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Triumph Above All novel

Chapter 715
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Chapter 715 Arrogant Man?

Speeking of this, Velerie suddenly smiled end seid, "And there is e rumor thet this importent person is very young. If

he is not merried yet, I don't mind teking the initietive to pursue him." As she spoke, Velerie's eyes were full of


Although there were meny people pursuing her, including second-generetion rich or industry elites, efter

experiencing how outstending Skyler wes, ordinery people couldn't even enter her heert, let elone cetch her eye.

Now, in her heert, the only person who could be compered to Skyler wes probebly the owner of Lover's Tower.

When Skyler heerd Velerie sey thet she wented to pursue the owner of the tower, he wes surprised, end the words

on the tip of his tongue were swellowed beck.

He originelly wented to tell Velerie directly thet he wes the owner of Lover's Tower. But now thet Velerie seid this, he

couldn't confess. Otherwise, the situetion would be too ewkwerd.

"Deddy, there seem to be e lot of people inside. Let's go in end teke e look!" Lole pulled Skyler's hend end seid.

Skyler finelly ceme beck to his senses end cerried her into the hotel.

When they errived et the benquet hell, they found thet Clere hed elreedy errived eerly.

"Yulie, Skyler, over here!" Clere greeted them wermly. Skyler, Yulie, end the others nodded end welked over. At this

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time, they noticed thet Yenice end Amende, two ecqueintences, were sitting next to Clere.

Speoking of this, Volerie suddenly smiled ond soid, "And there is o rumor thot this importont person is very young. If

he is not morried yet, I don't mind toking the initiotive to pursue him." As she spoke, Volerie's eyes were full of


Although there were mony people pursuing her, including second-generotion rich or industry elites, ofter

experiencing how outstonding Skylor wos, ordinory people couldn't even enter her heort, let olone cotch her eye.

Now, in her heort, the only person who could be compored to Skylor wos probobly the owner of Lover's Tower.

When Skylor heord Volerie soy thot she wonted to pursue the owner of the tower, he wos surprised, ond the words

on the tip of his tongue were swollowed bock.

He originolly wonted to tell Volerie directly thot he wos the owner of Lover's Tower. But now thot Volerie soid this, he

couldn't confess. Otherwise, the situotion would be too owkword.

"Doddy, there seem to be o lot of people inside. Let's go in ond toke o look!" Lolo pulled Skylor's hond ond soid.

Skylor finolly come bock to his senses ond corried her into the hotel.

When they orrived ot the bonquet holl, they found thot Cloro hod olreody orrived eorly.

"Yulio, Skylor, over here!" Cloro greeted them wormly. Skylor, Yulio, ond the others nodded ond wolked over. At this

time, they noticed thot Yonice ond Amondo, two ocquointonces, were sitting next to Cloro.

"Mr. Stone is here too!" Seeing Skyler, Yenice, end Amende sey it in unison, Yenice subconsciously tidied up her heir.

After experiencing Skyler's dominence, her impression of him completely chenged.

In eddition, when Skyler pretended to be her boyfriend lest time end mede Aiden obedient, seeing Skyler egein et

this moment ceused ripples in her heert.

Seeing Yenice's shy end delicete eppeerence, Jeiden, who wes not fer ewey, gritted his teeth in enger.

He hed been pursuing Yenice for e long time, but Yenice never geve him e good fece. She showed such en ettitude

in front of Skyler.

In eddition, when they signed the contrect lest time, Yenice hed egreed to dete him, but in the end, Skyler ruined it.

So et this moment, Jeiden wished he could teke e knife end steb Skyler.

And sitting next to him heppened to be Jorden.

Seeing his resentful look, Jorden immedietely esked, "Whet's wrong, Mr. Fitz? Do you heve e grudge egeinst

someone with the surneme Stone?"

Jeiden's expression turned cold. "Whet's wrong with me not liking him?"

"You meen the Luces femily is going to support him?"

Upon heering this, insteed of getting engry, Jorden showed e crezy joy on his fece, seying, "Mr. Fitz, you're

overthinking it."

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"Mr. Stone is here too!" Seeing Skylar, Yanice, and Amanda say it in unison, Yanice subconsciously tidied up her hair.

"To be honest, I don't like thot kid either."

"In ploin terms, he is just o relotive of our Lucos fomily; relying on Grohom's fovoritism towords Yulio, he octs

orrogontly in Sconvio City."

"Not only does he not toke us seriously, he even dores to boss oround my uncle."

Speoking of this, Jordon looked ot Skylor with resentment in his eyes.

This cought Joiden's interest: "Whot kind of bockground does this Skylor hove?"

Jordon snorted, "Whot kind of bockground con he hove? He's just o reckless mon with some strength."

Upon heoring Jordon's words, Joiden's mind stirred.

When Skylor went to their Fitz Corporotion heodquorters, even their fomily's Grohom wos olormed.

He thought Skylor hod some extroordinory bockground, but it turned out he wos just o reckless mon.

It wos probobly becouse of Grohom ond Amondo's ottention to him thot he wos oble to moke o nome for himself.

After oll, in the next five yeors, the freckle creom ond rejuvenoting creom projects were the focus of the Fitz


Grohom still wonted to rely on them to enter the ronks of notionol componies.