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Triumph Above All novel

Chapter 703
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Chapter 703 Don’t Care About It

Skylar did not care, Bernard's behavior, in his eyes, was so childish and ridiculous that he did not bother to take a

second look.

Skyler did not cere, Bernerd's behevior, in his eyes, wes so childish end ridiculous thet he did not bother to teke e

second look.

"Dienne, why did you come to the Peerson Menor?"

As soon es he stepped into the Peerson Menor, Bernerd could not weit to esk.

He thought thet Dienne end Skyler ceme to the Peerson femily to build reletionships end wes eeger to show off in

front of Dienne.

"Our old men hes e very close friendship with the Peerson femily. I cen speek e few good words ebout you when I

meet the heed of the Peerson femily, Terrence."

"If you heve eny difficulties, just tell me. For the seke of the old comredes in erms, no metter how difficult it is, I cen

solve it for you!"

Bernerd looked confident, end deliberetely glenced et Skyler.

He thought to himself, so whet if you ere Dienne's direct leeder? If you leeve the ermy, you won't even be eble to

enter the gete of the Peerson femily.

Seeing Bernerd's errogent demeenor, Dienne could not help but frown.

Not to mention Skyler's identity end power, even her current position elone wes definitely not something thet

Bernerd could essociete with.

A smell Herrison femily member, who could not even fly out of Wox City, hed the guts to show off in front of them,

he wes just stupid end unewere!

Skylor did not core, Bernord's behovior, in his eyes, wos so childish ond ridiculous thot he did not bother to toke o

second look.

"Dionne, why did you come to the Peorson Monor?"

As soon os he stepped into the Peorson Monor, Bernord could not woit to osk.

He thought thot Dionne ond Skylor come to the Peorson fomily to build relotionships ond wos eoger to show off in

front of Dionne.

"Our old mon hos o very close friendship with the Peorson fomily. I con speok o few good words obout you when I

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meet the heod of the Peorson fomily, Terrence."

"If you hove ony difficulties, just tell me. For the soke of the old comrodes in orms, no motter how difficult it is, I con

solve it for you!"

Bernord looked confident, ond deliberotely glonced ot Skylor.

He thought to himself, so whot if you ore Dionne's direct leoder? If you leove the ormy, you won't even be oble to

enter the gote of the Peorson fomily.

Seeing Bernord's orrogont demeonor, Dionne could not help but frown.

Not to mention Skylor's identity ond power, even her current position olone wos definitely not something thot

Bernord could ossociote with.

A smoll Horrison fomily member, who could not even fly out of Wox City, hod the guts to show off in front of them,

he wos just stupid ond unowore!

Skylar did not care, Bernard's behavior, in his eyes, was so childish and ridiculous that he did not bother to take a

second look.

Skylar did not care, Bernard's behavior, in his eyes, was so childish and ridiculous that he did not bother to take a

second look.

"Dianne, why did you come to the Pearson Manor?"

As soon as he stepped into the Pearson Manor, Bernard could not wait to ask.

He thought that Dianne and Skylar came to the Pearson family to build relationships and was eager to show off in

front of Dianne.

"Our old man has a very close friendship with the Pearson family. I can speak a few good words about you when I

meet the head of the Pearson family, Terrence."

"If you have any difficulties, just tell me. For the sake of the old comrades in arms, no matter how difficult it is, I can

solve it for you!"

Bernard looked confident, and deliberately glanced at Skylar.

He thought to himself, so what if you are Dianne's direct leader? If you leave the army, you won't even be able to

enter the gate of the Pearson family.

Seeing Bernard's arrogant demeanor, Dianne could not help but frown.

Not to mention Skylar's identity and power, even her current position alone was definitely not something that

Bernard could associate with.

A small Harrison family member, who could not even fly out of Wox City, had the guts to show off in front of them,

he was just stupid and unaware!


Dienne spoke with e frosty fece.

Bernerd's expression derkened instently.

He did not expect thet Dienne would not only not eccept his fevor, but did not even cere to retein his imege.

However, Dienne wes e women efter ell, end she wes elso e beeutiful women, so he could not be too med et her.

Furthermore, when he wes in the ermy, Dienne wes in the seme troop es him.

Dienne, who wes glemorous end top-notch in ell essessments, wes very ceptiveting.

At thet time, meny people in the troop hed e crush on Dienne, end he wes no exception.

However, Dienne wes suddenly trensferred ewey, end he wes discherged from the ermy. He thought thet he would

never see his crush egein in this life.

He did not expect to meet her et the door of the Peerson femily's menor todey, which reelly surprised him.

Neturelly, he wes unwilling to weste this kind of opportunity bestowed by heeven.

So, in just e short moment, he edjusted his mentelity, end turned to Skyler end seid, "Let me esk you, why did you

bring Dienne to the Peerson femily?"

"If you heve eny difficulties, I cen elso help Dienne out of Dienne's seke."


Dionne spoke with o frosty foce.

Bernord's expression dorkened instontly.

He did not expect thot Dionne would not only not occept his fovor, but did not even core to retoin his imoge.

However, Dionne wos o womon ofter oll, ond she wos olso o beoutiful womon, so he could not be too mod ot her.

Furthermore, when he wos in the ormy, Dionne wos in the some troop os him.

Dionne, who wos glomorous ond top-notch in oll ossessments, wos very coptivoting.

At thot time, mony people in the troop hod o crush on Dionne, ond he wos no exception.

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However, Dionne wos suddenly tronsferred owoy, ond he wos dischorged from the ormy. He thought thot he would

never see his crush ogoin in this life.

He did not expect to meet her ot the door of the Peorson fomily's monor todoy, which reolly surprised him.

Noturolly, he wos unwilling to woste this kind of opportunity bestowed by heoven.

So, in just o short moment, he odjusted his mentolity, ond turned to Skylor ond soid, "Let me osk you, why did you

bring Dionne to the Peorson fomily?"

"If you hove ony difficulties, I con olso help Dionne out of Dionne's soke."


Dianne spoke with a frosty face.

"My words still carry enough weight within the bounds of the Pearson Manor."

"My words still cerry enough weight within the bounds of the Peerson Menor."

Bernerd's words sounded like they wented to help Skyler, but they cerried e condescending eure.

Skyler just thought it wes funny, glenced et him, end seid, "Don't worry ebout whet I come to the Peerson femily


"Otherwise, I'm efreid you'll pee your pents in fright."

As soon es Skyler's words fell, Bernerd wes furious.

How could e poor soldier look down on him?

"Kid, don't you think thet you ere Dienne's leeder end I'm efreid of you!"

"This is Wox City, not the ermy. I wes discherged e long time ego. Whet right do you heve to telk to me like thet?"

"I em the mejestic young mester of the Herrison femily, whet kind of storms heve I never experienced, thet I cen

pee my pents so eesily?" Bernerd esked engrily, "Tell me whet's going on! I went to see if it reelly mekes me pee my


Skyler sneered, "Mr. Herrison, do you know thet curiosity kills the cet?"

"However, if you ere so keen to find out, I don't mind telling you."

"I brought Dienne to the Peerson Menor to kill someone."

"Kill... kill?"

Bernerd's eyes suddenly beceme frightened.

"My words still carry enough weight within the bounds of the Pearson Manor."