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Dear Sweetheart novel

Chapter 353
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Chapter 353

Rayna swiftly withdrew her hand.

Jefferson’s countenance was cloaked in darkness, so it was impossible to read his expression. He drew two pieces of

tissue and handed them to her. “It’s just a movie.”

“You’re going to say something along the lines of ‘the actual war is crueler than movies, aren’t you?” She wiped her

tears with the tissues and grumbled, “Aren’t you sick of repeating yourself? I can’t help that I tear up so easily. It’s

not as if I’m disrupting your movie–watching anyway.”

“I can’t bear seeing you cry, even more so when a movie’s the cause. You might as well shed tears for me. It’d be

more worth crying over me.” His heart ached at how miserable she seemed.

Rayna was choked with fury. “Fine, you win! I can’t outsmart your silver tongue!”

“Where’s the lie?”

“You’re right.” Then, she grabbed a handful of popcorn and forcefully stuffed them into his mouth as she

threatened, “Concentrate on the movie. If you dare disturb my crying session, it’s off to bed you go!”

Jefferson’s mouth was so full that he could not utter a word.

While watching the movie, Rayna silently wept. In no time, the number of used tissues on the table piled up. By the

time the movie ended, her eyelids had drooped, perhaps because she was too sleepy.

Her drowsiness took over her, and her head tilted to the side, landing right on Jefferson’s shoulder.

When he felt the weight on his shoulder, he turned off the projector and waited for his eyes to adjust to the

darkness before carrying Rayna to her bedroom. Gently, he lay her on the bed and switched on the night light..

The soft, amber light bathed the woman’s slumbering face in a golden hue and cast shadows beneath her thick

lashes. Her sharp chin was proof that she had lost a great deal of weight from her hard work in the past period of


Jefferson sat on the side of her bed and stared at her protractedly as if she were the most riveting piece of art in

the room.

He reached out and gingerly stroked Rayna’s cheek lest he disturbs her sleep before planting a light kiss on her lips


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“Goodnight, my princess.”

May you have sweet dreams tonight, and may I be part of them.

The following day, the sun shone brightly, bringing up the temperature.

Rayna and Jefferson threw themselves into setting up the garden once they had breakfast. While he worked on

constructing a shed, she formulated fertilizer with the help of a botany manual and tilled the soil.

Before they began, she was initially concerned that his pampered upbringing would render him unfit for manual

labor. Yet he surprised her by building a sturdy shed single–handedly with only its blueprint as a guideline.

Rayna gave him a thumbs–up. “I’ll have to address you as ‘Mr. Omnipotent‘ from this day forth!”

Planting flowers was an arduous task. Even the construction of the shed took up several hours. The duo rested at

noon and resumed work after devouring venison soup and several other tasty dishes prepared by Rayna

It was not till around five in the afternoon that the green roses were planted in the spacious and toasty shed.

Chapter 353

Rayna and Jefferson howled in laughter as they took in one another’s grimy appearance. After cleaning up, they

went to the supermarket to get some groceries and window shop.

Verdant Vine Garden on Lavanya Road was where they settled down In Frosa. When the weather was pleasant, they

would go for jogs in the morning, then read or play puzzles in the comfort of their home during the afternoon.

Occasionally, Rayna would bring Jefferson out to explore the area, dine at fancy restaurants, and purchase new

clothes. However, because he disliked the food from said restaurants, they later took turns cooking at home


The research progress on Ixora was always in the back of Rayna’s mind. From time to time, she would text the

blond–haired man named Robert for updates.

In the blink of an eye, she and Jefferson had been living in Verdant Vine Garden for half a month.

That day, Rayna woke up early as per usual. Just as she was reaching for some milk in the fridge, she smelt

something that made her nauseous. The churning of her stomach prompted her to make a mad dash for the

bathroom, where she started retching at the sink.

However, that wave of nausea did not persist for long. Therefore, she was under the assumption it was caused by

her empty stomach and was soon back on her feet preparing breakfast.

All of a sudden, the phone on her table began ringing.

Rayna, who was busy with the breakfast preparation, rushed to pick up her phone. After tapping on the answer

button, she placed her phone next to her ear and asked in Ferropenian, “Mr. Robert, is there any progress on the

research of Ixora?”

James and Robert were the only ones privy to her new contact number, which she had gotten after moving to


There was only dead silence on the other end of the line.

A long time had passed by the time Rayna sensed something was amiss. She took down her phone and checked the

caller ID.

It was an unknown number that had Frosa’s calling code.

Her heart clenched.

Abandoning whatever she was doing, Rayna lifted the phone to her ear once more. Then, she bit her lip and waited

mutely for the caller to speak.

Just like that, the two of them remained silent.

A baritone voice with an air of aloofness sounded after the drawn–out silence. “I can’t comprehend why I still take

care of it when I obviously detest long–haired pets. I called Jessica, and she told me your cat is at Jasmine’s house.

I’d wanted to send Lucky away, yet I f*cking ended up bringing your cat back from Jasmine’s instead. Your cat is

seriously obese that it resembles a pig. Besides, it’s spoiled with the most premium cat feed and high–quality

mineral water that costs dozens per bottle. Despite its docile appearance, it fought with Lucky frequently My floor is

constantly covered with fur”

Rayna cracked up at that, and her eyes stung “Please help to trim its nails. Lucky’s skin isn’t resistant to its

scratches. Don’t worry. They’ll stop fighting once they’ve gotten to know each other”

“Taking care of your cat is too costly. It’s too much of a glutton.”

“I’ll reimburse you when I get back. Just state the amount. Her longing for him reached its apogee at the

Chapter 353

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sound of his voice, causing her to shed tears. She had to bite her lip tightly to hold back her sobs lest he hears her.

Curtis sighed and grumbled, “Of all the things you could do, why did you become a thief? You made a mess of my

life and absconded.”

“I’m sorry”

“Is that all you have to say? You ran off with another man and broke off contact with me. Tell me, is my anger not

justified? Do you think a single word of apology would suffice when I had to get hold of new means of reaching you

from your brother and take care of your cat in case you forgot all about it and never returned?”

“I…” Rayna was at a loss for words from his unconditional care, concern, and consideration. By then, tears would

fall from her eyes with every word she spoke. Covering her mouth was all she could do to conceal the sound of her


Of course, she yearned to tell him that she missed him dearly, that he occupied her thoughts day and night, that

she missed kissing and hugging him and even his scent. But alas, such things could only be kept to herself.

Curtis relented and said in a low voice, “Do you know that I missed you so much that I had to drown myself in work

every day? When night came, I never wanted to head home, terrified of the heartache that results from the

realization of your absence.”

Rayna wept even harder.

She recalled what Jeremy had told her. “Curtis says nothing, but everything he does is for you. You mean the world

to him.”

Curtis was a reticent man, never one to express his affection readily. The fact that he could confess that he missed

her showed how much he treasured her. It was because he pined for her greatly that he decided to verbalize his


Rayna sniffled. “Curtis… I miss you too.”

To her dismay, there was only dead silence on the other end of the line. Not even a breathing sound could be

heard. Only when she looked at her phone screen did she find out that the call had already disconnected.

She attempted to reach him, but the line was busy.

Rayna hastily began typing a message on her phone. At that moment, she no longer held herself back, planning to

come clean about how much she yearned for him, in addition to the fact that she would be returning as soon as

Jefferson recovered after taking medicine.