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Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 70 - 68: Leena And Smith
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It happened the day Alex and Gracier went to subjugate the Soldier Ants.

The sunlight beamed through Smith's store window shining against Sera's sculpted face. She was leaning against the counter lost in her little world.

Suddenly, she was brought out of her world by the sound of the store's door being opened. She thought it was the usual customer who was coming in, but it wasn't the case when she saw the face that walked in.

"Welcome My La- I mean Big sister Leena. It has been a long time since last we saw you."

Sera said correcting herself after noticing the look on Leena's face when she first spoke.

"Howdy little Sera?" Leena said while petting Sera on the head.

"I grew up already. I'm not a little anymore." Sera responded with a pout.

Smiling Leena said, "No matter how old you'll turn, you'll always gonna be my little Sera."

Sera sighed dejectedly, "I get it. What's bring you here Big sister Leena?"

"I just came to say Hi!. I haven't seen you in a year." Leena said while caressing Sera's head, the latter didn't respond forcing Leena to ask her what's going on.

"How come you are not reacting? Or you don't believe me?"

"I do. We missed you." Sera responded while inwardly thinking Leena didn't come just because she hadn't seen them in a while, there must be another reason for her presence here today. Anyway, she will find out soon.

"Good. Where is your dad?" Leena asked while playing with a rapier. It was a beautiful rapier that could be used by both men and women.

'Here is come' thought Sera before she responded, "As always he is working in his workshop."

"That damn workaholic. I bet he still closing himself in his workshop all day long working nonstop. Am I wrong?" Leena asked.

''Yeah, he still doing it,'' Sera responded with a sigh.

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''Don't worry I'll go knock some sense into him. Wait for me I'll be right back.'' Leena said before disappearing into the back of the store.

Naturally, it was in the direction of Smith's workshop, and before totally disappearing Leena said without turning back.

''By the way that boy Alex I'm canceling the orders he made recently.''


Sera wanted to know why Leena had to cancel Alex's orders but before she could Leena had already disappeared into her dad's workplace. She heaved a sigh when suddenly she remembered something.

''No way,'' Sera mumbled, thinking about the person Leena had been waiting for. Maybe it was Alex judging by the interest shown in Leena's voice when she spoke earlier. Either way, she'll know soon if it was really the case because if it was, they will be on the move soon.


On the other side, Leena entered Smith's workplace to see him swinging his rhythmically, from the way he swings it you could see he had been doing this for a long time already.

Smith without stopping his work said,

''It seems today isn't going to be peaceful for me as I thought it would be.''

''Oh? Are you implying all I brings, it's troubles?" Leena asked amused as she sat on a nearby chair observing Smith's works.

''I haven't said that. What brings you here today my Lady. And by the way in the case you're wondering how I'm doing, I'm doing fine as you can see.'' Smith shamelessly said.

Leena who was sitting lips twitched hearing Smith's words.

''Yeah I have noticed, however, I have also noticed the wrinkles on your face. You are starting to get older, Boy. Time to get some rest.''

''Thanks but I'm fine.''

''I thought you would say that. Well, at least I've tried. Responding to your earlier question. I came to just say Hi!" Leena said while playing with an unfinished sword.

''Stop playing with my items. And as if I believe you when you said you just came to say Hi. I'm not Sera you know?" Smith replied while taking away the unfinished sword.

''Eavesdropping are we?"

''Not at all. I just have a pretty good hearing. That aside what's bring you here and I'm serious this time.'' Smith asked in a serious tone.

Leena heaved a sigh, ''You are no fun at all. Well, I came today because I've work for you and it's urgent.''

''Sorry, I'm busy at the moment, it will wait,'' Smith responded until now he hadn't stopped swinging his hammer.

Leena was not offended, she calmly said, ''At least hear me out and it's not like you have the choice anyway.''

''First, can I see the design that boy Alex gave you?" Leena asked and for the first time since Leena entered Smith stopped swinging his hammer and he turned to face Leena.

