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Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 408 beautiful day
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Five black vehicles slowly pulls to a stop in front of the rundown building. The engines shut off in a neatly order, but no one steps out of the cars.

"Why did these cars suddenly park in front of this creepy building?"

"This building looks like it’s going to fall apart in any second, but lately, there’s been a few people seen going in and out."

"Really? You saw someone enter? Should we report to the police that there’s suspicious activities going on here?"

"Shh! Mind your own business. No one knows who they are. What if they’re some kind of gang? Let’s hurry and leave."

Passersby whispers to one another in discussion, but none dare to stay for a long time to observe who is inside the cars. Just looking at the creepy and old building was enough to give them nightmares.

Just as the people scattered on with their own businesses, the doors to the five cars click open.

Four people stepped out from each vehicle making a total of twenty men. However, unlike their usual black uniform, each man was dressed more comfortably.

"Are you sure this is the right place?"

Yiqing asks as he steps out from the driver side of the first vehicle. He stares at the rundown building then to the nicer buildings around.

The location sent to them clearly pinpointed to this building, but no matter how much he looks at it, he can only have doubt inside.

Why would their boss want them to gather here?

"It’s the correct address."

Stepping out of the passenger side from the same car as Yiqing, the tall and bulky Jiangyu answers. He lift one hand to remove his sunglasses and stares at the building.

"Great! You’re all here!!"

Just as all twenty men took a step away from the cars, a man’s cheerful voice calls out to them.

Each person looks at the owner of the voice and furrow their brows.

Jiangyu’s eyes turned murderous as he slams the passenger door shut. His jaw tightens and he growls at the man.

"Xu Long, you better have a good explanation for this call on our day off."

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Meeting Jiangyu’s cold eyes that can kill a person’s soul, Xu Long rolled his eyes. One look and he can already tell that the bulky man is still holding a grudge against him over the picture he took.

However, is he afraid of Jiangyu? Of course not!

Without a care for those deadly eyes, Xu Long smiles a wide grin to the men.

"It was the boss’s order to gather you all here. So, if any of you want to complain, go complain to him."

He lift his righthand and points his thumb in the direction of the rundown building.

"He’s inside."

Hearing the assistant’s words, everyone rolled their eyes. Complain? Hah! If they dare to complain, they wouldn’t have been members of Wolf Team.

Besides, only an idiotic person like Xu Long would dare to complain and somehow get away with it.

Shaking their head, each person closes the door to the car and approach the building.

Xu Long stares at each man walking pass him then his eyes landed on the bulky man. His palms rubs together like an evildoer up to no good.

"Bro Jiangyu."

He cheerfully calls out and turn around to walk in the same pace as the man. He lift his arm and place it on Jiangyu’s shoulder.

At first, he intended to put his elbow on the shoulder, but due to the huge difference in their height, Xu Long could only straighten his arm up and put his palm on Jiangyu’s shoulder.

Leaning closer to the man, he giggles a whisper.

"There’s someone inside dying to see you."

The moment Xu Long placed his hand on Jiangyu’s shoulder, the bulky man wanted to smack the assistant’s hand away.

However, hearing that someone wanted to see him, his brows slightly furrow.

He gives Xu Long a side glance then to the rundown building.

When the word ’someone’ was mentioned, he couldn’t help but think about the petite woman he had gone on a blind date with. She said she was a part of their lady boss’s team.

Remembering her cute and shy expression at the time, Jiangyu’s cheeks lightly flush. However, as quickly as the feelings came, they were brushed away.

If he allows the guys from Wolf Team to see him this way, they will no doubt make fun of him.

In fact, he really doesn’t care if they do, but this is the first time a girl has interest him. With his temper, if he was to turn into a gorilla, he might scare her off.

As Lu Tian’s team makes their way inside the building with the escort of Xu Long, another person is off to escort a certain person.

Lin Hui strode out to the back with both his hands held behind his back. He leisurely skips towards the three people sitting under the shade.

