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This Game Is Too Realistic-Novel

Chapter 116
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[Wasteland Online Alpha 0.6 Version Update Announcement. ]

[Major update:

1. The number of players in the Alpha test has been increased to 250.

2. Added the "Banking System"!

3. VM added the "Property" panel!]


1. Added a richer activity track for the nomads, and the stall of the Autumn Weed and Autumn Leaves are getting more and more lively.

2. The personification of NPCs has been enhanced. If you make Boss Xia angry, there is a chance that weapons will be more expensive if you want to buy it next time.

3. Added a richer variety of food. Today's recommended recipes are stewed mushrooms with milk and dried fish with salt.

4. Fixed a few bugs.


[As the number of people increases, the player manual and user agreement have been updated to version 4.0, and a new agreement regarding the contact with refugees has been added. For players who have obtained the test qualification, please check it out in time to avoid a poor gaming experience. ]

[Current Number of Applications: 2333 people]


Night Ten: "Let me see who has been invited this time? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"

The_Escaping_Mole: "Bank! The banking system is out!"

Lightning_emperor_professor_yang: "What the fuck! I didn't get the invitation again! T.T"

Failed_successfully: "I don't care! Unless I'm on the list, otherwise, I'm gonna call it bullshit!"

This_lord_is_arrogant_what_can_you_do: "Hehe, stop acting, bots. Anyway, I won't apply for it, even if I'm dead. Hehe, those who applied are such fools. They don't even know that they will never get an invite."

Irene: "Wait a second, bro. How do you know you won't get an invite without applying first? Could it be… ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"

The_Escaping_Mole: "Wait, haven't you paid attention to the banking system? This update actually has a bank!!"

Old White: "... Isn't the bank in the game a place to save money? What's so exciting about it?"

Night Ten: "Yeah, you won't be able to get a loan from it, so why are you so excited? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"

The_Escaping_Mole: "Uh, okay. You're right."

It was not entirely accurate to say that it was where the money was saved.

For other games, this function was definitely for the convenience of players, but for Wasteland Online, it was for the convenience of Chu Guang himself.

The number of silver coins was limited, and now almost every player had fifty or sixty coins in their lockers, which was not a small amount if they were all added up.

Especially for rich players like Mosquito. If he hadn't ordered a customized gun barrel, which caused his funds to flow to No. 81 Steel Plant's corporate account, he would probably have 200 coins in his locker.

Furthermore, coupled with the increasing amount of currency in circulation at the outpost base nowadays, not only players were using his currency, but even the refugees nearby were gradually accepting these small coins.

Therefore, recycling currency was imperative.

And opening a bank was undoubtedly the best choice!

For players, being able to deposit money in the bank would definitely be much more convenient than it was now. The death penalty in Wasteland Online included all drops, so no one would take many coins with them. Currently, everyone had to go back to the shelter to get money if they wanted to buy things, which was really troublesome.

It was better to integrate the currency system on the VM and open a personal account for each player, so that it was convenient for him to "print money" and for players to spend money.

In the future, within the signal range coverage of the outpost, transactions could be done directly between the two VM devices.

Wouldn't it be great to directly enter the era of mobile payment?

As usual, after Chu Guang made the announcement, he immediately updated the post he just edited on the official website.

The changes in this update were quite big.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

It was necessary to have a good chat with his players.

"Development Log: Alpha 0.6"

Light: "Hello everyone, I'm your dearest game designer! After threatening 12 programmers with unpaid overtime, the outpost finally has enough food! So we specially recruited 50 new players to enter the game. Let's give a round of applause to those lucky people!"

"Well, that's enough attention for those lucky people. Let's go back to discuss the update. After five consecutive days and nights of meetings, the development department finally made a decision and added a new panel called 'property' to the VM."

"Through this panel, as long as you are within the coverage of the shelter's signal, you can easily check a series of properties such as bank account balances, land, shops, shares, etc under your name."

"Of course, this also includes your equipment!"

"There are more and more players on the server now. I believe you are all good children who obey the rules, but in order to avoid unnecessary disputes, we decided to launch the equipment 'binding' service to maintain fairness and justice in the game!"

"You can take photos and register any equipment you find valuable at the administrator's assistant NPC, and fill in the registered price yourself. After registering, the equipment will be bound with your personal account and recorded in the form of pictures and texts on the VM's 'Property' panel. The minimum handling fee is 1 silver coin, and if the registered price exceeds 100 silver coins, it will be charged at 1% rate."

"The bound equipment will be protected by the shelter law. It means that even if it is picked up by other players, the ownership of the equipment cannot be changed. If the equipment is unfortunately lost due to death or other reasons, the player only needs to pay 10% of the 'registered price' as a deposit to claim the ownership of the equipment. The player who picked up the equipment must return the equipment to the shelter within the time limit. After the equipment is returned, the players who returned the equipment will receive the 'deposit' paid by the owner as a reward."

