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Your Not So Ordinary Villain

Chapter 73 A Daredevil
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Nina grinned at the master's words. This is why she admired him, he was cool because just by using mere words from his mouth, everyone would fall silent and focus on him. She was grinning on the side while acting as a bystander that has absolutely nothing to do with them.

Astrophos on the other hand has already gotten used to it so he wasn't surprised at all. This Cygnus was the first person he met at Moonvale and truthfully speaking, he preferred the original version. When the master was acting like someone weak, anyone who knew him would definitely shudder in fear.

"Are you saying that you have the ability to erase someone else's memories?" Major Ginehart wasn't sold but the man's grin made him uncomfortable.

Not only by the fact that the man was speaking so casually about it but mainly because the people in the room seemed to be taking this all like it was normal. This was the first time that he was put into this kind of situation. It was more difficult than having to fight on the battlefield.

"It's not that simple, major. To be more precise I can manipulate their minds to make them not remember or to fully rewrite what they remember." Cygnus's grin widened as the look on the major's face turned from a frown into pure shock.

Mind manipulation was not something foreign to Ginehart but it was also not a very familiar term to him. He only heard it in passing as a topic from the mages of the magic tower. It was a heated subject because they had not seen it in person and only read it from books, so nobody knew if it was real and applicable.

"You're a monster," was the only answer that came from his mind. "I never imagined that I'll be able to meet a person who can actually do that. It is unbelievable, but seeing that my lieutenant and the other soldiers don't have a recollection of what had happened yesterday, and instead they remember a different version of events, then it must be true."

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To hear those words from the major made the master chuckle as he also shook his head. "I'll take that as a compliment since you didn't call me a demon."

From the events of yesterday, Ginehart already concluded that the person casually sitting in front of him was someone dangerous. He needed to remind himself that the person can easily kill him if he did something against him.

He took several deep breaths before he asked a question that would finally make him accept everything as reality. "Then should I assume that your name is not really Rigel?"

Cygnus stopped from fixing the plate that was placed in front of him. "I am Rigel, it is a name I have assumed a long time ago because my name has become a taboo."

"Is that some kind of a curse?" He couldn't help but get curious.

"What, you want to try and say it? I'll give you a chance so that you can try to see if it is a curse or not." Cygnus waved his hand then leaned on his seat and stared at the man with a small smile on his face.

The smile looked like he was encouraging the person but to Ginehart it felt like he was being taunted. He was not interested but that smile was really getting on his nerves.

"Then, may I know your name?" He gritted his teeth but he would not back down. He was already at a sorry point in his entire career as he was succumbing to the man's provocations.

He was already made a fool by the other person so there was nothing room with knowing his name. Astrophos and Nina looked at Ginehart with wide eyes after he said those words.

Nina was even more shocked than the two of them because she knew how deadly it was to say the master's name. But, at the same time he gave them a thumbs up because of his courage.

Cygnus raised a brow as he laughed, the man was giving him endless amusement. "Alright, if that's what you want."

The door to the room opened and Mr. C came in, only to notice the focus Astrophos and Nina have on the major. He looked at the master but the master only gave him a wink. He then slowly closed the door, then he heard Cygnus's voice.

"My name is Cygnus Altair," he smiled, "now major, say my name."

In a room full of eyes, he couldn't help but feel the pressure of those stares. He was not sure why they were eagerly waiting for him to say the man's name. His gaze wandered to the man once again but all he received was an encouraging smile as he nodded his head.

Ginehart gritted his teeth before he decided to take a deep breath. He stared at the man and spoke his name. "Cyg..." It was only the first syllable and yet he was already coughing blood.

His eyes widened as he bent over and covered his mouth where fresh blood was coming out. He could feel a burning sensation in his throat that spread throughout his body. He lifted his head to look at the man only to see him calmly drinking the tea that was handed by Mr. C.

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He tried to speak again but failed miserably. It was a mistake to be taunted by the man. He would not have asked the man for his name if he knew that this was going to happen.

That man's name was really cursed. Now he knew why the people with him were eagerly waiting for him to say the man's name.

"So how was it major? How does it feel to be able to try saying my name?" Cygnus asked even though he knew that the major won't be able to answer him.

He watched as Ginehart struggled and had no time to listen to the man. He was trying to assess the damage that damn name caused in his body. Judging by the amount of blood and pain he was feeling, he surmised that he must have sustained injuries to his internal organs. He was even surprised that he was still breathing even though he was having a difficult time doing so.

"You know, major, you are very lucky, because if it was a normal person, they would have exploded right there right now after just uttering a syllable of my name." Cygnus clapped his hands to commend the man who was able to live then suddenly a healing sensation engulfed him.

Ginehart gathered his bearings and sat straight after being healed, "What do you mean by that?" He could feel that there was something hidden behind his words.

Cygnus did not answer him immediately and just looked at him. His gaze was like a needle that was prickling his skin the longer he was stared at. He became agitated and started to subtly squirm in his seat as he repeatedly clenched and unclenched his fist then alternated from leaning back and forward from his seat.

"Well, non-magic user like you won't be able to feel it but if it happened to someone who can use mana, they would definitely find something strange in their body and won't be calmly speaking with me right now." Cygnus smirked as he rested his chin on his fingers that were intertwined with the other as his elbows rested on his knees.

Ginehart gulped and pressed his back firmly on the chair, "Wha-what do you mean?"