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Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 445 Where are you going?!
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"Ma! Stop hitting him! He’s in more pain than you! Stop!!"

Lu Han raise his voice at his mother as his arms wraps around her and carefully pulls her away from his older brother.

Out of everyone here, he knows that Lu Tian is in the most pain. The person behind those doors is not some person, but his wife and child.

Just as Lu Han was able to pull his mother away, the lights to operating sign turns off and the doors slide open.

Doctor Dong steps out in his surgical uniform and he removes the mask on his face. He looks at everyone and sighs inside.

"How are they?"

Grandfather Ji quickly asks when he saw his friend walk out. Only the heavens above know how he feels at this moment.

Turning to look at his friend, Doctor Dong nods his head. "Liu Shan’s surgery was a success. The abrasion on his neck has been cleared. He will need to stay here in the hospital for a few days until he recovers."

Hearing that Liu Shan was alright, Grandfather Ji and Ji Jingxu sighed in relief. The Lu family was not close to the man, so it was reasonable that they did not worry much for him.

However, because he is Yue Ling’s assistant, Liu Shan often came to visit the Ji Mansion when he had time off. Thus, both the grandfather and grandson were worried about him. After all, Liu Shan was not only an assistant, but was a part of their family.

Just as Doctor Dong explained Liu Shan’s condition, Xu Long, Lin Hui and Qi Li arrived at the hospital in time to hear the news.

When they heard Liu Shan was going to be fine, all three men felt relief.

Lu Tian slowly stood up when he did not hear about his wife’s situation. He looks at Doctor Dong and the same uneasy feeling he hates so much intensified inside his chest.

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"What about my wife and child?"

He needed to know that they are both safe and nothing happened to them.

Doctor Dong looks at the young man and he close his eyes to take a deep breath. As a doctor, he had to tell the patient’s family the news whether it was good or bad. However, now, everything was different because he is standing in front of two of Imperial’s most powerful people.

Taking another deep breath, he opens his eyes and part his lip to speak.

"Yue Ling suffered blood trauma in her head due to the crash but we were able to save her. However, the impact of the collision was too much for her body to handle and she suffered massive blood loss."

He avert his eyes from Lu Tian to look at everyone else in the room.

"The danger has passed. Once the anesthesia wears off she will wake up. As of now, she is being transfer to a private ward for close monitoring, but I advise everyone here to give her some time once she is awake. She will need all of your support."

As Doctor Dong’s words fell, Lu Tian’s lower lip began to tremble as he lift his leg to take a step towards the old man. However, each step he took felt like he was slipping into quicksand.

"W-What about our baby? Were you able to save our little one?"

Doctor Dong does not beat around the bush but close his eyes and shook his head. "We lost the fetus."


Madam Lu wails in agonizing pants and sobs as she covers her mouth with one hand. She press her head against her youngest son’s chest and pours her heart out.

No mother ever wants to lose a child. Yue Ling is so young and in her weakened state, how will she take the tragic news?

As her heart wrecking cries sound, everyone else became at a loss for words at the news.

Loss? Sad? Grief? Guilt? Pain?

At this moment, no one knew what to feel anymore.

Hearing the words he did no want to hear, Lu Tian felt something hit him hard in the chest. The feeling was like a million shocks of lightning had struck right into his heart making it harder to breathe.

Without saying a word, he held the ultrasound photo in his hand and slowly turns away. Walking in the opposite direction of the operating room, he felt like everything in his world had turned dark.

Like the light that once lit his path for him no longer existed.

Whichever direction his feet wanted to go, he didn’t care anymore.

"Tian! Where are you going?! Tian!"

Madam Lu sobbingly yells out after him when she saw him walk away. How can he leave and not check on her daughter-in-law? Does he not care about her?

"Yue Ling needs you! Why are you leaving?! You unfilial son!"

Watching Lu Tian walk away, Grandfather Ji walks toward the boy but does not stop him. Instead, he stops in front of Madam Lu and shook his head to her.

"Give him some time."

He looks back at Lu Tian’s departing figure. After experiencing all the dreadful feelings of losing those dear to him, he knows better than anyone how Lu Tian is feeling at this moment.

However, he hopes that Lu Tian does not loose his way.

Xu Long stares at his boss and he did not know what to say. This is the first time he has seen the strong and powerful man look so fragile.

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As Lu Tian walks pass him, he part his lip to say something, but Lin Hui stops him. Turning to look at the man, Lin Hui shook his head as if saying, Lu Tian needed to be alone.

Passing the long hospital corridor, Lu Tian stares into emptiness as he continued to walk and walk wherever his legs went.

Lost in his own world, he comes to stop in an empty hallway with no one was in sight.

Feeling the photo in his hand, it was like reality finally struck him in the head. He leans against the wall and slowly slid down onto the floor.

He raise his trembling hand holding the ultrasound photo of his and Yue Ling’s baby and stares at it.

Yue Ling’s blood that stained his hand had transferred onto the photo as what was once white was now covered in red.

Lu Tian struggles a pain wrecking gulp and he faintly smiles.

"I really wanted to meet you..."

When he held his wife in his arms, he saw the blood on her, but he didn’t want to believe it. He kept telling himself that as long as he held onto her, their baby would be safe too.

However, remembering the doctor’s words, his lower lip trembles and he chokes a gasping sob.

"I’m so sorry..."

He caress the photo and for the first time in his life, his vision blur everything away as a tear slid down his cheek.

And once that first tear broke free, the rest quickly followed after.

"Forgive me for being a useless father..."

Pressing the photo against his heart, his soul wrenching sobs tore through his chest as he clutch his chest tightly.

"Forgive me for not keeping my promise..."