"If the latter refuses to return, or even maliciously hides or damages the equipment, they will be punished for the crime of theft and damage to personal property in accordance with the in-game rules and user manual. In addition, equipment owners can also, as needed, set additional bounties and provide more details, including the location of loss, to release bounty missions for their equipment, seeking assistance from other players."

"Remember, rules only constrain the bottom line of morality. Even if it is unbound equipment, we do not recommend that you take other people's equipment as your own. Your words and deeds will affect others' evaluations of you and a noble personality shines both in the real world and in the virtual world, so don't spoil the ship for a halfpenny worth of tar."

"In addition, according to the players' suggestions, we are developing a 'credit score' system based on the existing social functions, and players with high credit scores will trigger high-quality missions more easily and have a better gaming experience. At present, this system is only running as a hidden parameter for a trial test. It is expected to be displayed on your personal homepage after the closed alpha phase."

"All in all! The greatest impact on everyone about this change is that in the future, everyone can pay directly with VM! You don't have to worry about counting money anymore!"

"For the newly developed bank function, we have arranged a special NPC to serve as the first bank president of Shelter No. 404!"

"I hope everyone will have fun in the game! Now, I need to go back to work."

"See you guys next time!"

After the post was published, the views soared instantly, and in just a few seconds the number of replies exceeded 100.

Good_names_are_taken_by_dogs: "Wait, who the hell is this special NPC?!"

Battlefield_hype_up_group: "Boss, don't go yet!"

Night Ten: "This is very annoying! Light is keeping us in suspense again!"

WC_really_has_mosquitoes: "Damn it! Can we see this NPC in the game now?"

Ample Time: "I don't think so. It's still late at night in the game, and there is no one else on the ground except for the NPCs who manage the warehouses and granaries."

Without replying to those posts one by one, Chu Guang closed the forum. After that, he started a round of "Napoleon Total War" unhurriedly.

But after playing dozens of rounds, Chu Guang got tired of it.

Mainly it was not immersive enough.

"Tsk, those soldiers are such cowards!"

"Just one round of shots from the front, and a charge from the side would make them raise the white flag immediately. Do they not know how to use bayonets to fight the enemy at close range?!"

"Sigh. It's really terrible. I'm done with it."

Compared with his own players, those soldiers in the game were simply trash!

Chu Guang, who had closed the game, thought to himself, maybe he should download a mod that locked morale?

This would be more immersive.


Chu Guang, who closed "Total War", eventually opened "Stellaris". After he maxed out the technology, he started to sit there idly, and he ended up watching the stars in the game all night before he knew it.

While playing games at night, Chu Guang also took a quick nap. When he came back to his senses, the poor Fallen Empire was almost eaten up by the xenophobic vassals he let out out of boredom.

Taking a look at the time, he was shocked to find out that it was already morning.

If he went to bed at this time, he would be able to go to the north gate to visit the players' market when he woke up.

At this moment, Chu Guang suddenly realized that it wasn't just Boss Xia who was slacking off. Since the fall of Bloodhand Clan, his life became a little bit too relaxed. It even made him become a little bit lazy.

It couldn't go on like this. He thought to himself.

The mutant human tribe on 76th Street hadn't been dealt with yet. The harsh winter had just begun, and more serious challenges still awaited him after the cold winter was over.

Waking himself up, Chu Guang put on the exoskeleton, placed the sledgehammer behind him, and stretched his stiff body.

Today was Xiaoyu's first day on the job!

Even if he wanted to catch some sleep, he had to wait.

While thinking of this, Chu Guang walked towards the elevator.

And just as he stood on the elevator and headed to the surface, there was already a big crowd of players in front of the gate of the nursing home's main building.

"Is this place the bank?"

"The official website says it's here."

"Why is there no NPC here?"

"I guess it's not time yet!"

The bank of the outpost was located at the end of the corridor on the first floor of the nursing home.

Since the bank was still in the trial operation stage, the land had only just been planned on the map, and the foundation had not yet been built, Chu Guang temporarily used an empty room on the first floor of the nursing home as the bank office. The conditions weren't that great, but it would get better.

The only furniture here was a table and a chair, and a wooden sign hanging at the door with the words "Bank" written on it.

The players gathered around with expressions of curiosity and excitement on their faces. From time to time they whispered with people next to them.

At this moment, a petite figure squeezed out of the crowd, walked to the wooden table at the entrance of the bank and sat down under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Being stared at by so many pairs of eyes, Xiaoyu felt like a deer had just broken into her heart, jumping non-stop.

But thinking that she could finally help Big Brother Chu, she still took a deep breath and cheered herself up in her mind.

Come on, Xiaoyu!

You can definitely do it!

Recalling the lines she had memorized last night, she raised her head bravely.

