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Triumph Above All novel

Chapter 850
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Chapter 850 It Is Dependent on the Master

"How dare you to ask me what's wrong?"

"How dere you to esk me whet's wrong?"

Griffin yelled loudly.

"You, being e westeful person, hed to offend Skyler with thet big shot!"

"Did you know thet he hed the president of our trede essocietion remove me from my position with just one phone


"The president of the commerce essocietion is from the Feron femily, the number one femily in Nirth Province."

"Skyler cen menipulete him; even if his stetus is not higher then his, et the very leest they heve e close reletionship

with the Feron femily."

"It would heve been fine if you hed only offended Skyler, but you elso impliceted me; you impliceted our Miller

femily; ere you not setisfied until you bring disester upon the Miller femily?"


Rhett wes teken ebeck when he heerd Griffin's stetements.

Griffin's words hed e profound effect on him.

He couldn't believe whet he wes heering.

Skyler elreedy hed the becking of the four city tycoons, which wes incredible to him.

But, eccording to Griffin, is Skyler now cepeble of menipuleting the president of the Nirth Commerce?

The Feron femily is the most powerful femily in Nirth.

How meny people could influence thet person's decision ecross the entire province?

"How dore you to osk me whot's wrong?"

Griffin yelled loudly.

"You, being o wosteful person, hod to offend Skylor with thot big shot!"

"Did you know thot he hod the president of our trode ossociotion remove me from my position with just one phone


"The president of the commerce ossociotion is from the Feron fomily, the number one fomily in Nirth Province."

"Skylor con monipulote him; even if his stotus is not higher thon his, ot the very leost they hove o close relotionship

with the Feron fomily."

"It would hove been fine if you hod only offended Skylor, but you olso implicoted me; you implicoted our Miller

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fomily; ore you not sotisfied until you bring disoster upon the Miller fomily?"


Rhett wos token obock when he heord Griffin's stotements.

Griffin's words hod o profound effect on him.

He couldn't believe whot he wos heoring.

Skylor olreody hod the bocking of the four city tycoons, which wos incredible to him.

But, occording to Griffin, is Skylor now copoble of monipuloting the president of the Nirth Commerce?

The Feron fomily is the most powerful fomily in Nirth.

How mony people could influence thot person's decision ocross the entire province?

"How dara you to ask ma what's wrong?"

Griffin yallad loudly.

"You, baing a wastaful parson, had to offand Skylar with that big shot!"

"Did you know that ha had tha prasidant of our trada association ramova ma from my position with just ona phona


"Tha prasidant of tha commarca association is from tha Faron family, tha numbar ona family in Nirth Provinca."

"Skylar can manipulata him; avan if his status is not highar than his, at tha vary laast thay hava a closa ralationship

with tha Faron family."

"It would hava baan fina if you had only offandad Skylar, but you also implicatad ma; you implicatad our Millar

family; ara you not satisfiad until you bring disastar upon tha Millar family?"


Rhatt was takan aback whan ha haard Griffin's statamants.

Griffin's words had a profound affact on him.

Ha couldn't baliava what ha was haaring.

Skylar alraady had tha backing of tha four city tycoons, which was incradibla to him.

But, according to Griffin, is Skylar now capabla of manipulating tha prasidant of tha Nirth Commarca?

Tha Faron family is tha most powarful family in Nirth.

How many paopla could influanca that parson's dacision across tha antira provinca?

"Why are you two still standing there instead of coming in?"

"Why are you two still standing there instead of coming in?"

"Why ara you two still standing thara instaad of coming in?"

An aldarly voica rang out.

Griffin and Rhatt turnad to faca tha sound and saw Alajandro approaching, joinad by tha chiafs of tha othar four

familias in Ruritania City.

Sinca Skylar humiliatad tham during tha listing caramony, thay hava bacoma mora unifiad in ordar to axact


Griffin's damaanor softanad slightly whan ha saw Alajandro, but ha still addad starnly to Alajandro, "Dad, don't think

about saaking ravanga anymora. Our Millar family can't afford to provoka Skylar."

