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Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 456 Ill be back
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One day turn to two then three. The gray sky above Imperial did not clear as rain continue to tipple down onto the ground.

Inside Imperial Military Hospital, people entered and leaves out the building. Madam Lu’s figure walks through the busy hospital as she makes her way to private ward. In her hand were two bags.

Stopping at the door, she knocks on it then opens to enter. However, she couldn’t help sighing inside.


In the room, Lu Tian sat unmoving beside his wife while holding her hand. He looked so fatigue and drained like an empty shell without a soul.

Never has she seen her son look so weak like this.

Walking over to the bed, she looks at Yue Ling and she faintly smile, but her smile held sorrow as it’s been three days and Yue Ling has not woken up.

Taking a deep breath, she place her hand on Lu Tian’s shoulder.

"I brought some food and change of clothes for you."

She place the two bags on the table near Lu Tian then walks over to the other side of the bed. She sits down on the empty chair and reach her hand to stroke her daughter-in-law’s head.

"Her colors have returned."

When Yue Ling first came to the hospital her face was as white as a sheet of paper, but now, she was slowly returning to usual color. However, the only thing left is for her to return to her conscious.

She sighs a smile and looks at her oldest son.

"Tian, I can look after her. Go and get some rest."

The moment his mother came into the room, Lu Tian had no once look at her. His red eyes remained on his wife as he does not want to miss any signs of her waking up.

However, hearing his mother, he slowly shook his head.

"I’m fine."

Hearing his reply, Madam Lu sighs inside. She knows that he is forcing himself to stay awake.

The day before, Doctor Dong had informed her and Old Lu that Lu Tian collapsed. He had not once slept since Yue Ling was brought to the hospital and he didn’t drink or eat anything.

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Thinking this, Madam Lu felt more pain her heart. No mother ever wants to see their strong child look this way. So weak and they can’t do anything.

*knock knock

Suddenly, a knock sounds at the door and Grandfather Ji enters the room. He smiles a small smile to Madam Lu in greeting before walking over to the bed to look at his granddaughter.

"How is she doing today?"

Lu Tian stares at his wife and shook his head in answer to the old man.

Heaving a sigh, Grandfather Ji takes a step closer to the bed to look at his granddaughter. He couldn’t help but sigh again then turn to look at Lu Tian and his heart tinge in pain for him.

The soldiers have reported about Lu Tian fainting. They also said he has not once stepped out of the room nor has he slept.

Grandfather Ji stares at Lu Tian and he knows how the boy is feeling.

When his wife was admitted to the hospital, he couldn’t sleep or eat too. Whatever Lu Tian is going through, he (Grandfather Ji) has been in his (Lu Tian) shoes.

However, looking at his granddaughter, he decides to give it a try.

"It’s been three days, go get some rest. If you don’t want to sleep, at least eat something."

Placing his hand on the boy’s shoulder, he lightly squeeze it.

"Ah Ling would be sad if she woke up and saw you like this."

Lu Tian wanted to refute the old man, but when he heard Grandfather Ji’s last sentence, he had to agree with him.

As much as he doesn’t want to leave his wife’s side, he cannot let her see him this way when she wakes up. He already told himself that he will be strong for them.

Reluctantly letting go of her hand, he stood up from the chair and leans down to kiss Yue Ling on the forehead.

"I’ll be back."

He grabs the two bag his mother brought in and walks out of the room.

As the door shut, Madam Lu looks at Grandfather Ji and she gives him a meaningful look.

"Thank you, uncle."

Grandfather Ji nods his head and sits down in the chair Lu Tian had been sitting one. He held his granddaughter’s hand and gaze at her.

’Ah Ling, why are you sleeping for so long? Do you not want to be with us anymore? Is the dream you’re in right now better than here?’

Like his thoughts were heard, Yue Ling’s hand ever so little moves as if to answer him. It was very small, but Grandfather Ji was able to feel it.

His eyes widen and his pupils shook, "Ah Ling?"

He leans closer to her and his eyes welled up with tears, "Ah Ling?"

Madam Lu sat on the other side of the bed. When she saw Grandfather Ji suddenly call for Yue Ling, she lightly furrow her brows in confusion. However, she quickly came to an understanding.

"Is she awake?"

She moves closer to her daughter-in-law in wait for Yue Ling to open her eyes, but after a long minute, Yue Ling’s eyes did not open.

Grandfather Ji stares at his granddaughter in wait for her to regain consciousness, but seeing her eyes remain closed, dread wash over him.

His hand holding hers tightens and he looks at Madam Lu.

"Go get Doctor Dong and Lu Tian. I felt her hand move just now."

Madam Lu did not know how to react at this moment. A tinge of hope touches her heart and she nods her head. Wasting no more time, she stood up from the chair and rushes out of the room.

Just as she ran out of the room, she sees Lu Tian in a distance away, but he was talking to Doctor Dong.

Seeing them, she runs over to them and grabs her son’s arm.

"Yue Ling, she..."

Lu Tian glance at his mother and his brows furrow. Wasn’t his mother supposed to watch Yue Ling with Grandfather Ji? Why is she out here?

Just as he thought this, he felt his heart dropped when he thought of the unimaginable.

Fear wash inside him and without waiting for his mother to explain, he shoves his arm away from his mother’s grasp. He sprints in the direction of the room.

’No... No... Yue Ling, don’t do this to me... please...’

Thinking of the unimaginable, he finally reaches the room. Rushing inside, he makes his way to the bedside. His lower lip trembles and he reach for her hand.

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"Yue Ling..."

Grandfather Ji looks at Lu Tian. Seeing the boy’s paler face, he could already guess that Madam Lu did not explain the situation well.

"Tian, she is fine."

Hearing the old man, the fear inside Lu Tian lessen a little. However, his eyes did not move away from her wife.

"My mother, she said..."

Just as he spoke his words, he stopped himself. He didn’t even give his mother a chance to explain. When he heard the mention of his wife’s name, he came rushing here.

Grandfather Ji sighs inside and looks at his granddaughter, "I felt her hand move a little."


Doctor Dong and Madam Lu quickly enter the private ward as Madam Lu explained the situation on the way.

Striding over to the bedside, Doctor Dong removes the stethoscope around his neck and use it to listen to Yue Ling’s heartbeat.

His brows slightly furrow, and he glance at the vital sign monitor keeping track of Yue Ling’s heart rate, blood pressure, temperature, respiration and oxygen saturation.

However, from each number shown on the monitor, he looks back at Yue Ling.

The numbers have become normal, so why is she not waking up? Unless...

Lu Tian looks at Doctor Dong. Anger mixed with fear and worry arouse inside him.

"What is it?"


Just as Doctor Dong was about to explain his perspective, Madam Lu suddenly gasp aloud.

Lu Tian quickly shift his gaze to his wife. She was not awake, but he can see her eye movements behind her closed eyelids.

He slowly falls to his knees and held her hand tighter. It was like she wanted to wake up but something was holding her back.

His heart trembles as he softly spoke to her.

"Yue Ling, can you hear me?"