"B, b, b, bank!"

"It's open..."

Maybe it was because she wasn't familiar with the language of the players, or probably because it was pure nervousness, Xiaoyu, who had been full of confidence, accidentally shouted the first two words loudly. But then she was like a deflated balloon, her words later became weaker and weaker until it was almost inaudible in the end.

Her face flushed red, like a tomato.

Seeing that the atmosphere seemed to fall into an awkward silence, she, who became nervous, forgot her lines completely. She even bit her tongue accidentally. It was so painful that she was almost in tears.

Ashamed, she wanted to find a crack on the ground to hide in. But thinking about Big Brother Chu, she held back the tears in her eyes, endured the pain, and decided to complete her mission.

"Do, do you want to deposit money?"

For a moment, Xiaoyu felt that she had failed Big Brother Chu's expectations and this sacred and glorious profession.


I'm so useless!

However, Xiaoyu, who blushed like an apple, did not expect that two simple lines of opening remarks would unexpectedly make the entire crowd of players crazy.

"Ah!!!! So cute!"

"I'm dying!"

"Not good! My HP is dropping fast! This cuteness is deadly"

"I have a question. Is this a life simulation game? The official website says it is a life simulation game, right ? When can I spend money in this game? Can they just take my money!"

"Can I deposit real money!! Don't stop me, I want to deposit ALL My Money!" (Cracking voice)

"Hey hey, little sister, do you like eating mushrooms? I will treat you to mushroom soup in the evening! It's delicious and aromatic!"

"Dangerous! Go and tell Teng Teng that Boss Ya is going to be taken away by Xiaoyu!"

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"What nonsense are you talking about? Who cares about her!"

Xiaoyu blinked while looking at the players around her in bewilderment.

She had only learned a few lines. She couldn't understand what players were saying, and her VM didn't translate those incomprehensible gibberish.

However, the eyes are the windows to the soul.

Looking at their eyes, she felt like they had probably accepted her.

Thinking of this, the little girl's heart rekindled her confidence, and her original frustration due to forgetting words was replaced by full of energy.

Come on Xiaoyu!

You can't let Big Brother Chu and the "players" down!

"Whoever wants to deposit money, please line up."

"Before going out for an adventure, please leave your money safely with Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu will take good care of it for you!"

"And please stay safe!"

The players lined up in an orderly manner, putting the silver coins in their hands on the table.

Xiaoyu, who gradually became familiar with the process, meticulously counted the silver coins and copper coins on the table.

She counted each one carefully twice, then sorted it into a box on the side, and then used a VM device dedicated to her banking work to deposit the value into the player's account.

The bank's work gradually got on the right track. Chu Guang, who had been watching secretly from the side, finally nodded his head in satisfaction.


It seemed that his decision was correct.

In fact, at the beginning, Chu Guang planned to let old Luca be the bank president. However, it was fine for old Luca to count the supplies, but doing banking work was still a bit too much for an honest man like him.

Besides, old Luca had more important things to do.

Rather than collecting silver coins from players, Chu Guang needed someone who was loyal enough to help him manage other NPCs. And for this role, only the old Luca, who used to be a slave, was the most suitable person.

After thinking it over, Xiaoyu was the most suitable person for the bank president.

The president in the game and the reality are two concepts. The meaning of the former is more like customer service assistant, or a window teller.

Seriousness, stubbornness, honesty, and keeping promises were all Xiaoyu's strengths, and they were strengths that could be seen with both eyes.

In addition, she was also diligent and smart enough to learn Arabic numerals and basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in just one day, and memorize all the lines before going to bed.

This high efficiency was enough to make a certain weapon shop boss feel ashamed!

And most importantly, Xiaoyu's image would be accepted by players easily. Those big eyes that were as bright and clear as morning dew would even make silver coins lose their charms.

If Xiaoyu was the bank president, Chu Guang believed that players would work harder and offer the silver coins they had earned with both hands willingly.

Mhm. Now that I made their little Klee the president of the bank, they wouldn't raise pitchforks at me, right?

Do they really have the heart to do it?

Would they not be ashamed to do it?

It would be even more unreasonable not to praise my work

Taking a last look at the long line from the bank door to the nursing home entrance, Chu Guang turned around and walked away contentedly.

Meanwhile, at the weapon shop not far from the nursing home.

The shop had been open for a while, but there were still no customers.

Xia Yan sat bored in front of the weapon shop, her eyes drifting towards the bank from time to time until a certain someone walked out and turned to the industrial area to the south.

After letting out a big yawn, Boss Xia picked up the tool and began to smooth the rough copper sheet. She then put it on the mold, hitting it until it formed the shape of a bullet shell, and then filled the primer.

She felt like those players had lost interest in her?

"It's really strange."

No one bothered her today, but she found it hard to doze off.