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Chapter 623 623. CERULEAN CLOUD
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Chapter 623 623. CERULEAN CLOUD

Noah's figure appeared on the path of her uncontrolled flight and he caught her in his arms. The moment he touched her speed essence flowed out of his palms to deal with whatever effects the corrosive beam had.

Fortunately, her base defenses had been capable of blocking almost everything.

"Should I take care of the rest?" Noah whispered.

Erolia shook her head. She appreciated his coming but she didn't want to seem weak.

Noah nodded and let go of her.

Erolia resumed her flight as she decided to reveal more of her abilities. Unconcerned by her almost naked state she closed her eyes for a second even if a purple beam shot towards her again.

Noah threatened to do something at that sight but he sensed something and decided against it.

'This battle is over.' He shook his head creating distance.

A cerulean circle expanded behind Erolia's figure. It wasn't large, only as big as her back. Golden spear heads rotated within the circle and a white crown appeared on her head.

A golden robe born from raw sparks manifested on her body as the illusory image of a large bird pulsed out of her figure only to vanish immediately.

Her presence exploded with greater intensity and the regions around her saw golden clouds manifesting from thin air.

Several white and cerulean markings appeared on her skin and face, as her eyes lost their luster to gain a blank light. One detached from emotions.

The purple beam coming her way had started to move slower to her eyes, yet she raised her right palm to let it clash with that poisonous power.

The collusion unfolded in a large explosion even if the corrosive gas quickly cleared to reveal that she was alright. Unaffected by the offensive.

By this point, Erolia's eyes glowed bright with white, and her face shone with significant intensity. Her aura felt totally different yet completely the same.

This contrast was because this remained the first time Erolia activated that skill. It cost her a lot but pumped power into her existence. She felt exalted above all others.

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Still keeping her right arm stretched forward, her essence moved and the circle behind her gave birth to eight tail-like manifestations made from gold, silver, and cerulean sparks.

Those sharp-edged tails shot towards the Barmus's projection with a roar.

A third scorpion tail flickered into existence and all three launched a coordinated attack at the descending tails.

Unfortunately, Erolia made her tails evade those attacks and four of eight went to wrap around the projection's figure. She closed her palm and the tails tightened around the projection so much so that cracks started to spread on it!

The remaining four tails went for the Barmus at the bottom of it all. But for the first time since that manifestation, the Barmus moved, and its projection vanished the instant it did.

The tails clashed with the beast's figure and exploded upon contact, now its body emitted more of that bronze miasma.

The instant the beast gained its bearing again its projection exploded into existence and all three of its scorpion tails shot straight for Erolias figure in the sky.

Shaking her head at that scene, Erolia clasped her hands wishing to see the extent of her power in that form.

Once again the illusory image of a large feathered bird pulsed from her figure and the golden clouds above her transformed into pillars that stretched towards the incoming scorpion tails.

An explosion barreled out the moment both energies collided and the sky shook from the impact. Both energies remained spectacular.

The explosion cleared to reveal that one of the Barmus's tails had been destroyed, but Erolia would not give it any break, she clasped her hands again and this time the sky grumbled at her request even if it obeyed.

Her golden clouds vanished and cerulean ones replaced them.

A heavy weight pressed down on the world for those clouds rumbled with pure white sparks.

The crashing of thunder caught the attention of every powerful beast in the chasm. That battle had grown rather big.

This wouldn't have been so if Erolia hadn't decided to demolish her opponent's peak form.

Normally, many simply went for the real body since it was at its weakest in that form.

Corrupted Barmus's were rare to encounter thanks to the process that was needed for one to even come to be. How they even encountered one was already surprising.

And usually, parties of higher-stage experts would gang up on one of those beasts to take it down. The fact that Erolia had a chance at taking it on spoke of her monstrous might.

The fifth-tier experts watched with real attention. The battle remained impressive.

The Barmus growled at the sight of those cerulean clouds it was at its last leg, the activation of that skill cost it huge amounts of mana and it couldn't absorb ambient mana quickly enough to match its expenditure.

There was also the fact that after each activation it would be tired. The beast saw no way out of that fight. Its opponent was terrible.

Still, it wouldn't run.

With her hands still clasped Erolia allowed a single white bolt to fall from the sky, and the discharge of the bolt's light completely drove the sun's radiance away.

A horrendous roar followed the arrival of the crackling mass, and when it landed on the Barmus's bronze head, it ended up slamming its face into the ground, as huge cracks expanded on both its material and the terrain.

For the first time since that fight the structural integrity of the projection came under real danger. Its bronze light began to flicker but it didn't shatter.

"You're really sturdy aren't you?" Erolia uttered words for the first time since she activated that skill, and her tone sounded too distant from what she normally sounded. 

It reminded Noah of what he was before the destruction of the 'Stone heart' skill. It worried him a bit.

"Well, if this Isn't enough to end you, I will accept my defeat with humility."

What followed her words was the sound of rumbling. Its intensity was far greater than any that had unfolded during that battle so far.

The cerulean clouds crackled with power as they merged to form one great bright colossal cloud.

Erolia voiced a few inaudible words and the aura and light she exuded plummeted. However, in return, the pressure of that singular cloud exploded.

Something big occurred within that gaseous mass, and its power felt so choking that Noah found it hard to believe it was Erolia fighting.

"We should probably leave this place," Lady Edna revealed, beginning to float away from that area. The rest followed her lead.

Having somewhat recovered from the initial offensive, the Barmus launched purple beams even if to its surprise a powerful pulling force acted on them pulling them towards the cloud, which devoured those energies only to add them to its power.

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The Barmus did this a few times within 30 seconds, but it gave up due to a strong sensation taking over its senses.


For the first time since that battle, the Barmus felt fear; an emotion it wasn't used to but understood very well.

It growled at the coming attack even if it instinctively knew it couldn't do anything. And for the first time, it made moves to save its life.

The projection shrunk in size, increasing its density but making it easier for the Barmus to move around.

lightsnοvεl Erolia would not let it escape, however. The circle behind her gave birth to eight tails again and they kept the Barmus from running.

Each passing second spelled doom for the now frantic beast, then finally, it felt death hang over its head as though it were physically present!

The shining white cloud pulsed when the attack it had been cooking reached its final stages and gaps appeared in its structure, for the power it held within it caused it to disperse.

With grandiose and might the said attack revealed itself.

A massive bird born out of an amalgamation of sparks, wind, and even fire.

Its figure shone with all the colors of the rainbow and its power felt too high to be within the fourth tier.

Erolia had created something with quasi-tier-five power, and she wasn't hesitant to unleash it


The sky almost bent at the movement of that bird-shaped mass.

Terrible heat blasts scorched the earth below as the chasm ecosystem was disturbed.

At this point, it wasn't a question of whether the Barmus could survive or not; It definitely wouldn't.

The real question was how much trouble would they face for that massive offensive?

The bird landed on the Barmu's projection and it roared one last time before its world went blinding then a pop reached its ears.

Its awareness went black afterward as the impact of the attack ravaged that region and shook several regions around. So much so that beasts at deeper depths of the chasm arose to check what had made such a ruckus.

Tens of auras in the fifth tier exploded into existence and a cacophony of roars caused by weaker beasts unfolded.

Erolia passed out when the shock waves of her attack washed over her.