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Young Brother-in-law Is Now My Husband

Chapter 833: Fight For Friend...
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Lu Lijun got ready to go to school and went to his wardrobe, where the black winter coat hung. It was winter, and the land got covered with a layer of snow. Other than sleeping while holding that coat, Lu Lijun thought of wearing it for the first time. As usual, he sniffed into the winter coat and felt its texture as if that coat was a living thing, and he could feel it.

After having breakfast, Lu Lijun went to school. That day though, he was silent like always; there was a tinge of happiness inside him. He was not smiling and carried the same cold expressions, but his eyes showed he was happy.

On the way to school, Lu Lijun received the call from Noah. "Where are you? Come fast. I have a surprise for you."

"I am on my way," replied Lu Lijun.

The moment he was about to cut the call, he heard a few noises. He was not sure what exactly it was, but before he could understand, the call wall cut.

Lu Lijun dialed the number back, but no one received it. "Clark, make it fast," Lu Lijun instructed the driver, and fortunately, they were close to school.

It was the first time he looked for his two friends Noah and Jake, on his own, but he couldn't find them. Noah was his friend, but Jake was yet to get that tag. Still, Lu Lijun considered him as a friend because of Noah's continuous nagging.

The class was about to start in fifteen minutes, and as per the call from Noah, Lu Lijun was sure that he and Jake were in the school. Lu Lijun remembered what kind of noise he heard and realized where his friends must be.

Lu Lijun heard boys' voices and the sound of musical instruments, so he ran towards the music room, which was at the isolated side from the other classrooms.

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When he reached the music room, he saw five boys from the school had cornered Noah and Jake. Jake was standing between those boys and Noah as he looked angry as if he would hit the boys in front of him.

"I have warned you before not to trouble him," said Jake.

"Don't meddle jake, we don't have any problem with you," said the boy who looked like a leader of the group of those senior boys.

"What did I do to you guys?" Noah asked as he pulled Jake away and stood at his place, facing those boys fearlessly.

"You did nothing, but we like to trouble you, you Asian," said the leader as he further added a few offending words to Noah, which angered Jake.

Jake was about to get at the boy; suddenly, there was a knock on the door. They all looked at the boy in a black winter coat holding the mobile phone in his hands.

"What is he doing here?" mumbled Noah and Jake frowned. "Stay out of it, it's none of your business," Jake instructed as he looked at Lu Lijun.

"Is he both of your friend too," the leader of the group asked.

Jake and Noah just opened their mouths to say "No---" but they were interrupted by Lu Lijun.

"Yes, I am their friend, and I have just recorded everything," Lu Lijun informed as he held the cellphone in his hand, ready to click one button.

"Just one touch on the screen and the entire drama would be on the school's forum. Let's see what would be the punishment for the racism," Lu Lijun added, and the way he stared at those boys, they could feel Lu Lijun was serious, and he will do what he had just said.

It scared those boys as it would be a serious issue if the things got out on the school forum. The school authority and everyone out there would know it. According to the school's rule, they might have expelled as this school held a good reputation, and the kids from all the wealthy families around the world had enrolled here.

The boys looked at each other, and they agreed to something by signaling through the eyes. "Okay, we will leave it. Just delete that video," said the leader.

"Don't worry. It's safe on my personal server, and it won't go anywhere out so easily."

The boys understood Lu Lijun wouldn't delete it and said, "What do you want in return?"

"What do you think?" Lu Lijun countered.

"Okay, we won't bully him," said the leader boy, but there was no change in Lu Lijun's expressions as he kept staring at them with his fearless and intimidating sight.

"We won't bully anyone," assured the leader boy again.

Not saying anything, Lu Lijun stepped aside from the door and signaled them to leave. The boys did it, and Lu Lijun went to his friends.

Noah was injured as he had hurt his hand. Before Lu Lijun could ask him anything, Jake held Noah's hand to check and asked, "Are you fine?"

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Noah pulled out his hand, "These small scratches cant kill me and checked the side of Jake's forehead which turned red as if he had banged his head somewhere.

"Why would you meddle in, Idiot?" Noah mumbled.

Jake moved back as he set his hair to cover his forehead, "I am fine."

Lu Lijun Sighed as he could see both these boys were acting strong by hiding the injury. Being kids, trying to act strong, his friends were no different from him.

Noah smiled at Lu Lijun, who was standing silently. "Thank You, Lijun."

"No need," said Lu Lijun.

Noah looked at Jake and signaled him to thank Lu Lijun, and Jake looked on the other side to ignore Noah, but the next moment they heard him saying, "Thank You."

They could see how awkward Jake felt while saying it, as he never had a habit to say thank you or sorry to anyone. Lu Lijun didn't mind it as he didn't need to hear it from them.

"We should go to the class," Lu Lijun suggested, but Noah was excited about something else.

"Show us the video," said Noah.

"There is no video," came the reply from Lijun that surprised the two boys.

"What!" Noah exclaimed while Jake finally looked at Lu Lijun.