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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife

Chapter 135
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Chapter 135

When Letitia spoke loudly, her hands would nutter uncontrollably, leaving a slender scratch on her neck

from the sharp knife blade.

it wasn’t deep, but it broke the skin, and blood began to ooze out slowly.

This kind of wound hurt far more than any injury to Elgin himself.

In that moment, he knew she had succeeded in punishing him.

“Okay, okay, my bad.” Elgin couldn’t care less about anything else at that point; he just wanted her to

drop the knife, “It’s all my fault, you’re innocent. Letitia, don’t do anything stupid!”

Looking at him, she could tell his fear and helplessness were genuine

So.. he had actually fallen for her, but when did that happen? She hadn’t noticed at all.

“We can talk this out, I’ll agree to whatever you want, Elgin said, staring at her unblinkingly. “Whatever

you want, it’s yours!”

“I want my baby back, can you do that?”

Elgin fell silent. Bring back from the dead… How could that be possible?

Letitia gave a desolate smile, “I never imagined that one day I could threaten you, punish you with my

own death. I never believed you when you said you loved me.”

“I kept backing down, all I wanted was for my child to live, such a humble wish, and yet you insisted on

crushing it. Elgin, I will never forgive you, never!”

“You have your way of loving me, and I have my way of trampling on your love! If I killed you, I’d just

get thrown in the slammer by the Ramirez family, saddled with a life on my conscience. But if I die… As

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she spoke, tears slowly trailed down from the corners of her


“You’ll never have me, your love will always be unfulfilled, there will never be another Letitia. You’ll

spend your whole life haunted by me, unable to forget or let go…”

Slowly, she pressed the knife’s blade against her carotid artery. The blood flowed faster and faster,

more and more. That bright red blood seared Elgin’s eyes.

“I won’t kill you, I won’t… Letitia murmured, “Not that I can’t bear it, but your death means nothing to

me. Elgin, you’re a demon, destined to die alone, unworthy of love, even less deserving of loving


As her words ended, she closed her eyes and pushed hard. As long as she killed herself, it would all be


But Letitia didn’t feel any pain, and she couldn’t move the knife forward even a bit.

Opening her eyes, she saw Elgin had grabbed the knife with his bare hands! He was holding it tightly,

preventing her from making the

next move.

Blood dripped ceaselessly, but Elgin’s grip didn’t slacken one bit.

“Elgin, you…”

If this continued, his hand would be ruined!

“Let go, Elgin said through gritted teeth, “Letitia, don’t you dare think about dying!”

“It’s you who should let go!” That’s a knife, and he’s just grabbing it like that!

But Elgin, seemingly impervious to pain, held onto the blade, while his other hand forcefully pried

Letitia’s grip off and snatched the knife away.

The whole knife was thoroughly drenched in blood, and he breathed a sigh of relief

Letitia’s back slumped, sitting powerlessly on the bed, her eyes red as she stared at Elgin.

“Why.” she asked, “I can’t kill you, I can’t make the move, I don’t even have the right to die!”

Elgin replied, “The reason you can’t do it is because you have feelings for me too.”

“No! I could never fall for a devil!” Letitia vehemently denied it, shaking her head repeatedly, adamant in

her refusal.

Her parents, because of him, one went to prison, one to the hospital

Her bright future, because of him, spent two years in a mental institution.

And now, he had taken her child away… How could she possibly love such a demon!

Engin just gave her a cam look and pressed the call button, “Get the doctor in here.”


Soon, several doctors and nurses entered the room, but they were all stunned, faces shocked, at the

scene before them.

The bed, the floor, were all covered in drops of fresh blood.

Especially on the sheets and covers, a bright red mess.

Letitia’s hospital gown was soaked in blood, and her neck bore a thin wound that was still bleeding!

And more horrifyingly, Elgin had a knife in his hand!

He wasn’t holding the handle, but the blade!

“What, what…” the doctors stammered

“Take care of her first,” Elgin commanded, “What are you waiting for!”

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“Alright, alright… Finally snapping to action, the doctor hurried to bandage Letitias wound.

It seemed Letitia had the most blood on her, the most frightening appearance, pale with a blank


In reality, her injuries were the lightest.

The wound on her neck was just a scratch, it didn’t even need a bandage, just some antiseptic would

do, and she had no other injuries.

After the doctor had quickly treated Letitia and turned to look at Elgin

“Good heavens the doctor exclaimed, “Such a deep wound””

Elgin’s palm was a mess, with two spots… where you could even see the white of his bones!

After all, he had stopped Letitia’s suicide attempt by grabbing the blade with his hand!

It took immense strength to prevent it! The stronger the grip, the deeper the cut!

“Stop making a fuss, Elgin said, expressionless, “Come and treat it. While he spoke, his eyes darted

carefully to Letitia, worrying that the sight of his bloodied hand might unsettle her.

He’d been so scared at the time that he’d completely forgotten about the pain. Now that he was

relaxed, he didn’t want to show his pain, to avoid making Letitia worry unnecessarily.

The doctor, looking serious, knelt by Elgin’s feet and began to treat the wound.

One blood-soaked cotton ball after another was tossed into the trash can, quickly filling it up.

Throughout, Elgin didn’t utter a single cry of pain, he just occasionally glanced at Letitia.

Letitia was just zoning out on the hospital bed, looking totally spaced out. No telling what was going

through her mind.

Half an hour later, the doctor let out a big sigh of relief, “Alrighty, Mr. Ramirez, you gotta try not to get

your hand wet for a month. And try not to lift anything heavy.”

“Uh-huh, he acknowledged, “How is she doing?”

*Mrs. Ramirez just got some superficial injuries… nothing major, she’ll be fine.”