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Universal Power System

Chapter 252 Phantom Upgrade
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Mako could barely sleep after the events that took place last night. He continuously tossed and turned as he tried to make sense of it all.

Why was Nathan doing this? What had happened in his past that he is so hostile towards his own teammates? How was he able to notice Mako accessing the system as it is quite subtle and hard to track?

Mako was hoping that his revealing his rage mode would quench Nathan's thirst as it was a skill that Mako had little control over once it was activated and as soon as he canceled the skill, even though he was genuinely concerned about Nathan's safety he acted overly nice to sell the idea that he was preventing this skill from taking over and that was why he was pausing during fights.

It was a longshot given Nathan's cunning personality but this was the only idea that Mako could come on the fly, or at least one that Nathan would listen to.

If Nathan would believe that those random pauses he made which was him accessing his system were actually him trying to prevent himself from going berserk, he might just get off his back, but this would be a temporary fix.

If Mako really wanted to uproot this problem altogether, he would have to find out more about Nathan and what drove him to do something like this.

Mako went over all of his system notifications from the training match as well as the fight he just had with Nathan last night. There was nothing too out of the box this time as it was mostly gaining EXP for doing something for the first time such as defeating a sentinel and taking on a Level 5 opponent.

Other than that there were also the Quest rewards for the quest he had received during the final match which was for him to win the training match.

[Quest Complete]

[Achieve victory in the training match against Team B]

[Reward: +100,000 EXP, +(1) Random Skill Set Upgrade]

[Selecting A Random Skill Set]

[Basic Phantom Skill Set has been selected]


[User has learned (E-tier) Intermediate Phantom Skill Set]

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Mako was quite happy after receiving such rewards as finally after so long, his very first skills are getting an upgrade. Mako had practiced with his phantom moves a lot and by now they were all maxed out at Level 5 and were greatly stronger than what they were originally.

They required a greater attribute cap in order to be performed which was 30 and could fool people with a greater level of perception, but not enough for some people like Nathan. This upgrade would defiantly help him progress forward and become even better.

He opened up his skills tab which was getting quite big at this point, and scrolled down to analyze his new upgraded skill set.


(New!) [(E-Tier) Intermediate Phantom Skill Set]

- [(E-Tier) Phantom Punch] ⓘ (LEVEL 1)

[Phantom Punch is a special punch that creates an afterimage of your punch, making your actual punch invisible for a split second while your opponent can only witness the fake afterimage punch headed towards them while the actual punch is attacking another position.]

[Attack: 55]

[Requirements: 40 Agility, 35 Strength]

[Cost: 80 Energy]

- [(E-Tier) Phantom Shift] ⓘ (LEVEL 1)

[Phantom Shift is a special set of movements that creates an afterimage of yourself, making your actual self invisible for a split second while your opponent can only witness the fake afterimage of yourself headed towards them.]

[Requirements: 40 Agility, 35 Stamina]

[Cost: 120 Energy]

- [(E-Tier) Phantom Kick] ⓘ (LEVEL 1)

[Phantom Kick is a special high kick move that creates an after image of your kick, making your actual kick invisible for a split second while your opponent can only witness the fake after image kick headed towards them while your actual kick is attacking another position.]

[Attack: 90]

[Requirements: 40 Agility, 35 Strength]

[Cost: 100 Energy]

- (New!) [(E-Tier) Phantom Dash] ⓘ (LEVEL 1)

[Phantom Dash allows you to move at incredible speed for a moment, leaving behind a trail of afterimages. Your actual position becomes hard to track while your opponent is left trying to predict your path.]

[Requirements: 45 Agility, 40 Stamina]

[Cost: 160 Energy]

[Warning! The current Phantom Skills will fail if your opponent has a perception above 40]

Mako was extremely delighted to see all of his skills getting such an upgrade. They had all been reset to Level 1 as they got elevated in rank which meant that Mako could grind them again and make them even stronger.

However, not only did he get E-tier versions of his previous three skills, but he also received a brand new E-tier skill which was a combination of his Dash skill and Phantom Shift skill.

The Phantom Dash skill would be a great addition to Mako's skill set as this would allow him to rush enemies without worrying about being countered because if they can't lock on him, they can't see him.

Mako was quite happy with his progression and the number of skills he had accumulated. They were getting quite much and Mako wanted to sort them all out and go through each and every one of them, but he quickly reminded himself that he had other important things to do.

It was still quite early as the sun hadn't even risen yet, but Mako needed to go somewhere before he was called to Commander Sable's office later in the morning which he wasn't looking forward to.

Mako quickly knocked out his daily quests for the day which were just a bunch of indoor exercises in a great quantity.

He still received attribute points for complete daily quests but he had finally started to save them as he could use them anymore. He had maxed out all of his stats at 50 which was the highest it could go while he was stuck in Level 14. It was a lot of hard work, but now while he worked towards reaching Level 15, he would accumulate a large number of attribute points so that he can skyrocket his strength once he reaches Level 15.


Mako made his way over to the North wing infirmary where Nathan was being treated at the moment. Since it was still relatively dark outside, there were a small number of people in the hallways making his trip over there much easier.

Once he arrived, he looked around to see if he could find someone to guide him toward where Nathan was. The infirmary was also pretty quiet as everyone was sleeping and there were barely any nurses on standby.

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Mako approached the main desk of the infirmary to request help only to find a single nurse facing away from him, filling in different medical records.

*Ahem!* *Ahem!*

Mako made noise by clearing his through that caught the nurse's attention and she quickly turned around.

"Sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if you can guide me..." Mako began to say but stopped midsentence as he focused on the nurse.

She had vibrant red hair that cascaded down to her shoulders with a natural, fiery glow.

The nurse was confused as to why Mako had stopped mid-sentence, but before she could realize it, Mako spoke again.

"You're the same girl. You came to my room to deliver my medicine back to the island. What are you doing here?" Mako said as he used Analyze to confirm that it was definitely the same girl.


[Profile: Lorelei Morgan]

[Ability: Fire (Level 4), Solar Influence (Level 2)] ⓘ

After Mako said that, Lorelei quickly remembered as well as there was only one patient with dark green-tinted hair at the island clinic.

"Oh, yes. I remember you. You got beat up quite badly during the requirement test. You must have impressed the main commander greatly for you to still get into this place so early." Lorelei replied.

"Yeah, I guess you can say that. I and my group were accepted into the special class and are being trained by Commander Sable." Mako said while smiling and scratching the back of his head.

"Oh, so you guys are the ones training under Grandpa! I have heard quite a bit about you from him." Lorelei said with excitement in her eyes as she finally encountered the great students that her grandfather kept telling her about.

However, Mako's whole world came to a pause after he heard those words.

"What? Did you say, Grandpa? Commander Sable? Wh... Who are you?" Mako was quite confused as he could have never expected Lorelei to be Commander Sable's granddaughter.

She has completely different hair and skin tone than Commander Sable's and even her last name wasn't Thorne.

Lorelei giggled after seeing Mako's response. "Yes, he is my grandpa. He is my mother's father. I never introduced myself, I'm Lorelei" she said in a warm and calming tone.

"I'm Mako..." Mako replied awkwardly as he still was getting over the revelation that he had been talking to none other than Commander Sable's granddaughter.

"Nice to meet you, Mako. So... What can I help you with?" She asked as she resumed her duty as the attending nurse of the north wing infirmary.