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What? I Actually Reincarnated As Stepping Stone In Another World?

Chapter 90 Sparring - Part 2 (Last)
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With the backdrop of pouring rain, the two combatants shifted into combat mode, their eyes fixed on each other.


Out of nowhere, a deafening thunderclap echoed through the sky, prompting Arthur to raise his voice.

"Begin!" he shouted, his voice resonating with determination.

The mana rapidly coalesced, flowing through Arthur's hands, feet, and entire body.


The fractured ground propelled Arthur forward with exceptional speed, closing the distance between him and Rian in an instant.

With a swift motion, Arthur swung his sword towards Rian, aiming to strike his opponent with precision and force.

Reacting swiftly to Arthur's sword swing, Rian refused to remain idle.

In a split second, he unleashed his mana, allowing it to surge through his entire being at an astonishing speed.

With this heightened agility, Rian deftly intercepted Arthur's sword attack, employing both of his long daggers to parry the incoming strike.


The clash of the two weapons reverberated, generating an immensely loud noise.

The impact disrupted the air around them, causing a distortion and compelling both Arthur and Rian to recoil several meters, creating some distance between them.

"Your strength is truly formidable, Young Master Arthur!" Rian exclaimed, filled with excitement.

Arthur smiled in response and replied, "You are equally impressive, Rian!"

The two exchanged smiles, acknowledging each other's abilities and displaying mutual respect.

"However, that alone won't suffice, Young Master Arthur!"

"Now, allow me to take the initiative!" Rian declared, his voice resolute.

He crossed his daggers, positioning one in his right hand and the other in his left.


The ground beneath him shattered as he channeled his mana toward his feet.

With a speed akin to a bullet being fired, Rian propelled himself forward, mirroring Arthur's earlier movement.

Noticing the impending threat, Arthur swiftly adjusted his stance, positioning his left leg slightly behind and firmly gripping the sword with both hands extended forward, ready to defend.

Although he typically wielded the sword with one hand, Arthur recognized the need for extra stability and protection against high-speed attacks.

Just as Rian closed in on him, Arthur was taken aback when Rian suddenly vanished, moving with an elusive grace akin to a shadow.

In that instant, Arthur's instincts kicked in.

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He swiftly twisted his body, honing his senses to perceive the lurking danger approaching from behind.


In a swift motion, Arthur intercepted Rian, who had materialized behind him with the intention to strike, effectively foiling his attack with his expert defense.

With a surge of strength, Arthur intensified his sword swing, forcefully propelling Rian upward.

"Shit! This isn't good!" Rian exclaimed, realizing the dire situation he was in.

Realizing his miscalculation, Rian acknowledged that he had underestimated Arthur and that his counterattack had significantly backfired.

Caught off guard, Rian found himself in an unfavorable position.

Rian's attacking position, unsupported by contact with the ground or a hovering stance, proved to be his downfall as Arthur utilized the leverage of the ground to exert a forceful thrust, leading to Rian's resounding defeat.

After being pushed several meters away, Rian found himself quickly recovering from the impact.

Witnessing Arthur swiftly closing the distance, he widened his eyes in surprise.

Reacting swiftly, Rian twisted his body mid-air, utilizing his weight to maneuver and evade Arthur's incoming attack.


Arthur's attack missed its mark, striking the ground below instead.

Seizing the opportunity, Rian swiftly rolled on the ground, evading the attack, and promptly regained his footing, standing firmly on the ground and readjusting his position.

"That was close!" Rian exclaimed, his heart pounding with adrenaline.

He raised his gaze to Arthur, who was wearing a confident smile.

"How about now? Are you ready to get serious?" Arthur taunted from across the field.

Hearing Arthur's words, Rian's expression shifted slightly, and he spun his long dagger skillfully in his hand.

"You're right!"

"It was my mistake to underestimate you, young master Arthur!" Rian responded with a smile.

Arthur chuckled and pointed his sword towards Rian, his eyes shining with determination.

"Then give it your all!"


The two swiftly and powerfully clashed, giving their all as they confronted each other head-on.



Their movements were a blur as they engaged in a fierce exchange, their weapons clashing loudly.

With incredible speed, they maneuvered across the field, their confrontation echoing with each strike.

Their agility was astounding, resembling the graceful movements of shadows as they seemingly teleported from one side of the field to the other, constantly facing off against each other.

The clash between Arthur and Rian caused the air to distort, intensifying the already heavy rainfall and adding to the tense atmosphere.


Arthasia, witnessing the spectacle, instinctively retreated in a mix of panic and fear.

"It's terrifying!"

"Is this the true extent of the master's power?" Arthasia trembled and whispered from behind a tree.

She finally comprehended why Arthur preferred to practice alone rather than engage in sparring with others—it was because his skill with the sword was unparalleled!

Within the mansion, there were likely only a select few who could match his prowess in swordsmanship—or perhaps there was no one!

"In the future, I will be more cautious not to anger Master," Arthasia muttered to herself, her voice trembling with fear at the mere thought of an enraged Arthur brandishing his sword.

