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Your Not So Ordinary Villain

Chapter 10 Unexpected Revelation
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Even though his uncle already told him that he should not think about it, Ezio was still bothered by his sleep walking. It was the first time that it happened but for some reason it was making him unsettled. Although it might be the influence of the rare phenomenon that happened in Moonvale, he still felt like it was not normal.

He sighed once again which caught Jagan's attention. The frown and deep crease on the teen's forehead did not escape him as well. "I told you to stop thinking about it, so you should stop thinking about it. You'll get old faster if you keep on worrying about worthless things." His voice was stern while looking at his nephew with a serious expression. Ezio could not help but sigh again which earned him a slap on the back from his uncle. "I told you to stop thinking about it!"

"But uncle..." He was about to protest but was cut off by his uncle's glare. "Alright! I'll just forget about it! I'll leave you here then!" He stomped away without looking back then slammed the door behind him.

It was expected but Jagan was still taken aback by his nephew's actions. He would throw temper tantrums but never had he walked out on him before, this was the first time so he was a bit too stunned to react and before he knew it, that child was already out of the door.

Ezio stood outside for a while, a little lost as to where he should go and he became even more upset because his uncle did not even ran after him. Without nowhere to go, he decided to go at the town center instead and roam around, hopefully he won't ran into those people who visited his uncle yesterday.

He reached the place and saw that every corner of it was busy. Luckily it was market day so there were a lot of people and a lot of shops so he did not get bored while looking around.

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"Aren't you Jagan's nephew?" A calm voice came from the side. He was about to ignore the person who was clearly speaking to him but the man was fast and tapped his shoulder. Since he can't escape, he had no choice but to turn around to greet the man.

He forced a smile, "Hello." He was hopping that he would not meet them but clearly luck was not on his side because he even met the leader of the group. He felt a bit uncomfortable at the other's presence that he wanted to leave right away.

Siron laughed at the teen's expression, "You don't have to force yourself. Your uncle might have told you something about us which I totally understand. The way he left was a bit shocking to us and we did not have the time to talk to him before he disappeared."

"Is that so?" Was the only answer he could give because the man was not as friendly as he was yesterday. "I-you know I should get going, my uncle must have been looking for me." He smiled and he really wanted to leave immediately so he turned around but after a couple of steps he was stopped by the next words from the man.

"Grand Mage Jagan, I would like to talk to him again so would you kindly pass a message to him?" Siron was still smiling but there was a flash of sinister glint in his eyes.

Ezio looked back and Siron returned to his gentle self. "What did you say?"

Siron acted as if he was confused because of his question. "The message, can you pass him my message," he repeated.

"No not that one, what did you call my uncle?" Ezio walked forward, the anxious and ready to flee teen was replaced by a frowning one.

"Ah do you mean, Grand Mage Jagan, that's how we all called him back at the Magic Tower," Siron answered and saw that Ezio's expression became dark. The glee he was feeling intensified when he verified his suspicions. "Didn't he tell you?" He even frowned. "Wait he really didn't tell you about him being a mage? He was even a well-known fighter during his time at the Magic Tower, that's how he got his title as Grand Mage..." He was not able to continue what he was saying because Ezio suddenly left but for him it was enough.

He turned around and grinned, it seems that Jagan did not tell the child about his past. "What a fool," he mumbled to himself before laughing out loud. The people around looked at him like he had gone crazy but he did not care. What's important was that he was able to put a wedge between the uncle and nephew.

Ezio walked as fast as he could to escape the crowd. He felt nauseous and his vision started to get blurry, the information he just heard made him so angry and at the same time confused. How could his uncle be a mage? And even a Grand Mage at that? He did not know, he has no clue because he knew nothing about the person he called uncle.

Once he got out from the sea of people he went to an empty alley and leaned on the wall with his head tilted up as he closed his eyes. The disappointment and frustration of being kept in the dark for so long was too overwhelming for him to bear to the point that all he wanted to do was cry.

A tear slowly streaked down his cheek but he immediately wiped it dry. 'He was not going to cry'. He repeated the mantra to himself for so many times that he lost count of it in the end.

People continued to walk past him as they went on with their own lives like they had no problems. Some may have noticed him but no one was really willing to ask if he was doing fine so he stood there alone for who knows how long. Once the sun started to set did he leave but instead of going home, he went to that bake shop.

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The ring of the bell alerted the butler that someone entered. He looked back and was about to send the person away because they were about to close but stopped when he saw Ezio who was just standing there with his head bowed. "I didn't think that you would be returning here after my master's words yesterday," he started which the teen answered but his mumbling was not understood by the butler.

Instead of asking him again, the butler instead ushered the teen to a table and quickly served him a cup of milk. He then went to the kitchen and brought out some muffins that his master baked.

"Why don't you drink that cup of milk and eat a little bit of muffins to at least lift up your mood. Based on my master's personality, strangely enough, the pastries he bakes have the ability to improve one's mood." The butler urged then he stood beside the child and watched him slowly drink and eat.

After a couple of sips and bites he stopped then lifted his head to look at the butler. It was a little bit surprising for the butler to see Ezio in that kind of pitiful state since he always appeared to be a very cheerful child.

"Can I stay here for the night? I-I don't want to go home," he gathered his courage to ask but as he finished his words, his voice softened because he realized that these people were not even close to him. They were neither his relative nor his friends and asking them this kind of a favor was a bit out of line. "I'm sorry, I should not have asked that." He pushed the seat and stood up, he was ready to leave but the butler stopped him.

"No need to worry about such small matters, you can stay here for the night. It is better for you to stay with us, that way your uncle can easily find you." The butler's smiling expression remained the same but Ezio felt relieved and comfort at that moment, well not until another voice interjected.

"Don't just let any stray kids stay in our place, he has his own home, so he should go," Cygnus had his arms crossed on his chest while looking at them albeit a little bit coldly.

The relief he felt vanished in the blink of an eye. He stared at the owner of the shop but he could not say anything because he was right.

"I'm alright, thank you for the offer but I'll be going home then," he looked at the butler apologetically and even bowed his head then he started to walk away. He was walking slowly with his dropped shoulders, looking like a pitiful animal who was kicked out from his favorite place.

The butler looked at his master, Cygnus also stared at him until he closed his eyes because of his annoying butler. The butler then urged him through their eye contact to stop Ezio from leaving.

Cygnus frowned but with the butler boring holes into him, he could do nothing but call out the child. It took them only a couple of seconds to settle matter before Cygnus completely gave in. "Tsk, you can stay here, just don't cause any mess."