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Pregnant With Alpha’s Genius Twins

Chapter 197
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#Chapter 197 – Awake

On the morning of the fifth day, my eyes fly open when I hear a hiss.

Victor has his eyes pressed shut, his jaw clenched together.

The tube was removed from his throat yesterday and he can breathe on his own now, but he’s been

sleeping the entire time I’ve been here.

“Oh my god,” I say, leaning forward, grabbing his hand, my own neck and back twinging at the sudden

movement from my chair.

Victor’s eyes peek open when he hears me. “It’s okay,” he says, his voice scratchy, probably from the

intubation. “I just…tried to turn my neck.”

“Don’t move,” I say quickly, glancing around. “I’ll get the nurse –“

“No,” he says, tightening his grip on my hand. “Evie, no. Just…” he sighs and his eyes close again.

I hold my breath, squeezing his hand back, waiting.

“Just…” he says again. “Let me sit with you. For a moment.”

I can’t help the trembling smile that crawls over my lips when I hear that. I’m completely exhausted –

haven’t been catching more than a few hours of sleep for days – but the sound of his voice? Telling me

he just wants to sit with me?

I feel, suddenly, like I could sing and run and dance for days.

“How are you,” I say gently, leaning forward to smile at him. “Does it hurt?”

He takes a moment to consider. “What, my body? The whole thing?”

I nod, curious.

He laughs, then, and winces at the pain of it. “Yes, frankly. My whole body feels like it’s been through a

meat grinder. What…what happened to me?”

I c**k my head to the side, curious. “What do you remember?”

He frowns, thinking again, looking up at the ceiling. “I remember being shot, of course. But then I think I

passed out – and then, being downstairs, with you.”

He turns gaze back to me. “I remember our conversation, every moment of that. And the boys coming

down.” He smirks at me, remembering them. “Clever boys. Are they here?”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

I shake my head slightly, not taking my eyes off him. “No. They…they get upset, when they come, and

see you just laying there. They’re with Rafe and Bridgette, at the cottage. My mom is there too.”

Victor raises his eyebrows. “That’s a cozy crew, isn’t it,” he says, sarcastic.

I laugh a little. “You don’t remember anything else?” I ask.

He shakes his head, frowning. “It went quiet, after you and the boys went upstairs to…to finish things.

And then, I guess I passed out again. And now…I’m here.”

He shrugs a little and again winces at the pain.

I frown at him and press the button for the nurse. I hate seeing him wince like that, at the smallest


“What happened,” Victor asks, when I turn my attention back to him. “With…Walsh. Joyce. Everything.”

“It’s all done,” I say softly. “They’ve been…deposed. Marked as inadequate, rejected by members of

their pack as well as the pack community. Alvin and Ian will inherit, and we’ll appoint a regent, but…

there’s time for all of that. Later.”

Victor nods, the corners of his lips turning up. I can see that he is pleased. But then his face twists in


“What?” I ask, leaning forward again.

“I don’t know,” he says, coughing a little. He winces after each cough and I can see a tinge of blood on

his lips. My eyes fly open with worry – this is new.

Luckily, the nurse comes in at just that moment.

“Alpha Kensington!” she says, cheerful, but her face drops when she sees his condition. She presses

her hands to his shoulders, working to hold him still. “Calmly, please,” she murmurs. “Just try to stay

still, breathe evenly.”

Victor works to do as she says, but I can tell he’s still in a great deal of pain. She glances at me and I

can see that she’s worried. But when she returns her gaze to Victor, I can see that she’s working to

hide it.

“I’m going to get the doctor,” she says, her voice calm. “He’ll be pleased to know that you’re awake.”

Victor nods lightly, his coughing fit finished, but his breathing more labored.

The nurse looks to me as she leaves. “Please do your best to keep him calm,” she says lightly. “No

very good or very bad news, please. No news, really, would be best.”

I nod, understanding, agreeing. Then I turn my eyes back to Victor, not knowing what to say.

“It’s all right,” he whispers. I put my hand back in his, shaking my head lightly.

It is so, so not all right. I need him back, need him healthy, strong. We have a whole life to live.

