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Realizer of Death : The Reaper

Chapter 229 229
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"I didn't expect to meet her in this place. I remember not replying to her messages and calls when I wanted to break through to the innate realm. I don't know if she still contacted me after that." Tenku muttered as he watched Kirika from a distance.

He remembered the last time he checked his smartphone, the number of messages and missed calls from Kirika were almost as many as Setsuka's. But Tenku was too focused on his breakthrough and ignored it until now. He didn't know if Kirika was still sending messages and calling him because he still hadn't bought a new smartphone.

Tenku stood behind a snowbank and secretly watched the MV shooting of Kirika's new song. He ensured it was far enough away from that location for the girl not to notice. Tenku liked one of Kirika's songs and was curious about the new one.

Even though he couldn't hear it completely, it was enough. If the song is good to hear and he likes it, he will add it to the playlist on his smartphone and dimension watch. Not long after, Tenku saw the girl acting and dancing under the camera lens.

Kirika looks much prettier after she uses the Yotei mountain scenery as the background for her MV. The clothes she was wearing now made her look elegant and mature. It may be related to the theme of the new song.

"I must leave this place immediately. I can not linger here and meet her. My vacation would be even more troublesome if he learned I was in Hokkaido." Tenku left the place after seeing that the shooting process of Kirika's MV had ended.

He had been there long enough and already got what he wanted. Now Tenku has to do what he was supposed to do in Niseko. He will enjoy his time skiing. Tenku slid across the snow on his skis and quickly left the area.


After the first stage of shooting the MV ended, Kirika sat on a chair to rest. He quickly put on a thick jacket to protect himself from the cold. Unlike Setsuka, Kirika cannot stand low temperatures.

During her break, Kirika took out her smartphone and sighed. She had forgotten how often she sent messages and called Tenku, but she didn't get any reply, which made her sad.

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As she sank into that feeling, Kirika's body suddenly trembled. She felt something inside his mind stir or rather resonate. It was a spiritual mark that Tenku instilled in his body. Kirika felt that sensation when she was near Tenku. In other words, Tenku was currently at Niseko Village Ski Resort.

Kirika quickly got up from her seat and looked around. When she looked in a certain direction, she found a familiar figure. Kirika suddenly ran to that place because she was sure that person was Tenku, and her intuition as a woman told her so.

"Where do you want to go, Kirika!?" Fumiko shouted at Kirika when she saw the girl suddenly leave that location. As her manager, she is responsible for all of Kirika's actions. Fumiko didn't want something bad to happen to her and disrupt the shooting process of the MV.

"I want to take a short walk around this place to refresh my mind so I don't get too bored!" Kirika answered without even looking at Fumiko.

"Wait! You can't go anywhere because soon you have to continue filming your MV!" Fumiko tried to stop Kirika, but the girl didn't listen to her, quickening her steps and leaving her far away.

"What's wrong with her? Why is she suddenly acting like that!" Fumiko complained and continued to run in the direction Kirika had left.

On the other hand, Kirika had arrived at the place where she saw a figure similar to Tenku. But she was disappointed because she did not find anyone there.

"I'm sure it's him! This feeling of mine can't go wrong! He must have seen me too! But why didn't he come to meet me or text me if he was here? Does he not want to see me again? Did he intentionally not reply to my messages to him?" Kirika felt dejected when she thought of that possibility. Then she looked at her smartphone again and raised her eyebrows after knowing that Tenku had not received the messages she had sent.

"Does he have another reason for not responding to my messages and calls?" Kirika's face became serious after thinking about that.

She suddenly manifested her Phantasmal Object and saw several people skiing nearby. Kirika intends to use them to find Tenku's whereabouts at Niseko Village Ski Resort. She was confident she could quickly find him in that area with their help.

The five people stopped moving when Kirika used her Phantasmal Object ability. After that, they scattered all over the area looking for Tenku. Right after they left that place, Fumiko finally caught up with Kirika.

"What are you doing in this place, Kirika!?" Fumiko raised her voice.

"Ah, I was just taking a short walk around this area. I've been too busy lately and barely have time to hang out and have fun. So I want to refresh my mind for a bit here. You can think of it as my little vacation during my work." Kirika smiled playfully.

"You can have your winter break, but you must finish shooting your MV first. After that, you can play at Niseko to your heart's content or take a vacation anywhere." Fumiko said softly and smiled.