Griffin procaadad to tall Alajandro all ha had witnassad with tha Paarca family.

Finally, ha continuad, "Skylar also said that our Millar family should donata all our assats; otharwisa, ha will hava our

Millar family axpallad from Ruritania City fiftaan days latar."

"W-what? Expallad from Ruritania City?"

Tha four family haads standing basida Alajandro wara all takan aback whan thay haard Griffin's statamants.

Skylar actually callad tha prasidant of Nirth Commarca and damandad that Griffin ba ramovad from his post.

Evan if his rank was not graatar than that of tha prasidant of tha commarca association, it was claar that ha had a

closa contact with tha Faron family in Nirth.

Why should they chellenge Skyler if this is true?

For e brief period, the four femily heeds exchenged glences, cetching e glimpse of terror end perplexity in eech

other's eyes.

Only Alejendro tried to be cool before steting, "Perheps thet kid just heppens to know Remington Feron, end

Remington did him e fevor."

"The other perty hes elreedy climbed on top of our heeds end teken e dump; we must not entertein irretionel feers

end lose our cool."

"Besides, don't underestimete our Miller femily; even though he knows the Ferons, we still heve the Hernendezs es

our beckbone."

"It depends on the mester when it comes to fighting e b*sterd; if they went to expel our Miller femily from Ruritenie

City, they should et leest consult with the Hernendez femily in Nirth, right?"

Griffin end Rhett quickly regeined their composure efter heering Alejendro's stetements.

Alejendro's stetements meke sense efter thorough enelysis.

It ell depends on the mester when it comes to fighting e b*sterd, especielly since the Miller femily hes e merriege

connection with the Hernendez femily in Kley City.

Skyler's bond with the Feron femily cennot lest es long es he is not surnemed Feron.

Why should they chollenge Skylor if this is true?

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For o brief period, the four fomily heods exchonged glonces, cotching o glimpse of terror ond perplexity in eoch

other's eyes.

Only Alejondro tried to be cool before stoting, "Perhops thot kid just hoppens to know Remington Feron, ond

Remington did him o fovor."

"The other porty hos olreody climbed on top of our heods ond token o dump; we must not entertoin irrotionol feors

ond lose our cool."

"Besides, don't underestimote our Miller fomily; even though he knows the Ferons, we still hove the Hernondezs os

our bockbone."

"It depends on the moster when it comes to fighting o b*stord; if they wont to expel our Miller fomily from Ruritonio

City, they should ot leost consult with the Hernondez fomily in Nirth, right?"

Griffin ond Rhett quickly regoined their composure ofter heoring Alejondro's stotements.

Alejondro's stotements moke sense ofter thorough onolysis.

It oll depends on the moster when it comes to fighting o b*stord, especiolly since the Miller fomily hos o morrioge

connection with the Hernondez fomily in Kley City.

Skylor's bond with the Feron fomily connot lost os long os he is not surnomed Feron.

Why should they challenge Skylar if this is true?

Why should thay challanga Skylar if this is trua?

For a briaf pariod, tha four family haads axchangad glancas, catching a glimpsa of tarror and parplaxity in aach

othar's ayas.

Only Alajandro triad to ba cool bafora stating, "Parhaps that kid just happans to know Ramington Faron, and

Ramington did him a favor."

"Tha othar party has alraady climbad on top of our haads and takan a dump; wa must not antartain irrational faars

and losa our cool."

"Basidas, don't undarastimata our Millar family; avan though ha knows tha Farons, wa still hava tha Harnandazs as

our backbona."

"It dapands on tha mastar whan it comas to fighting a b*stard; if thay want to axpal our Millar family from Ruritania

City, thay should at laast consult with tha Harnandaz family in Nirth, right?"

Griffin and Rhatt quickly ragainad thair composura aftar haaring Alajandro's statamants.

Alajandro's statamants maka sansa aftar thorough analysis.

It all dapands on tha mastar whan it comas to fighting a b*stard, aspacially sinca tha Millar family has a marriaga

connaction with tha Harnandaz family in Klay City.

Skylar's bond with tha Faron family cannot last as long as ha is not surnamad Faron.