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Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 436 smiling to yourself
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The dark ceiling above seemed to have darken more and more like a black hole slowly engulfing any source of life away.


Gongi laid like a lifeless soul on the cold floor. He chokes a chuckle as he stares up at the ceiling. Both his arms spread at his side and he ponder about his life at this very moment.

He could feel his body slowly turn cold and numb due to the massive amount of blood he was losing.

Averting his gaze to the tall and aloof man standing in front of him, he curses inside. If he had been born with a silver spoon like Lu Tian, his life wouldn’t be so miserable like this.

"K... Kill me..."

He sobs a quiet whisper in plead. For someone weak like him, he rather die than rot in prison. Especially now that he has missing fingers, life will never be the same for him.

However, Lu Tian does not kill him but stares with no emotions in his eyes.

"You reap what you sow."

His words fell as he walks away from Gongi. The moment they decided to target his wife, their life was already in his hands, but as much as he wanted to end this bastard’s life, they still need him alive to confess Chu Li Xiang’s escape plan.

Gongi was frozen in place when he saw Lu Tian walk away. He thought the man would kill him on the spot, but instead he (Lu Tian) allowed him to live.

Hearing Lu Tian’s footsteps grow fainter and fainter, Gongi uses every strength left in him to curse his next words.

"Lu Tian you bastard! You’re going to die with no grave!! All your enemies will come after you and one by one they will rape your woman!!!!"



A shot fires from the direction Lu Tian had left to the man cursing aloud making everything silent.

Gongi’s eyes shot open as the bullet did not hit him but a foot away from him head. He was so scared that he pissed himself. If Lu Tian really wanted him dead, he would have died right away.

Seeing the man go quiet, Lu Tian turns around and continues his steps in the direction his wife had gone. Reaching the back door leading to outside, his deep voice sounds.

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"I will kill anyone who touches a strand of my wife’s hair."

Just as he took a step out the door, the sound of siren wails from the back of the shop and in the front.


Gongi howls a deranged cry with both his legs kicking a fuss when he heard the cop cars. It was as if he had into a crazy psycho who was possessed.

"Arrhhh—!! Just kill me!!! Arrhhh—!!! Lu Tian you coward!!! Arhh!!!"

His treacherous yelling echoes inside Uncle Zhi’s shop, but no one cared for the man at all.


The members of Wolf Team who were positioned to guard the back calls out to Lu Tian when they saw him exit the building. Each person sighed in relief when no harm was done to their boss.

Lu Tian motion a nod in response to his men, but his eyes wonder through the crowd in search of his wife. He needed to see her so that this uneasy weight inside his chest will be lifted.

As he search for her, he finally sees her in the far back. She was currently speaking to three people with Uncle Zhi and Lian Ni Shang at her side.

A slight feeling of relief wash inside him, but he strides over to her. Only when she is standing in front of him will he be completely at ease.

"Captain, what about these two?"

Just as he took three steps, Yiqing’s voice calls out to stop him. His brows slightly furrow disapprovingly, but he turns to see what his subordinate was referring to.

Sitting on the ground were B and C. Both men were now in handcuffs and knocked out cold.

"Hand them over to the police."

He looks at Yiqing and gestures a signal with his head in the direction of Uncle Zhi’s shop.

"Get the other two inside."

"Roger Captain!"

Yiqing motions a salute and made his way inside the building with three members of Wolf Team as Lu Tian makes his way to his wife.

Unaware of Lu Tian’s approaching figure in the distance, standing in front of Yue Ling was two male officers in uniform and a woman with dark curls. However, she was not in uniform but wearing a brown suit and black coat.

"Yue-Yue, thanks for informing us about this. I’m really grateful that you still thought to call me after what happened before."

Zhi Yilan smiles her words to Yue Ling. After the incident with Ting and Ghost Gang, she thought Yue Ling would hold a grudge against her.

When Yue Ling notified her about the situation, she rushed here as fast as possible. She even went against her higher ups about the situation.

