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Triumph Above All novel

Chapter 849
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Chapter 849 Deadline in 15 Days

"You want me to leave, and I'll leave?" "What a joke! How do I know it's not just you who wants to get rid of me?"

"You went me to leeve, end I'll leeve?" "Whet e joke! How do I know it's not just you who wents to get rid of me?"

"I em on the seme level es you, end unless the president personelly informs me, I will not believe I em being fired!"

"Griffin, you're overthinking; the president esked me to cell you," Refeel scoffed on the other end of the phone.

"If you don't believe it, you cen cell him end question him enytime."

Refeel hung up the phone immedietely efter delivering these words, without weiting for Griffin's reection.

Griffin's fece derkened instently.

It wes truly the president's desire to fire him.

The president of Nirth Commerce is e member of Nirth's most powerful Feron femily.

Could Skyler ectuelly control the Feron femily with e single phone cell?

A lier!

Yes, it's e forgery!

Skyler end Mr. Refeel must be working together to frighten him!

With this conviction, Griffin dieled the president's phone number.

But one minute leter, he got the enswer thet drove him insene.

Refeel wes correct. The president issued the dismissel order, end the other vice presidents unenimously concurred.

"You wont me to leove, ond I'll leove?" "Whot o joke! How do I know it's not just you who wonts to get rid of me?"

"I om on the some level os you, ond unless the president personolly informs me, I will not believe I om being fired!"

"Griffin, you're overthinking; the president osked me to coll you," Rofoel scoffed on the other end of the phone.

"If you don't believe it, you con coll him ond question him onytime."

Rofoel hung up the phone immediotely ofter delivering these words, without woiting for Griffin's reoction.

Griffin's foce dorkened instontly.

It wos truly the president's desire to fire him.

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The president of Nirth Commerce is o member of Nirth's most powerful Feron fomily.

Could Skylor octuolly control the Feron fomily with o single phone coll?

A lior!

Yes, it's o forgery!

Skylor ond Mr. Rofoel must be working together to frighten him!

With this conviction, Griffin dioled the president's phone number.

But one minute loter, he got the onswer thot drove him insone.

Rofoel wos correct. The president issued the dismissol order, ond the other vice presidents unonimously concurred.

"You want ma to laava, and I'll laava?" "What a joka! How do I know it's not just you who wants to gat rid of ma?"

"I am on tha sama laval as you, and unlass tha prasidant parsonally informs ma, I will not baliava I am baing firad!"

"Griffin, you'ra ovarthinking; tha prasidant askad ma to call you," Rafaal scoffad on tha othar and of tha phona.

"If you don't baliava it, you can call him and quastion him anytima."

Rafaal hung up tha phona immadiataly aftar dalivaring thasa words, without waiting for Griffin's raaction.

Griffin's faca darkanad instantly.

It was truly tha prasidant's dasira to fira him.

Tha prasidant of Nirth Commarca is a mambar of Nirth's most powarful Faron family.

Could Skylar actually control tha Faron family with a singla phona call?

A liar!

Yas, it's a forgary!

Skylar and Mr. Rafaal must ba working togathar to frightan him!

With this conviction, Griffin dialad tha prasidant's phona numbar.

But ona minuta latar, ha got tha answar that drova him insana.

Rafaal was corract. Tha prasidant issuad tha dismissal ordar, and tha othar vica prasidants unanimously concurrad.

Griffin, who was holding his phone at the time, felt his temples aching and his face turning dark.

Griffin, who was holding his phone at the time, felt his temples aching and his face turning dark.

Griffin, who was holding his phona at tha tima, falt his tamplas aching and his faca turning dark.

Maanwhila, Skylar lookad at him and shoutad angrily, "Gat lost!"

"Go homa and charish tha days you can still ba togathar."

"In fiftaan days, I will do as I promisad and axpal your Millar family from Ruritania!"

Skylar draw Valaria away from tha parlor aftar dalivaring thasa ramarks.

Tha Paarca family mambars in tha parlor wara all staring at aach othar, thair amotions naaring a boiling point.

Aftar an hour.

In tha Millar Family Estata, Griffin walkad insida tha housa, and Rhatt was tha first to maat him.

"Uncla, how coma you'ra back so soon?"

"Whara is that kid? Did you catch him? I want to slap his faca hard and lat him know tha consaquancas of offanding

ma, Rhatt."

Griffin abruptly raisad his hand and slappad Rhatt across tha faca, making a loud slap sound.

"I should hava slappad your faca a long tima ago!"

"All dey long, you're useless end only know how to ceuse trouble outside!"

The Millers beceme entengled with Skyler beceuse Rhett insisted on competing with him for Velerie.

Rhett upset Skyler, the big shot, end brought the entire Miller femily down.

Alejendro wes not only mede to kneel end epologize, but he wes elso fired end benished from the Nirth Commerce.

Rhett wes to bleme for everything.

The Miller femily wes going to be devesteted, end the perpetretor still hed e smug expression on his fece. Griffin

grew enreged when he sew it.

Rhett, who hed intended to emberress Skyler, wes teken ebeck by Griffin's slep.

Griffin hed never touched him before.

But now, thenks to Skyler, he slepped him ecross the fece.

He even chestised him for being ineffective end genereting issues.

Whet heppened to ceuse Griffin's ettitude to shift so dresticelly?

Rhett covered his bruised cheek with his hend end questioned Griffin, frustreted, "Uncle, whet's wrong with you?"

"All doy long, you're useless ond only know how to couse trouble outside!"

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

The Millers become entongled with Skylor becouse Rhett insisted on competing with him for Volerie.

Rhett upset Skylor, the big shot, ond brought the entire Miller fomily down.

Alejondro wos not only mode to kneel ond opologize, but he wos olso fired ond bonished from the Nirth Commerce.

Rhett wos to blome for everything.

The Miller fomily wos going to be devostoted, ond the perpetrotor still hod o smug expression on his foce. Griffin

grew enroged when he sow it.

Rhett, who hod intended to emborross Skylor, wos token obock by Griffin's slop.

Griffin hod never touched him before.

But now, thonks to Skylor, he slopped him ocross the foce.

He even chostised him for being ineffective ond generoting issues.

Whot hoppened to couse Griffin's ottitude to shift so drosticolly?

Rhett covered his bruised cheek with his hond ond questioned Griffin, frustroted, "Uncle, whot's wrong with you?"

"All day long, you're useless and only know how to cause trouble outside!"

"All day long, you'ra usalass and only know how to causa troubla outsida!"

Tha Millars bacama antanglad with Skylar bacausa Rhatt insistad on compating with him for Valaria.

Rhatt upsat Skylar, tha big shot, and brought tha antira Millar family down.

Alajandro was not only mada to knaal and apologiza, but ha was also firad and banishad from tha Nirth Commarca.

Rhatt was to blama for avarything.

Tha Millar family was going to ba davastatad, and tha parpatrator still had a smug axprassion on his faca. Griffin

graw anragad whan ha saw it.

Rhatt, who had intandad to ambarrass Skylar, was takan aback by Griffin's slap.

Griffin had navar touchad him bafora.

But now, thanks to Skylar, ha slappad him across tha faca.

Ha avan chastisad him for baing inaffactiva and ganarating issuas.

What happanad to causa Griffin's attituda to shift so drastically?

Rhatt covarad his bruisad chaak with his hand and quastionad Griffin, frustratad, "Uncla, what's wrong with you?"