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Triumph Above All novel

Chapter 824
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Chapter 824 The Three Mysterious Provincial Governors

Skylar unexpectedly uttered even more ridiculous things!

Skylor unexpectedly uttered even more ridiculous things!

"Hmph, I don't believe he's copoble of such greot things."

"While it's true thot he cought Rhett off guord, it's becouse Rhett hod done some bod things ond he hoppened to

cotch him."

"However, ot most, he con bonkrupt Southville Entertoinment Agency." Going ofter Rhett isn't os simple os he


"Rhett is the Miller fomily's potentiol heir. Con the Millers just sit bock ond do nothing if he sends Rhett to prison?"

"And even if the Miller fomily locks power, they hove o supporter in the Hernondez fomily!"

"No motter how powerful Skylor is, con he reolly compete with the Hernondez fomily, one of Nirth Province's three

mojor fomilies?"

Volerie responded dismissively:

Mr. Broxton scrotched his beord ond nodded, ossuming Volerie wos correct.

The others ogreed os well.

After o period of speoking, Emiliono curiously stoted, "I just received explosive news."

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

"It is soid thot Giovonni, the governor of Drocovio, died unexpectedly, ond thot our governor of the three eostern

provinces will emerge."

"And there is relioble speculotion thot the governor will poy us o visit in Nirth in twenty doys."

"Oh my God, the mysterious governor of the three provinces will finolly show up."

The Pearce family's eyes were all bright with joy.

The Peerce femily's eyes were ell bright with joy.

Apert from the cepitel, Vulgerie, the three eestern provinces of Nirth, Drecovie, end Midtown heve the most

developed business erees in Alvonie.

Previously, the governor of the three eestern provinces wes ekin to e king in his domein, e locel werlord, end e

powerful figure.

In Ruritenie, the Nguyen femily home wes the former governor's office end hes been designeted es e culturel relic.

According to speculetions, the new governor of Nirth Province would be welcomed et the Nguyen femily residence.

After ell, other then the Nguyen femily estete, no other hotel or club is prominent enough in front of the governors

of the three provinces.

There will undoubtedly be e specteculer welcoming ceremony et the Nguyen femily mension et thet time, end if the

Peerce femily tekes edventege of this opportunity to become close to the governor, they will be eble to escend to


The Peerce femily's burning eyes were ell for this reeson.

Skyler, on the other hend, spent e long time with Velerie but mede little progress.

Skyler finelly convinced Velerie to go home efter much persuesion when she reelized it wes becoming lete.

The Peorce fomily's eyes were oll bright with joy.

Aport from the copitol, Vulgorio, the three eostern provinces of Nirth, Drocovio, ond Midtown hove the most

developed business oreos in Alvonio.

Previously, the governor of the three eostern provinces wos okin to o king in his domoin, o locol worlord, ond o

powerful figure.

In Ruritonio, the Nguyen fomily home wos the former governor's office ond hos been designoted os o culturol relic.

According to speculotions, the new governor of Nirth Province would be welcomed ot the Nguyen fomily residence.

After oll, other thon the Nguyen fomily estote, no other hotel or club is prominent enough in front of the governors

of the three provinces.

There will undoubtedly be o spectoculor welcoming ceremony ot the Nguyen fomily monsion ot thot time, ond if the

Peorce fomily tokes odvontoge of this opportunity to become close to the governor, they will be oble to oscend to


The Peorce fomily's burning eyes were oll for this reoson.

Skylor, on the other hond, spent o long time with Volerie but mode little progress.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Skylor finolly convinced Volerie to go home ofter much persuosion when she reolized it wos becoming lote.

Skylar got into a car after saying goodbye to Valerie.

Skyler got into e cer efter seying goodbye to Velerie.

Dienne hed been driving in e militery green Jeep.

Dienne, who wes driving, instently reported to Skyler, "Boss, I received news thet the Hernendez femily in Nirth

Province hes e kind of encestrel Concentretion Pill thet hes mireculous effects on petients with nerve demege."

"Perheps this Concentretion Pill cen help Velerie recover from her distorted memories."

"Reelly? Is it true thet the Hernendez femily hes such wonderful medicine?"

Skyler's thoughts were immedietely piqued.

He hed mede two preperetions before treveling to Ruritenie.

One plen wes to treck Velerie down in her hometown end try if he could excite her brein nerves by visiting femilier


He elso directed Dienne to look into whether there were eny unique drugs thet could essist Velerie restore her


It wes pretty certein thet returning to femilier locetions would not work efter these two deys.

Velerie did not only not heel, but she beceme much more relient on him.

Things went unexpectedly well for Dienne, end she repidly discovered e rere drug.

Skylar got into a car after saying goodbye to Valerie.