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When I Was a Wallflower (Leo and Amelie)

Chapter 273
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Chapter 273

After the first episode of'Show Your Love' was released, the show went viral on the Internet, where the

comments on the forums revolved around the ambiguous relationships that were beginning to become

clearer between the guests. Out of all the couples. Blake and Foxy were most popular and well-liked by

the netizens. who considered the pail in which he treated her wound a classic scene to be

remembered. Thanks to that, that scene was edited and reuploaded by the netizens to express their

admiration for the duo.

"This is impossible!" Melissa wrapped her fingers tightly around the phone with one hand while the

other rapidly swiped through the webpage. At the same time, the fair skin on her forehead appeared to

be covered in veins, and her eyes filled with rage and hatred. The next second, she slammed her

phone onto the table and poked her chest with one finger. All! It hurts! Why does everything going on

have to give me anxiety? Blake won't stop wooing Foxy, while that shameless woman. Amelie, won't

leave my son alone!

At that thought, she wished she could confront Amelie in person and slap her in the face. " Where is

your sense of shame. Amelie?! Have you not had enough sponging off us for the last four years? Why

won't you just go away and leave us alone?!"

She was annoyed with Amelie, whom she considered a threat from outside her family, yet the

disappointment about her son's disobedience only added to her frustration. Ironically, the more she

dwelled on that matter, the stronger the stab of pain grew in her chest.

"Mr. Alston, will you continue to be a part of'Show Your Love'?" A voice was suddenly heard from the


Melissa bitterly shifted her gaze to the television and saw the camera changing its direction toward

Genesis' entrance, a grandlooking gate made of granite. The next second. Leo stepped out of the car

and presented liis charming self in front of everyone. With his usual glacial look, he began to walk in

the direction of the building in a decent outfit. When she saw that, she had to admit she was proud of

her son. although he did not like her very much. That's my boy! Outstanding and handsome like

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nobody else!

In the meantime. Leo was quickly surrounded by the press that had been waiting at the entrance as he

was faced with several microphones near his face. Surprised by the unexpected situation, he was

forced to stop in his tracks along with the people who were following behind despite his busy schedule.

He glimpsed the paparazzi around him and furrowed his eyebrows unhappily, pursing liis lips with a

scowl on liis face.

Meanwhile, the security guards at the door were shocked when they noticed Leo's reaction. Thus, they

quickly stepped in and separated the paparazzi from him. "I'm sorry. Mr. Alston. It was our fault that we

failed to notice the paparazzi at the entrance."

Nevertheless. Leo's eyes remained emotionless just as the guards went on to clear a path for him

among the crowd.

However, the paparazzi were not going to give up so easily because they had been waiting there for a

long time. "Mr. Alston, please tell us something."

"You're a successful man with wealth and fame. Mr. Alston. So. what makes you want to be a part

of'Show Your Love'?"

"Are you doing this for Miss Clayton?"

"Or are you hying to tell everyone that Miss Clayton is your woman, whom you're going to protect


Due to his status in the commercial world. Leo inevitably became the center of attention ever since he

joined the show. Therefore, the public was curious to know whether he would be in the next episode,

which was why the paparazzi were there to learn more about liis plan.

"So far. it seems like you and Miss Clayton have barely interacted with each other in the show. Was it

because those scenes were deleted?"

"Mr. Alston..."

Nonetheless, despite the bombardment of questions from the press. Leo remained unresponsive with

his lips sealed. Due to that, every face of the paparazzi was written with disappointment as they

thought their questions would be left unanswered.

"I'll be there." Leo spoke just when the paparazzi thought they were going to leave empty-handed. At

the same time, the man's answer came like a bolt from the blue just before it was followed by munnurs

of gossip and whisper. He went silent and gave the guards a cold gaze, signaling them to come closer

and clear a path for him. After that, he moved on and disappeared from the TV screen.