He nods again, understanding. “We’ll live it, Evelyn,” he says, responding to my unspoken thoughts. I

squeeze his hand, letting him know I believe it too.

The doctor comes in then, his face sunny. He greets Victor, looking him over, listening to his pulse,

measuring some vitals and checking the machines. I watch Victor closely as he responds to the

doctor’s questions. His mind and spirit are clearly intact, but his face, his skin…

He’s clammy and an ashen grey, like someone who has one foot in the grave.

I shake my head, knowing that no matter what happy act the doctor is putting on…it’s bad. It’s very


“All right, Victor,” the doctor says, smiling at him. “I’m glad to see you awake but, quite frankly, your

body could use more rest. I’m going to give you some pain medication to control your movements as

well as a light sedative. To help you go back to sleep.”

Victor frowns at this. “Is this really necessary, doctor?” he asks. “I just woke up – there’s so much I

need to catch up on.”

The doctor nods, showing Victor that he’s heard him. “Quite frankly, Alpha Kensington,” the doctor says

slowly, “it’s that catching-up-on-things that I do not want you to do at the moment. The only thing you

should be concentrating on right now is resting. It’s that serious. You really cannot take any added


Victor frowns at him. I don’t think Victor has, for a moment in his life, prioritized relaxation and healing

over keeping up with his life and his responsibilities.

“Ms. Ortega,” the doctor says, turning to me and taking a different tack. “Are Alpha Kensington’s affairs

generally in order? If he sleeps for a few more hours, will it truly affect his life and his business?”

“Oh,” I say, my eyes going wide. Then I look between the two of them and shrug. “Honestly, Victor, it

really is…fine. I wouldn’t lie about that. For the moment everything is…steady.”

Victor nods, and so does the doctor.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Then,” the doctor says, definitive. “I really must insist, sir. More sleep.” He turns to me as well. “And

Ms. Ortega, now that you’ve seen him awake, perhaps you could…take a few hours to yourself. Get…

cleaned up.”

I blink at him for a moment. The idea of leaving Victor’s side hasn’t occurred to me at all, not even for a


I open my mouth to protest but Victor speak before I can.

“Go, Evelyn,” he says, giving my fingers a squeeze. “I’ll be here when you get back. Besides, you’ve

still got my blood all over your jeans.”

I look down at myself suddenly and realize…oh my god. That he’s correct. I haven’t gotten changed in

the four days that I’ve been here, and the clothes I’m wearing bear the stains of that horrible day.

I must smell horrible.

I suddenly laugh at myself and then smile at him. “God, Victor,” I say. “Honestly you probably woke up

hoping for a pretty picture, and sitting next to you is this horror show.”

Victor’s mouth widens into a smile but I can see that he’s working hard not to laugh. It’s too painful.

“Okay,” I say, nodding to both of them. “It’s a plan.”

The doctor smiles at both of us and then gives his orders to the nurse, who begins to administer the

medication. I can see the moment when the drugs do their work on Victor, his eyes drooping lightly, his

face going blank.

“Sleep tight, my darling,” I murmur, leaning forward to kiss him on the forehead.

He mutters something I don’t understand, but when I stand up straight, he’s asleep.

The doctor moves to leave but I grab his arm before he can.

“What is this, doctor,” I ask, looking at him very seriously. “Is he…is he better? Is he going to make it?”

The doctor runs his hand through his hair, sighing. “Honestly, Ms. Ortega? I am surprised that he’s

made it this long, and that he woke up. Those are good signs.”

I nod, encouraged, but the doctor slowly shakes his head and I feel my face fall.

“But…” he continues. “My prognosis is the same. The damage is still significant, and he’s healing too

slowly. I think you should take this time to…make peace, with each other. Say your goodbyes.”

I grit my teeth against the tears that fill my eyes. I’ve had too much of crying in the past few days. Now,

it’s time to fight.

“Then I want to take him home,” I say quietly, looking at Victor. “As soon as it can be arranged. We can

hire nurses, have all of the best care money can buy. But I want him home.”

“All right,” the doctor says quietly. “We’ll set it up.”