"Wow, today is such a beautiful day."

Hearing his sudden voice, Yue Ling along with Uncle Zhi and Ju Suo turned to look at the man. Seeing his expression, they already knew why he came out here.

Unaware that the three people already knew what he is up to, Lin Hui comes to a halt. He looks at Ju Suo and gasps aloud.

"Wow! Ju Suo, you look absolutely stunning!"

He has to admit, most of the time, Ju Suo is a little vicious cat, but she is like the cute and adorable little sister he never had. However, with light touches of makeup, it feels like she had suddenly blossomed into a more mature woman.

Thinking this, he lift his hand wipes away the imaginary tears sliding down his cheeks.

"Our family’s Ju Suo has become so mature."

Of course, these words are just a cover up for his real feelings. He will never admit that deep down, he is crying in joy at that fact that he and Xu Long are able to live longer.

And its all thanks to this blissful love that is slowly developing between Ju Suo and Jiangyu.

"Lin Hui, whatever it is you want to say, just say it."

Uncle Zhi rolled his eyes at the young man and wave the paper fan in his hand. His gesture was like he had turned into a noble Lord and Lin Hui was his servant hesitating to report something.

He never understood why people like to beat around the bush.

Hearing the middle-aged man, Lin Hui shift his eyes away from Ju Suo to Uncle Zhi. He smiles with his eyes closed and held his hands behind his back again.

"Aiya, I only ame out here to see how the weather is. Also, I wanted to let our little Ju Suo know that her Jiangyu is inside."


Ju Suo frown hearing Lin Hui’s words, but at the sudden mention of Jiangyu, her eyes widen, and her jaw drops to the ground. She abruptly stood up and straighten her clothes.

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She wore an oversized pink cardigan and a rather large white t shirt with black leggings.

On normal days, she would be wearing something very cute, but because they were cleaning, she wore something more comfortable.

If she knew she was going to see Jiangyu again, she would have dolled up more. However, it was too late.

"Boss, how do I look? Do I look fine? Do I have dirt anywhere on my clothes? What about my face?"

Being asked the many questions, Yue Ling faintly smiles at the petite woman.

"Mm, our Ju Suo looks fine."

Trusting her boss’s words, Ju Suo inhales a mouthful of air to calm herself down. Without wasting anymore time, she lift her foot and runs in the direction of the building.

She cannot wait to see Jiangyu!

Lin Hui shook his head and quickly follows after the petite woman. He is very curious to know how Ju Suo acts when Jiangyu is around.

Will she turn into the usual vicious little cat or become an innocent bunny?

Staring at her two subordinates leave, Yue Ling’s entire being softened.

Ju Suo was like a high school girl off to meet her longtime crush and Lin Hui the annoying brother who is always up to no good.

Until they were no longer in sight, she turns to Uncle Zhi. The soft demeanor she had was quickly replaced with seriousness.

"Do you have a place stay? If not, you can stay with me and Lu Tian until everything settles down."

Uncle Zhi was looking in the direction Ju Suo and Lin Hui had gone, but when he suddenly heard Yue Ling’s words, his head slowly turn to look at her and he shook his head.

"No need. I have already moved some of my things to Manager Luo’s place."

Yue Ling arch a brow in surprise. She was going to talk to Lu Tian to let the man stay with them for the time being. That way, if anything were to happen, she and him will be there to help.

However, she did not expect Uncle Zhi to already found a place.

Knowing what she is thinking, Uncle Zhi chuckles and waves the paper fan in his hand.

"I may have gotten older and Manager Luo may have become a lot older, but we are still capable like how we used to be."

Staring at him, Yue Ling returns a smile and nod her head. She would rather have him stay with her and Lu Tian, but since he chose to stay with Manager Luo, it isn’t such a bad idea either.

Manager Luo is a well-respected man in both worlds. Only an idiot would dare to cross his line.