''How do you- No, I shouldn't have asked. You have eyes everywhere.''

''Fufufu! Normal, you are one of them.''

''So, what do want Alex's weapons design for?" Smith asked.

''Come on do not ask when you already know. You and I, both know you are not dumb. You must have already figured out.'' Leena said with a smirk.

Sighing Smith sat in front of Leena, ''So, he's the one you have been waiting for?"

''Yup, he is. Now I'm making some items. Bring out the design he gave you.''

''Okay wait for a while, I bring them over,'' Smith said before standing up to go search for the weapons designs Alex had given him the first time he came here.

Shortly after Smith was back with them, he handed them over to Leena who studied it.

''What unusual designs. As expected there are not from our world. I wonder how many of these weapons are out of there in his world. It seems it called Earth, what an unusual name for a manaless world.''

''You even know that.''

''No need to be surprised. I just asked and they told me.'' Leena responded before starting to draw something on the back of the paper. Astonishingly it was another design of a knife, this one was longer than Alex's knife and different than what he had drawn. She also drawn another design of throwing knives, it wasn't different from Alex's throwing knives design except for the part the cord wrapped around, she draw what looks like runes there.

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After finishing she gave it to Smith who was surprised by the level of perfection of the pictures drawn. Leena then brought out a lot of materials, any renowned blacksmith would be astonished by the quality of the items brought out.

''Use these to make a knife, throwing knives (Inscribe these magic words on the throwing knives, Sera will help you.) Also, I want good defensive clothes for him, he didn't have any. I'm afraid he won't last long if this continues-"

''Wait, wait my lady are you sure if it's really him you've been waiting for?" Smith cut Leena off and asked.

''Come on Boy. You and I, know each other for a while already. Do I look like someone doing something I'm not sure of? Even Chris who I knew after you couldn't ask me this.'' Leena rolled her eyes.

''Sorry, I know, I just want to make sure. Forget I ever asked. I guess I should start working, you'll want them to be ready for your incoming date if I'm not wrong.'' Smith said with a smirk.

''You are right. Send them over once you finish. I'll be on my way. See you soon.'' Leena said and stood up going toward the door.

''I will,'' Smith said and returned to his work, however this time he summoned a hammer instead of using the previous one. This hammer looked somehow special, it was smaller than the previous one with golden patterns drawn on it. Without a doubt, it was a Gift.

''Waouh! Smith going into serious mode, better leave him alone.'' Leena said before restarting walking toward the exit.

Chuckling Smith started swinging his hammer, ''My Lady this means we are going back soon isn't it?"

Leena stopped walking once more, she turned her face toward Smith who was still swinging his hammer, ''Yeah, be ready will be departing in one month and a half.''

She then left leaving a Smith who heaved a sigh before continuing to work on Leena's orders.

Shortly after Leena left, Sera, Smith's daughter walked in,

''Father we are leaving isn't it?" she asked.

''Yeah in one month and a half,'' Smith responded without turning back.

''Oh! It's because of Alex. I hope my lady is not making a mistake.'' Sera murmured.

''She is not or are perhaps jealous because my Lady is bringing Alex under her?" Smith teased his daughter.

''Father!! Alex and I don't have that kind of relationship. At least not presently maybe it will change in the future.'' Sera shouted and left, the last part of her words was said weakly, still, her father heard it, his lips curled up into a smile,

''Good chance my daughter,'' Smith said while praying for his daughter's success, the boy's future is limitless, he is not against the idea of his daughter being near or be part of Alex's life. Leena never does something without being sure of it, which will mean Alex is talented and his potential is limitless and he's also an otherworlder (with Otherworlder bonus [More stat points and BP compared to the natives of this world.]).

Smith and Leena knew each other since a long time ago, he trusted her more than anything, he is working for her. As for how they knew each other it will be a story of another time. For the moment, he could only pray for his daughter to win a place in Alex's life.

Whether his wish come true or not it will depend on the future