She swiftly dismissed the haunting image from her mind and took a deep breath, trying to steady her racing heart.

"Focus! Focus!" Arthasia reminded herself, her voice filled with determination as she refocused her attention on the ongoing clash between Arthur and Rian.

However, unbeknownst to Arthasia, a teenage girl crouched beneath the tree where she stood, her eyes fixated on the intense battle between Arthur and Rian. 

She watched with a mixture of frustration and awe, her body frozen in place as she witnessed the clash of swords and the display of incredible skill and power.

Meanwhile, Arthur, engaged in a fierce confrontation with Rian, chuckled with delight as he skillfully parried Rian's relentless onslaught.

With precision and agility, he swiftly retaliated.

The relentless exchange of attacks persisted between the two.

"Here I come!"

Arthur expertly evaded Rian's aerial assault, contorting his body with remarkable agility.

In a seamless motion, he seized the opportunity to retaliate with a swift and decisive sword slash, precisely aimed at Rian's vulnerable, exposed back.

However, as if foreseeing the imminent attack, Rian swiftly contorted his body in response, effectively parrying Arthur's strike.

Reacting with agility, Rian quickly recovered his stance, creating an opening that Arthur keenly recognized.

Focusing his mana once more, Arthur channeled it to his feet, firmly grounding his left foot before propelling himself forward with enhanced speed.

Harnessing the immense kinetic force, Arthur adeptly rotated his body horizontally, brandishing the sword in his right hand, poised for a powerful slash.

Witnessing Arthur's maneuver, Rian swiftly gathered mana in his upper body, swiftly lowering himself to evade the impending horizontal strike from Arthur's sword.

Seizing the moment, Rian saw an opening to strike, wielding his dual daggers as he aimed for Arthur's head from below.

"Gotcha!" Rian exclaimed with confidence.

However, to his astonishment, Arthur swiftly twisted his sword downward, skillfully parrying the incoming attack.


In a sudden shift of momentum, Arthur propelled himself upwards, capitalizing on the opportunity that presented itself.

With remarkable agility, Arthur ascended, soaring to a height of seven meters in the air.

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Simultaneously, Rian, perceiving the opportunity, swiftly tapped into his depleted reservoir of mana and leaped towards Arthur with unwavering determination.

Observing Rian's pursuit, Arthur refused to falter.

He activated his internal mechanisms, channeling the mana within his heart and dispersing it throughout his being.

The fire core shimmered, displaying the immense strain placed on Arthur's mana as he exerted every ounce of its power.


The collision between the two resounded, generating a tremendous noise that reverberated through the air.

Arthur rebounded and was propelled upward once again, although not to a great height.

The prior utilization of mechanical energy had undoubtedly granted him an advantage.

In contrast, Rian rebounded in the opposite direction, descending swiftly to the ground.

With scarce remnants of mana coursing through his body, Rian found himself compelled to activate his elemental arts without delay, lest he risk sustaining injuries.

Whispering the incantation, "Wind Elemental Art: Float!" Rian swiftly summoned a gust of wind beneath his back, causing him to descend gradually and land safely on the ground.

As Arthur descended, he skillfully employed his dwindling reservoir of mana to ensure a secure landing on the ground.

The two locked gazes, their intensity palpable.

However, Arthur's energy stores were depleted, causing him to swiftly collapse to the ground due to mana exhaustion.

Similarly, Rian, having deliberately sealed her formidable power, equivalent to that of a four-circle elemental, found his mana reserves completely drained.

Both of them breathed heavily, their exertion evident.

Sensing the urgency, Arthur promptly retrieved a mana potion and a level three healing potion, swiftly consuming them.

Almost instantly, the wounds that marred his body began to mend, and his depleted mana reserves were revitalized.

Gradually rising to his feet, Arthur approached Rian, extending the same mana potion and healing potion to him and offering assistance in his recovery.

"Thank you!" Rian's lips curled into a wry smile as she expressed her gratitude, accepting the potions with appreciation and promptly consuming both of them.

Similar to Arthur's experience, Rian swiftly felt a surge of renewed vigor coursing through him while his injuries rapidly mended.

"Truly impressive, the potency of a level three potion!" Rian exclaimed with genuine admiration, acknowledging the remarkable restorative effects it had displayed.

Arthur smiled and nodded, surveying the tattered state of Rian's clothing and his own.

"It appears we got carried away," Arthur remarked, shaking his head lightly and extending a hand to assist Rian in standing.

Rian responded with a nod, gazing back at Arthur with profound admiration.

"It seems I am no match for you, young Master Arthur. Your skills surpass my own."

Arthur shook his head in disagreement, dismissing Rian's statement. "We can talk about that later."

"Right now, it's best to return inside."

"I have something important to discuss with you."

With a determined stride, Arthur swiftly pivoted towards the mansion, his gaze fixed on his destination.

Rian, taken aback by Arthur's sudden change in demeanor, quickly nodded in agreement and hastened to follow him.