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The Vampire Kings Slave Mate

Chapter 10
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Chapter 10: Mary

The door made a creaking sound and I grimaced. No not again. I couldn’t handle being sprayed by the

hose again, Beatrice and Annie had come in here two more times since tying me up and soaked me with

the ice cold water from the laundry hose. My entire body was numb for the cold, I had lost circulation to

my hands and feet hours ago. I had started to lose hope that I would love through the night. The only

thing keeping me alive was my need to avenge Anya’s needless death.

I heard a set of footsteps rounding the corner.

“Puh..puh… please, na..na..no more.” I managed to get out, unable to stop my teeth from clacking

together due to the amount of shivering my body was doing. My vision was fading in and out and I get

dizzy. I tried to fight the lose of consciousnesses, knowing I needed to talk to these girls and make them

see reason.

Then I saw them , two deep red orbs starring back at me.

“Nik…” I whispered barely able to get his name out, before I lost consciousness.

I felt the moment he reached me. I felt warm and safe, protected. They were such abnormal feelings to

have, given that Nikolai, the Vampire King, was the reason why. I heard a slicing noise and then felt my

bonds loosen, I felt the blood begin to pump back into my hands and feet,(This will be daily

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updtaed at www.jar.com) I still couldn’t find the strength to open my eyes or to speak again. Nikolai

started to rub my wrists first, trying to get the blood flowing to my hands quicker. When his skin made

contact with mine it felt like I was being zapped with little sparks of pleasure, from his sudden intake of

breath, I was wondering if he felt the same thing.

“I’m going to fucking kill them all,” he roared, his tone taking on a deep menacing growl.

I used whatever strength I had left to grip his hand firmly, I didn’t want him to leave me. His body

stiffened at my touch, and I felt hurt by his reaction, I don’t know why I felt hurt, after all I am just a meal

to him. After a short while his body seemed to relax into my touch, he wrapped his arm around me

cradling my head with his hand as pulled me tightly against him.

“You’re so cold, npedectb MOI.” He whispered quietly under his breath. I had no clue what the last part of

the sentence meant but I could tell he was worried about my well being.

I embraced the closeness of him and what little warmth he had to offer me. Tomorrow I would go back to

hating all supernaturals, tonight, with the darkness as our cover, I would relax into the comfort the

Vampire King was providing me with. I felt him stiffen again as I snuggled into his chest, inhaling his

scent, he smelt so good, like sandalwood with some earthy tones. The same scent I use to use, at home,

to help calm me down when I was having a panic attack. Why did this monster feel like home? Why did I

feel the urge to get closer to him.

I could feel his aura increase and I felt myself start to panic. “Shit, he’s angry again.’ But I didn’t have the

strength to pull myself out of his arms, nor did I want to.

He kept one arm around me holding me tightly, but the other arm, that had been cradling my head, he

brought out in front of him. I could suddenly smell what had made him so angry as the smell of iron waft

by. I was still bleeding from my head wound, is this why I felt so weak still? I barely had the energy to

open my eyes, but I needed to see him, I needed to be prepared for whatever was to come from his

anger. What I didn’t expect to see was his bringing his hand to his face, and licking my blood off of him.

The way his face looked after he tasted should’ve scared me, but it sent a wave of pleasure through my

body. He looked like a person who had had their first piece of chocolate after being on a diet, he looked

like he was ready to devour me. I stiffened my body, prepared from him to lunge at me, and suck me dry,

devouring every drop of my blood.

But what he did next shocked me even more. He bit into his hand, the meaty part between the thumb

and the forefinger, causing it to bleed. He then brought his hand up to my mouth. “Drink npenectu MOS,”

he commanded.

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I felt the heat of his blood against my lips, and ended up sticking my tongue out and licking across my

lips. I don’t know what possessed me to taste him, but I couldn’t resist the pull, maybe he was using

some sort of mind control on me. His blood tasted orgasmic, it erupted my tastebuds and I couldn’t get

enough of it. I opened my mouth and bit down on his hand, causing him to hiss. I sucked as hard as I

could, trying to fill my mouth with his blood. I couldn’t get enough of it. (This will be daily updtaed at

www.jar.com) All of my senses seemed to heighten and I could feel my strength coming back, I

could also felt my stomach fighting and a weird sensation building up at my core, he tasted so good and

that strange sensation felt so good, that I didn’t want to stop. I continued to suck on his hand, letting his

blood pour down my throat.

“That’s it little one.” I heard him groan. “Keep drinking, you’ll feel better soon.”

I didn’t need his words of encouragement, there was no way in hell, I was going to stop drinking from

him. “Is this how Vampire’s felt.’ I thought in the back of my mind. The longer I fed from him the more the

intense pressure building up in my core increased. I couldn’t take it anymore, I felt like I was on top of the

highest peak, and then I felt myself falling as waves upon waves of pleasure hit. I pulled away from

Nikolai’s hand, as I let out a strangled moan, unable to stop myself from screaming out in pleasure. The

waves slowly decreased and I felt spent. My eyes fluttering shut, what had just happened to me?

Nikolai leaned forward chuckling softly. “I had forgotten about that little side effect,” his said leaning

forward and kissing my forehead softly, before I drifted off to sleep.