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Vampire Summoner's Rebirth: Summoning The Vampire Queen At The Start

Chapter 638 Changing The Tide Of Battle!
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Erdrich and Eleanora made their way to their target, the Living Demon Gate at long last, facing the gigantic Demonic Monster, the creature was frustrated over how easily they were slaying his summons, as if they were just garbage!

"GRRRHHH! You're slaying my demons so easily! How dare you! DIE!" Roared the Living Demon Gate furiously, as dozens of giant tentacles surged from beneath the ground, unleashing countless whipping attacks!


"I'll go to the right; you go to the left." Eleanora said with a smile.

"Understood." Erdrich nodded.


Both leaped out of the ground and gracefully evaded the gigantic tentacles coming after them. Eleanora slashed them apart and burned them using her Crimson Flare, while Erdrich crushed them into pieces with attacks that were composed by multiple punches at once.



"GRYYYAKKKHH!" The Living Demon Gate groaned.

Despite having the Magical Power of a Demon Lord Rank Monster, because it was a newborn demon, it was very dumb, simple-minded, and due to its form, it had to concentrate most of its powers into maintaining the portal.

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As Eleanora and Erdrich drew closer, it also grew desperate. His eyes opened widely and then, he charged a large quantity of Demonic Energy inside, unleashing countless rays against the two of them.



"Unnggh…!" Eleanora was caught off guard by the incredibly fast attacks, her spiritual body received several holes over her body, as her spiritual essence began flowing out of her regenerating wounds like shiny golden blood. "Tsk! Those beams are deadly, Erdrich, are you okay?!"

Eleanora suddenly saw Erdrich's torso, arms, and legs being covered in holes! However, seconds after, his Demonic Power enhanced his regenerating just as fast as hers, as all wounds recovered and his red skin slowly started to gain black tattoos.

"RAAAAAHH!!!" Erdrich became a berserk, charging in and attacking the Living Demon gate with all the fury. Using the damage he took as a booster of power for his moves! "[Demonic Sacrifice]!"


His fists were loaded with a red, demonic energy as the damage he took was transformed into extra power for his blows!


Two punches reached one side of the Living Demon Gate, crushing its enormously hard flesh, and leaving two ugly holes behind, which were not regenerating as fast as the Living Demon Gate was hoping.

"GRUUAAGGH! I-IF ONLY I COULD MOVE, UGH!" The Living Demon gate cried, summoning dozens of Demonic Magic Circles and unleashing a rain of Demonic Fireballs. "DIE ALREADYYYY…!"


Eleanora rushed in front of Erdrich, rotating her Demonic Spear, Envy rapidly, and making it so it easily reflected all Demonic Flames, while her own Crimson Flare started absorbing the flames themselves.



Eleanora, much like her master, was an opportunist. By gathering these large quantities of Demonic Fire of high quality with her own Scarlet Flare, she fused them all together into her own Spear, forcing an evolution! Her spear was already near max level, so it was doable.


The spear suddenly became completely red in color, as it materialized a crystal on its handle concentrating Demonic and Vampiric power together. The sharp end gained several teeth-like growths, resembling the jaws of a demon.

"W-What the… What did you do?!" Cried the Living Demon Gate, only to see Eleanora piercing through his fleshy body and leaving countless, horrendous wounds that began to light up on a Vampiric Demonic Flame!



The flames spread everywhere, burning the monstrous demon as it screamed horrendously with a very loud and annoying voice.

"GRYYYYEEEEEHHHHHHH…! IT HURTSSSS….!" Cried the Living Demon Gate, as it was about to unleash its lasers, only to find Erdrich's skin turning as black as charcoal, gaining golden tattoos, and then being encompassed by a demonic armor spirit, boosting his power even further!

"[Heavenly Demon Arts]: [One Hundred Demonic Fists]! HAAAHHH!"


His enormous fists started making the Demon Gate crumble apart, combined with Eleanora's attacks. The two overwhelmed the Living Demon Gate while Eric and Alberta shoot arrows and missiles from afar!



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The Living Demon Gate couldn't take it anymore, the portal suddenly closed, cutting into halves the demons pouring out of it and then beginning to crumble and fall apart into pieces, splattering with its organs, blood, and eyes into the floor.


"They did it! They destroyed the Demon Gate!" Eric celebrated.

"A-Amazing!" Alberta said in surprise.

The demons finally stopped coming out endlessly, and now the army of demons stopped feeling so confident as well, some even began running away, only to be greeted by large groups of Red Orcs, Fenrirs, and Dracos that started killing them rapidly.

Blake smiled from afar, using his Familiar Multiplication Skill to quickly divide his familiars and summon them by dozens while constantly drinking Mana Potions.

"G-Gryeeehh… I need to run before- GRYEEEGH!" A small mass of flesh and tentacles with a single eye tried to crawl away from the corpse of the Living Demon Gate, only to be caught by Eleanora using a Blood Net.

"Look what we got here…" She giggled. "Did that gate had a child or something? No, probably self division?"

"L-Let me go!!!" Cried the small fleshy creature, it was a tiny Living Demon Gate.

"Don't worry, we are not going to kill you." Said Eleanora. "My lord is interested in what you are, and it is convenient you are tiny and defenseless now, fufuf… But for now, Hendrick."

"Sleep tight, little one~!" Hendrick laughed, producing a sleeping gas even demons could be affected with, the small creature quickly fell asleep while groaning…

"N-No! Wait… Unnggh…! L-Lord Beelzebub…" As the Little Living Demon Gate fell asleep, Eleanora and Erdrich glanced at the demons from afar.

"Master says that we must protect the students for now, so let us do that." Hendrick said. "Eleanora, well done!"

"I don't need your praises, Hendrick." Eleanora sighed. "Erdrich, are you alright?"

"Yeah, let's do this." Erdrich said.

"Yawn… I am getting sleepy… Ah! So many demons… I want to hurry and get to go help papa already! The big bug doesn't seem so easy to defeat…" Sighed Saphira.

"Maybe, but he sure is having fun with our new companions." Giggled Hendrick. "And… oh! It appears some allies are coming to his aid, how nice. Hopefully, things can wrap up quickly. I can't wait to do some experiments with our new test subject!"
