign feeling he has over his body, it made it hard to match up against his clone which had perfect control over its body and inexhaustible stamina, he became a punching bag for it.

Bam! Bam! Bam! Wether it was pinches or kicks, he took them all and not because he wanted to but because he was unable to dodge, his body wasn’t listening to him but as he continue to fight, he felt his blood boiling.

He started emitting an aura that cause the three Gals to tremble in fear but they themselves don’t know why, on the other hand Shadowslash’s eyes started burning with excitement.

He grabs the head of the clone and threw it far away, the clone continue to fly backwards but before it could stop, he appears in front of it and grabs it before carrying it up to the sky and started diving down while spinning.

Boom! The hard ground of Safehaven Paradise actually broke, the clone then disappears into puff of smoke after experiencing such an attack, Shadowslash started to calm down and was shocked from what had happened.

He didn’t know why his strength just suddenly increased, his expression quickly changed and he thought he was about to suffer the backlash from the sudden burst of power when his stomach suddenly grumbles.

He was speechless, the sudden burst of power actually only cause him to be hungry and nothing more, fortunately he had eaten large amount of food earlier if not he wouldn’t just be hungry but he would be starving.