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Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 55 - 53: Gracier Awakening Part 2
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~Gracier POV

The next morning after my Gift was activated, Big brother Alex and I went to the Adventurer Guild to register me as Adventurer.

Too eager to learn more about Adventurer's life, I was looking around like a country bumpkin when we set foot into the Guild.

The Adventurers inside the guild looked at us, especially at me, their eyes bore through like they were trying to know more about me, after observing me for a while they returned to their usual activities.

Big brother Alex and I went towards the counter where numerous beautiful receptionists stood after some clowns tried to make fun of Big brother Alex.

Once again I was surprised by what happened, the beautiful Elf receptionist took me as her sworn sister. After thinking I accepted because I knew she was really powerful, we need a powerful ally and I was sure she was the one we needed. She may have her reasons for taking me as her sister, I also had my reasons for accepting her proposal. It could be said that we are using each other.

Big brother Alex left with my new Big sister, it seemed they were going to have a chat with the Guild Master, in the meantime, I was directed toward another receptionist called Karen. She was the cheerful type, she explained the ins and outs of Adventurers.

Finally, I registered as Adventurer, like Big brother Alex I was now an Adventurer, the lowest one, though.

While chatting with Karen and the other receptionists, Big brother Alex and Big sister Leena came back and after chatting with Big sister Leena we left the guild going on shopping before returning to the Inn. That night I slept with Lea, the Moonlight Inn proprietress daughter.

I was looking forward to my first quest, yet at the same time, I was scared. I had a nightmare that night therefore I slipped out of Lea's room and went to sleep beside Big brother Alex. I was able to peacefully sleep.

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The next morning, we went to the guild, the same clowns who like to pick bones with Big brother Alex did it again, however, this time Big brother Alex taught him a lesson. He and his men lost everything, I won't be surprised if these clowns stopped being Adventurers after today's defeat.

After the duel, Big brother Alex and I left to complete the request he took, my first mission. I was nervous inside, I asked Big brother Alex what the request was about. He told me It was about eliminating a bunch of Soldier Ants, their Queen may also appear. There was a dangerous glint that passed through his eyes when he talked about the Queen ant, I was sure Big brother Alex was wishing to encounter the Queen ant.

As we neared the location where the requester spotted the Soldier Ants, my body froze, fear overtook me and I started trembling, my fear of monster come back hunting me even when I was trying to act tough, Big brother Alex looked at me and sighed, he didn't say anything, he was a man of few words. He just pats me on the head, this calmed me.

After regained control over my emotions we continued, I thought that everything would turn fine, that I could be able to fight against the monsters, however, I was wrong, completely wrong. In fact, when I saw the black thing that came out, the Soldier Ants, my body froze again.

Adrenaline floods my system, It pumps and beats like it was trying to escape. I think my heart will explode and my eyes are wide with fear. My body wants to run fast for the safety of my person, but instead, I remain where I am.

'Let's face it, there is only one thing I can do: Let's fight, I can kill it.'

I muttered in my mind, however, my body refused to listen to my command. I stood frozen there as I watched Big brother Alex dispatch the two Soldier Ants so easily that it was astonishing.

He just barely finished when six other Soldiers Ants come out, disregarding them he approached the frozen me and gave me a hard chop on the head.

''Ouch,'' I screamed in pain, with teary eyes I looked at him. However, what he said next pierced my heart, hurt my soul as if someone was trying to rip it apart.

''Stop being a coward and face reality already. Do you want to avenge the others who had sacrificed their lives for you? If you want to avenge them then be strong, the monsters you are facing are weak, one of the weakest monsters out there. If you can't even kill these weak monsters better stop now and return to the Inn. You should think of changing job as well. For my part, I don't need a coward, a weakling who can even overcome her fear. I need someone that I can trust my back to, someone who can protect me as I can also protect. The current you have no use for me, you'll be a burden instead.''

Big brother Alex left after leaving these harsh words behind, he continued killing ant after ant.

As for me, I stood there frozen, my world completely shattered after I heard these words, it hurts so much that I almost clutch my heart.

When I heard these words I was furious, I almost shouted 'I'm doing all of this for you.' yet I couldn't bring myself to utter these words, let not be a hypocrite here. I took him as my Big brother on my own volition, I begged him to take me, I became his little sister for my safety, I believed that he can provide me haven. He didn't complain, he even helped me activate my Gift, the only thing he asked was that I mustn't become a burden. Yet now I'm becoming a burden, I couldn't even face the weakest monster and I dream of taking revenge against the monsters responsible for my village tragedy. How hilarious!

'I'm a coward? I'm going to be a burden even with my Gift?' I asked myself while tears started running down my cheeks.

〈I'm disappointed in you, child.〉

A sudden voice rang out in my head and I knew this voice, it belongs to the Fire Dragon Goddess Ignia.

''Ignia'' I muttered.

〈Yes, my child it's me. The gift I gave you I was sure you'll fight back to back with the boy, yet now you are scared of an insignificant ant. How disappointing. The boy is right, you're a coward, the current you will be a burden to him, he can't entrust his back to you. Maybe I shouldn't have given you my power. You're just a burden, you're unworthy of it.〉 Ignia said mercilessly.

''No, I'm not a coward, I can fight alongside him. I'm not a coward, nor I'm planning to become a burden. Take it back.'' I roared denying Ignia's words.

〈Oh? What should I take back?〉Ignia asked amused.

''That word, the one when you said maybe you shouldn't have given me your power, take it back, I'm not unworthy of it. It's mine, I'll use for myself, for his sake.'' I shouted.

There was a long silence before Ignia spoke again.

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〈Fufufu, I shall take my word back then. You're worthy of my power. Show me how you're planning to use it, wake up my child. Show him that you're my daughter, the Child of Fire, the one that governs all fires. Show them what you are. I'll be watching from where am I. Do not disappoint me, my child.〉

''I will not, Ignia. Just watch me.'' I replied eyes filled with determination, I will never cower again.


Something within me shattered in that instant, power coursed through my veins, I felt like I was on fire, yet it feels warm like I could control the fire perfectly.

My eyes snapped open, powerful heat started coming out of my body. I breathed in and out as I stared at the monsters in front of me. There was no fear in my eyes any longer, when looking at the monsters in front of me the only thing I saw was lowly bugs waiting to be squashed by me.

The Soldier Ants stopped in their movements as they stared cautiously at me. Big brother Alex was not surprised by my sudden change as he knew that I could overcome my fear, he smiled at me instead while mumbling,

''Welcome back little Gracier.''

''I'm back Big brother,'' I mumbled in turn.

I will show him that I can watch his back, I will show the world what am I and more importantly, I show myself that I have truly changed. Mother and those who sacrificed their lives for my survival watch how I'll shine.

The left side of my lip tugged upwards creating a sinister smirk as I said,

''Let's roast some Ants shall we?"

I left these words behind as I started walking toward what was going to be my first real battle.