On the other hand. Melissa kept her eyes glued to the screen without blinking while her frustration

slowly faded away. Soon, a smile showed on her face because she was sure Leo did not attend 'Show

Your Love' for Elyse, but instead, he did that for Foxy. Apart from that, she also knew it was Leo's idea

instead of the director to appear in so many scenes of the show, having requested the original footage

from the director so that she could watch all the scenes he was in. Leo seemed different when he was

looking at Foxy. That means he never laid liis eyes on anyone else besides her. That's great! There is a

high chance that Leo and Foxy will date each other as long as he continues to be in the show

Without any idea that Foxy and Amelie were the same people. Melissa thought the reason why Foxy

was so indifferent to Leo was that she had not developed feelings for him yet. I don't care if Foxy and

Blake have anything out of the ordinary between them or are the most popular couple. Foxy will be my

daughter-in-law no matter the cost because I chose her!

At the thought of that, she quickly gave Jodie a call and told her to come home.

Half an hour later. Jodie pushed the door open and entered the house, showing herself in an outfit with

a noticeable mini skill. Her body was covered with an unpleasant smoky odor as she appeared to be

holding a small purse. Struggling to walk in a straight line, she staggered while the purse hanging on

her wrist oscillated wildly.

Before she even got close. Melissa could already smell the alcohol stench that was wafting from her

daughter's body. In that instant, a scowl showed on her face just when she lectured Jodie without

hesitation. "What did you do to yourself? Were you drinking? Jodie Alston, have you forgotten your

place and who you are? Are you trying to ruin your image? Oh. dear..." She repeatedly fanned her

nose to keep the stench away from her while expressing her disappointment in Jodie. "If anyone sees

you like that, you're going to have a hard time finding a man who wants to many you!"

Jodie combed her hair backward with her fingers, whereupon she walked to the couch and collapsed

on it without even taking off her high heels. Then, she swung her aims wildly several times and fell onto

the ground from the cushion. "Many me? Nah. no man is going to lay liis eyes on me no matter how

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good I am."

Melissa gave Jodie a look of disapproval, but even so. she went into the kitchen and made some green

tea to cure her hangox er. After being forced by her mother to finish the tea. Jodie finally sobered up

from the alcoholic influence and sat up straight. "Why did you call me back?"

Melissa was about to lecture her daughter again, but when she heard her question, she decided she

might as well get down to business. "You're in 'Show Your Love', right? I want you to keep your eye on

your brother from the next episode onward."

"Nah!" Jodie grunted coldly. "I just decided to quit the show."

"What? Why did you quit?" Melissa was surprised to hear that.

Jodie flung her new curly hair and pouted unhappily. "Why can't I quit? I'm tiled of swallowing my pride

just to grab someone's attention."

Deep down, she was dismayed and discouraged that Blake did not even bother to look at her even

after everything she did. which was why she gave up on attending the show

"No! You must attend the show!" Melissa said to her daughter in a commanding tone just as she was

about to reach for her phone to call the director.

"Why?!" Jodie angrily questioned her mother, stomping the couch with her feet repeatedly.

"You can't quit. Think about your brother. Foxy is the woman I choose to be my daughter-in-law so if

you're there to help out. he can bring her back home sooner."

"Are you out of your mind. Mom?" Jodie lost her temper and flipped out like a barking dog. bouncing off

the couch with a high- pitched voice. "What's on your mind. Mom? How could you let a woman like

Foxy many Leo? You... You're..." She puckered her trembling lips and stammered toward the end of

her sentence. Foxy stole my dream man away from me. yet now she wants to many into the Alston

Family. No goddamn way!

"No! I will not let that woman many Leo! There's no way she's becoming a part of our family!" Her blood

was already boiling just hearing Foxy's name as her jealousy and rage overwhelmed her rational mind.

"What has that lady done to you. Mom? Did she put you under her spell or something? You used to

think very little of those internet celebrities." She was sure it was Foxy who created all the chaos

behind her back. She took a step forward impatiently and stated. "I must confront her and make her

pay for what she did!"