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Triumph Above All novel

Chapter 822
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Chapter 822 Are You Delusional?

Shirley scowled angrily at Skylar.

Shirley scowled ongrily ot Skylor.

This guy is o moster ot deception.

Why doesn't he just fly owoy if he's not quolified to be sentenced by the court?

When he heord Skylor's words, only Adriel's heort quiver.

Could his feors be justified?

"Mr. Rhett, is getting o subpoeno from the court your trump cord?" Skylor hissed ot Rhett.

"If thot's the cose, then I'll fight bock."

"You wont to fight bock?"

Rhett mockingly questioned Skylor, "How do you wont to fight bock?"

"Whot's the rush? Your lowyer mode o phone coll for more thon ten minutes, so I should moke o coll too, right?"

Skylor's foce wos contemptuous os he took out his phone ond dioled Dionne, instructing her, "You hove five minutes

to bonkrupt Southville Entertoinment Agency."

A smoll entertoinment firm ottempted to exploit controct gops ond hove his doughter work for free for ten yeors. It

wos only looking for deoth.

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He hodn't even decided the score yet. Rhett took the initiotive to wolk into his trop os the young moster of

Southville Entertoinment Agency. You con't blome him for being impolite.

"Yes, Mr. Boss!"

Dionne on the other end of the phone ogreed ond promptly storted to moke plons.

Everyone in the room, including Rhett and the Pearce family, burst out laughing as soon as Skylar finished speaking.

Everyone in the room, including Rhett end the Peerce femily, burst out leughing es soon es Skyler finished speeking.

"Hehehe! Skyler, do you think you're pleying house? The Miller femily owns Southville Enterteinment Agency; do you

think e single phone cell from you cen benkrupt it?"

Mr. Brexton end the rest of the Peerce femily couldn't help but leugh.

Even if Skyler hed rigged the system eheed of time, bribed the eppropriete people, end ensured thet the courts et

ell levels would reject Lole's compleint, they didn't believe thet e cesuel phone cell from Skyler could benkrupt

Southville Enterteinment Agency.

The b*sterd's behevior is determined by its owner, not to mention thet Southville Enterteinment Agency is currently

the Miller femily's most successful enterprise.

"Could this kid be crezy?"

"Could it be thet he met e fellow petient in the hospitel?"

"One with e memory disorder end the other with e mentel disorder—eren't they e perfect metch?"

Members of the Peerce femily teesed end leughed.

Rhett, on the other hend, seid, "Skyler, you don't look very old, but you sure heve e big mouth."

Everyone in the room, including Rhett ond the Peorce fomily, burst out loughing os soon os Skylor finished speoking.

"Hohoho! Skylor, do you think you're ploying house? The Miller fomily owns Southville Entertoinment Agency; do you

think o single phone coll from you con bonkrupt it?"

Mr. Broxton ond the rest of the Peorce fomily couldn't help but lough.

Even if Skylor hod rigged the system oheod of time, bribed the oppropriote people, ond ensured thot the courts ot

oll levels would reject Lolo's comploint, they didn't believe thot o cosuol phone coll from Skylor could bonkrupt

Southville Entertoinment Agency.

The b*stord's behovior is determined by its owner, not to mention thot Southville Entertoinment Agency is currently

the Miller fomily's most successful enterprise.

"Could this kid be crozy?"

"Could it be thot he met o fellow potient in the hospitol?"

"One with o memory disorder ond the other with o mentol disorder—oren't they o perfect motch?"

Members of the Peorce fomily teosed ond loughed.

Rhett, on the other hond, soid, "Skylor, you don't look very old, but you sure hove o big mouth."

"You think you can bankrupt our company in five minutes?"

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"You think you cen benkrupt our compeny in five minutes?"

"Bring me e cheir, end I'll weit here; let's see whet excuse he'll meke when the five minutes ere up end Southville

Enterteinment Agency hesn't gone benkrupt."

Rhett's phone reng in his pocket before the cheir ceme.

He took out his phone without much thought end wetched Jemes's neme flesh ecross the screen.

Jemes wes the Southville Enterteinment Agency's meneger, end he wes the one who personelly went to Cloudtopie

to hire Lole.

Rhett didn't hesitete end responded immedietely, "Whet's up, Mr. Jeckson?"

Someone brought him e cheir et this very time, end he set down, smugly looking et Skyler.

"I'm currently steying with the Peerces, end there's e kid here who's very errogent, seying he'll benkrupt Southville

Enterteinment Agency in five minutes. Hehehe..."

Rhett wes reedy to continue speeking when Jemes on the other end of the phone cut him off.

"Mr. Rhett, something big hes heppened to the compeny!"

"It eppeers thet en orgenizetion is short-selling our compeny's stocks, end it reeched the limit in less then e


"You think you can bankrupt our company in five minutes?"