At first, they said it was not as important as guarding Chu Li Xiang, but the second she mentioned Yue Ling’s name, the Chief gave her way to come here. Even when everyone else objected to the matter, the Chief’s order meant more.

Yue Ling stares at the woman and sighs inside. She would be lying if she was not angry with Zhi Yilan. If they had done their job correctly, two innocent lives would not have been taken. However, in regard to the situation now, she can only trust a few people outside of her team and Lu Tian’s side.

Thinking this, she reach inside her coat pocket and takes out the black recording pen. Handing it to Zhi Yilan, she explains.

"Here is a voice recording of Gongi’s confession to the escape plan."

Zhi Yilan takes the recording pen and put it inside her coat pocket. Her eyes met with Yue Ling’s eyes and she gives a serious nod.

"I will guard this with my life and personally hand it to the Chief."

Just as she spoke her words, two members of Wolf Team carries B and C to the police car. Opening the back door, the two unconscious men were ruthless shove inside.

["Detective Zhi, we have detained Gongi and another man."]

The radio attached to Zhi Yilan’s waist sounds as a police officer spoke through. She unclips the radio and press a button to respond.

"Affirmative. I’ll meet you all back at base."

Placing the radio back in its original place, she turns to the two male officers and gives them an order.

"Take these two back. I’ll inform the Chief that we’ve cleared this side."

Both officers gives her a salute before turning for the car.

Zhi Yilan turns her attention back to Yue Ling and she couldn’t help but smile.

"This reminds me of the old days."

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She looks at Uncle Zhi and Lian Ni Shang, then to Qi Li and Gui Tian Lan who were standing not to far away. Thinking about something, she sighs inside.

"Well, since my job here is done, I’ll get going. I’m sure you already have everything here under control."

Yue Ling smiles back to her, "If you need a witness, I will be happy to help."

Hearing her sudden words, Zhi Yilan was taken back by surprise. However, she chuckles and shook her head.

"You’ve already done more than enough to help us. Besides, the Chief is blaming himself for not realizing this sooner and had to get you involved."

She leans towards Yue Ling like she was going to tell the world’s darkest and deepest secret.

"You should have seen the look on his face when he heard that you were Chu Li Xiang’s target. The old man almost went ballistic at everyone."

Yue Ling smiles faintly as she listens to Zhi Yilan’s words. It has been a few years since she last saw the old man. Maybe one of these days when she has time, she will stop by to visit him.

Getting an idea of what Yue Ling is thinking about, Zhi Yilan was glad to know that after all these years, she still thinks about the Chief.

However, as much as she wanted to stay and chat, she still needed to get back to headquarters.

"Yue-Yue, I’ll be on my way then."

She sneaks a glance at Uncle Zhi and sighs inside. They both have the surname Zhi, but unfortunately, they are not related. If she could have a doting uncle like the man, how wonderful would that be.

"Qi Li, Gui Tian Lan. Walk Detective Zhi back to her car."

Yue Ling’s voice sounds to the two men standing not too far from her. When they heard her, neither objected to the order and walks over to Zhi Yilan.

Staring at Qi Li who looked like a hot bad boy wearing prescribed glasses, blood rush to Zhi Yilan’s cheeks. However, when she saw Gui Tian Lan who looked like a world class model, she swore she was going to have a nosebleed.

All of a sudden, she couldn’t help but pity herself. Everyday Yue Ling gets to surround herself with pretty women and good-looking men, while she is surrounded by pigs and cows at work.

Of course, not all of them, but still, when compare to Qi Li and Gui Tian Lan, those men at the police station aren’t even comparable.

Watching the three of them leave in one direction, Yue Ling chuckles as she already know what Zhi Yilan is thinking. After all, they have been friends for a long time before she (Zhi Yilan) moved from City Z to Imperial.

"What are you thinking about that you’re smiling to yourself?"

A voice suddenly interrupts her and Yue Ling to her senses. Turning to the person, she sees who it is, and her smile widens with her teeth showing.
