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Universal Power System

Chapter 248 Leader Revealed
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Commander Sable's loud and authoritative voice resounded towards the entire arena just as all four were about to clash with their strongest skills.

After realizing and understanding the command, Mako shifted his direction of attack to his right and Nathan did the same.

A massive and strong ray of green energy burst from Mako's hand as it blasted forward with intense power and fervor, barely missing Nathan in his Blood wolf form as it continued to shoot forward and eventually collided with the roof of the training area, destroying a decent chunk of the roof which was supposed to resist against any ability.

Similarly, Nathan had shifted his head towards the right before he finished his bite attack. As soon as he bit the air, his blood-red teeth released a lot of red aura in the shape of the Blood Wolf's jaws.

The blood jaws finished forming and went forward doing the exact same motion as Nathan. The jaws opened up to take a big bite as they moved forward, barely missing Mako and instead hitting the ground right next to him and chomping down while releasing a lot of energy in the form of an explosion that blasted both Nathan and Mako back by tens of meters.

On the other side, a similar scene had occurred as after listening to Commander Sable's order, Leon and Erin also tilted their attacks which ended up missing both of them by an extremely thin margin.

Leon's flaming fist erupted in concussive explosions that continued to follow the path on which Leon had fired them for several meters before finally colliding with one of the walls, and tearing a hole right through them.

Likewise, Erin's punch collided with the ground next to Leon which sent him flying back from the emitted shockwave upon contact while the ground itself caved in and formed a decent crater 2 meters in diameter with a line of sharp and fast Ice spikes being released forward in the direction in which Erin was moving, destroying everything on its path as it continued on for several meters before stopping.

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All four of them were exhausted and confused as to why the Commander had suddenly stopped the fight, but the next announcement made everything clear.

"Team A wins this training match, the crystal has successfully reached Team A's starting position." Commander Sable announced.

Mako and Erin collapsed in relief as they were glad to hear that Iris had safely made her way back to their starting position while Nathan and Leon clenched their fist with sorrow and regret as they thought they had a lot more time to deal with Mako and Erin and then catch up to Iris who was far slower than the two of them.

However, Mako wasn't the only one memorizing everything as Iris had also been making mental notes of their path as Mako led them through using his Energy Sensing skill and Erin destroyed any obstacles and traps that were blocking their way making it so that Iris had an easy time running through the empty maze with no obstacles or turrets to speak of.

Additionally, she had her Water Mutant Gene active which not only boosted her Water ability, but also all of her attributes, making her much faster than before.

As the dust settled from the intense battle, the six cadets took some time to recover and recuperate in the training area lobby.

Bill was devastated after learning the results of the training match and blamed himself for their defeat as he was the one who was caught by surprise by Iris and got knocked out, making it an unfair 2v3 in which that already had slim chances of winning.

After about 10 minutes, all the cadets were somewhat recuperated and currently stood before Commander Sable once again, their breaths heavy with tension and many of their bodies marked with several signs of the fierce clash they had just endured.

The training area bore the scars of their epic battle, a testament to the power and determination that each of them had displayed.

Commander Sable's gaze swept over the group, his expression unreadable. The tension in the air was palpable, each cadet eager to hear their assessment of their performance. With a nod, he began to speak, his voice carrying its usual authoritative tone, albeit softened.

"Congratulations to all of you," Commander Sable began, his gaze shifting from one cadet to another. "Today's training match was an opportunity for each of you to showcase your strengths and abilities, but more importantly, to reveal to me how much you have improved from just a week's worth of training."

His words were calming and deliberate, giving weight to his feedback. "Mako, your adaptation to changing circumstances and quick decision-making were evident. Your use of Energy Sensing allowed you to guide your team effectively. However, you must still work on refining your combat skills and coordinating strategies with your team members."

Mako nodded, his eyes fixed on the commander, absorbing every word.

"Erin, your mastery over your Ice ability has improved and you have shown me your tenacity and vitality by how you fought today, incorporating Water and WInd into your fight style as well as good energy management, but don't let your impulsiveness cloud your judgment. Control and precision are essential, especially in high-pressure situations. Continue to work on maintaining your energy levels and strategy execution."

Erin's expression was a mix of determination and humility as she absorbed the feedback.

"Iris, your resourcefulness and quick thinking were the reason for your team's victory and your abilities and skills creatively proved crucial in securing the crystal. However, you still showed signs of mental turmoil and distress. There are many worse skills and abilities focused on the mind that you will encounter out in the field, you will have to build a resistance to it if you want to survive as the mutant gene is not an answer."

"Even though you still have a greater amount of mutant genes in your body than Erin, Commander Malik explicitly told both of you to not use it until military school starts or else there will be severe consequences for which there is no fix." Commander Sable warned.

Iris nodded, acknowledging the commander's warning.

"Bill, your strategic thinking and ability to manipulate the battlefield were noticeable. You were able to defeat the Fire Sentinel in record time and helped your friends get back in the fight. However, being too cautious can also be a disadvantage. Don't lose your cool if something doesn't go your way and always check your surroundings."

Bill's usually composed demeanor loosened a bit as he took in the advice. He was still hurting all over from the massive water blast that he took to the face and wanted to just rest after such a tiring and exhausting week.

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"Leon, your aggression and combat prowess are assets, but remember that control can be just as valuable. Your communications skills have definitely improved a lot and you displayed great synergy between your abilities, but learn to harness your power more efficiently to avoid overexertion."

Leon nodded, his fiery spirit still evident despite the exhaustion.

"Nathan, your enhanced senses and transformation ability are potent tools, but having synergy amongst teammates is key. Try to find the balance between your's and others' skills and learn to use them in the most efficient way possible. Who knows what would have been the outcome of this battle today if you and Leon teamed up against Mako and Erin, instead of fighting separately? It will allow you to become more versatile with more skills and abilities at your disposal, and if you can master it, you'll be an even more formidable force."

Nathan nodded, understanding the wisdom behind the words, but still choosing to ignore his advice as he had vowed to be the lone wolf and he intended to stay on that path.

Commander Sable's gaze swept over the group once more. "All of you showed marked improvement today, and it's clear that you've learned from each other's strengths and weaknesses. Remember that growth is a continuous journey. Keep honing your abilities and refining your teamwork."

With those words of guidance, Commander Sable's demeanor seemed to shift. His stern countenance softened, and a faint smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "Now, the moment you've all been waiting for. As per my previous statement, it's time to announce the leader for your upcoming mission."

The cadets exchanged glances, their anticipation building. Commander Sable's gaze settled on one of them, and he spoke with clarity. "For this mission... Mako! You will take on the role of leader."

Mako's eyes widened, surprise and pride mingling in his expression. The weight of responsibility settled on his shoulders, but he stood tall, accepting the honor and challenge while all of his friends clapped and congratulated him.

"Remember," Commander Sable continued, "a leader isn't just someone who commands. A true leader listens, collaborates, and inspires. The success of your team will depend on your ability to guide and support your fellow cadets."

Mako's chest swelled with determination as he absorbed the commander's words. This was his chance to put his skills to the test and prove his leadership capabilities.

Commander Sable's gaze shifted to the rest of the group. "Each of you plays a vital role in this team. Support your leader and trust in one another's abilities. I do not doubt that, with your combined strengths, you will excel in the mission ahead."

As the cadets exchanged nods and determined glances, the commander's final words resonated.

"You have 24 hours to get ready. Meet me in the debriefing room, this time, tomorrow. Don't be late." The commander ordered as he came back to his authoritative tone before dismissing them from his office.