She knew Kirika had a lot to do as a Realizer in League of Heroes, and her schedule was busy as an idol. On top of that, she also has to pay attention to her school affairs since Kirika is a third-year high school student.

Due to her busy life as a Realizer and an idol, she rarely attends school. Fumiko feels sad when she sees Kirika's struggle to achieve her dreams. Therefore, she tried to help her as much as she could. By doing so, Fumiko was also helping herself.

"Is that true? Are there no more idol jobs and missions from the League of Heroes?" Kirika's face brightened after hearing that. Fumiko is her manager as an idol and takes care of her daily life. She helps with school affairs and organization so Kirika can manage her time properly. Fumiko didn't want him to get tired and sick because he was too busy and didn't have time to rest.

"Of course. Have I ever lied to you? But now you have to return to the shooting location and finish your MV. After that, we will talk about it again." Fumiko smiled gently and rubbed Kirika's head.

"Thank You! Then, let's go back now!" Kirika said happily. Fumiko nodded, and the two quickly left the place.

But before Kirika took a step, she looked at the people she was controlling and confirmed that their connection was going well. That way, she could figure out Tenku's exact location after one of them saw him.

In another area of Niseko Village Ski Resort, Setsuka enjoys skiing while looking at her surroundings. She tries to find Tenku. But no matter how hard she looked for him, she only saw a group of people snowboarding and skiing in the white snow field. Even though they almost looked the same in their ski suits, Setsuka knew Tenku wasn't among them.

"Where did Tenku go?" Setsuka muttered. She had to find Tenku before Wang Ruyue. But then Setsuka suddenly raised her eyebrows because she felt someone's gaze on her.

It wasn't malicious intent or lecherous looks like she often felt, but more like someone was watching her. In other words, that person knows her. Setsuka looked at the people around her, but those gazes suddenly disappeared.

"Who's that? Is it Wang Ruyue? No, I'm sure it's not her. If it is Wang Ruyue, then I will immediately recognize her." Setsuka frowned. She decided to leave the place after being unable to find that person. The most important thing for her now is to find Tenku because her main goal on vacation to Hokkaido is to spend time with him.

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Not long after Setsuka left the place, a man in a ski suit appeared and glared at her back. He was one of the people Kirika controlled with the abilities of her Phantasmal Object.

"Why is Setsuka Fuyushima here!? The other people I controlled also found their friends in other Niseko Village Ski Resort areas. Are they spending winter vacation with Tenku!?" The man's face darkened, and he said angrily.

"I can't leave Tenku and that girl alone! I'll make her vacation uneasy! I will ruin all her plans!!" The man gritted his teeth, and his eyes burned with jealousy.

"I have to finish shooting for my MV as soon as possible and meet Tenku. I'm afraid I won't be able to meet him after he leaves Niseko!" Kirika secretly chases after Setsuka. She thinks she could find Tenku if she follows her.

Meanwhile, Wang Ruyue was playing in the area opposite Setsuka. When she was looking for Tenku among the people in that place, someone suddenly greeted her.

"Hi! Are you skiing alone? How about you join me?" a young man said to Wang Ruyue.

"No, thank you. I'm looking for my friend." Wang Ruyue replied indifferently without even looking at him.

"Are you lost? Then I can help you find your friend." The young man was not angry and smiled when he heard her reply.

"I can find it myself. So please leave this place and don't bother me." Wang Ruyue looked at the young man and said coldly.

"You are ungrateful! I intended to help you, but you are repaying my kindness by acting like that! Don't you have any manners!?" The young man's face turned ugly, and he felt angry at Wang Ruyue's attitude toward him.

"No need. Besides, I don't need to use manners when dealing with a guy like you. Do you think I don't know what's on your mind and your purpose in approaching me?" Wang Ruyue sneered. She knew that the young man had come to her with a specific purpose, and he sensed bad intentions from him. It was only natural considering that Wang Ruyue's face was so beautiful and oriental, different from the faces of Japanese women.

"I just want to get acquainted with you, but why do you have to be indifferent to me!?" the young man stretched out his hand and tried to hold her hand.

Wang Ruyue did not expect that person to dare act like that. Her eyes turned serious, and she intended to teach him a lesson. But before Wang Ruyue could do anything, a hand suddenly appeared and gripped the young man's wrist tightly.

"She came with me. So get out of my sight right now." Tenku suddenly appeared and said coldly.